iberezovskiy 97ce1bd053 Upgrade OpenStack puppet modules in fuel-library
Implements: blueprint upgrade-openstack-puppet-modules

Change-Id: I3208379603184343f60463d868b60841a7d91b27
2015-06-23 13:24:47 +03:00

7.5 KiB

Sync OpenStack puppet modules from upstream


This blueprint is about how we are going to sync upstream OpenStack puppet modules and their dependencies into fuel-library.

Problem description

Current versions of Fuel-library OpenStack and some base modules is Juno-based and these versions are not appropriate to deploy OpenStack Kilo release and OpenStack from master. Our puppet code has increasing code divergence with upstream. To better support of current OpenStack release we should keep our puppets synced this upstream manifests. Also there are a lot of local to Fuel fixes for issues in puppet modules which should be contributed to upstream.

Proposed change

In order to achieve better stability in Fuel and benefit the community, we would like to merge our Puppet modules from upstream. This process involves merging core OpenStack components and their dependencies first, then updating Fuel specific components/HA architecture second according to changes in first step.

One of the ways to support deployment of current OpenStack release is to have puppet modules synced to the latest stable versions. The idea is to have current stable release of OpenStack puppet modules and then work with upstream master to minimize difference. This requires contribution of Fuel specific changes to upstream. Final goal is to use and support upstream modules for Fuel deployment.

Moving from outdated manifests to the newest stable versions has several important advantages:

  • Latest releases of puppet modules support all OpenStack component functionality, including new options, features, configurations and deployment schemes.
  • Using latests puppet modules decreases the code diverge between upstream sources and forked modules and partially addresses the technical dept accumulated from the latest sync iteration based on the versions 4.1.x mostly.
  • Having small difference between upstream and fuel-library OpenStack modules lets make easier transitions between Fuel releases.
  • Fuel specific changes is going to be revised and that makes easier the process of contributing them to upstream.


Leave manifests as is. Fix issues in our manifests instead of getting fixes from Upstream.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Upgrade impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Deployers will get full functionality of latest stable puppet module. This will allow to use features and options implemented in upstream for current OpenStack release without objectionable workarounds in modular classes.

Developer impact



Implementation is going to be fairly simple. We are going to use latest stable version (tag) of each module. For OpenStack modules we are focused on version 6.0.0 which supports stable/kilo OpenStack. Now this branch is not released yet, so we are using current master of upstream puppet modules, and then branch will be released, we will add additional patches.

Each module will be tested according to the following testing flow:

  • Testing node should have puppet-3.4 installed
  • Run base noop tests for module
  • Replace old module in fuel-library and run fuel-library noop tests
  • Adapt usage of new puppet module in fuel-library. This will require updates in modular puppet scripts and in 'openstack' module.
  • Rake fuel library noop testing
  • Test real deployment
  • Run BVT and Swarm tests

Then this module should be sent on review according following workflow:

  1. First patch contains only module sync changes. Fuel CI will be disabled for such patches.
  2. Next patch is adaptation of this module to the fuel deployment scheme: this patch should contain changes in module like:
    • cherry-pick of some commits from master branch of module
    • some custom updates in module
    • fixes for issues in 'modular' and 'openstack' classes
    • custom changes which were merged after previous sync as adaptation should be processed using following workflow:
      • changes which are merged in upstream or outdated should be revised
      • changes which are not present in upstream should be merged as adaptation part. Also such changes if they are not Fuel specific should be send on review to upstream
  • Each particular change must be covered with fuel library rake noop tests so that we do not lose any changes

Workflow for new OpenStack modules (e.g. openstacklib):

We should fork same version (6.0.0) to fuel-library and continuously update it according to changes in core OpenStack puppet modules. Our Deployment Puppet Team will be responsible for that.

Our QA team should be involved to create:

  • Automation tests
  • Add these tests to BVT and Swarm to have good code coverage

Every task for module preparation will be tracked in Trello board: https://trello.com/b/epRiNHz6/mos-puppets


Primary assignee:

Ivan Berezovskiy

Other contributors:

Aleksandr Didenko Alexey Deryugin Bartłomiej Piotrowski Bogdan Dobrelya Denis Egorenko Maxim Yatsenko Sergey Kolekonov Sergii Golovatiuk Vasyl Saienko

Mandatory Reviewers:

Aleksandr Didenko Bogdan Dobrelya Dmitry Ilyin Sergey Vasilenko Sergii Golovatiuk Vladimir Kuklin


Nastya Urlapova Timur Nurlygayanov

Work Items

Trello board for the feature is here: https://trello.com/b/epRiNHz6/mos-puppets

Implementation plan

Step #1:

Upgrade base puppet modules:

  • stdlib
  • ssh
  • concat
  • mysql
  • xinetd
Step #2:

Modules which should be removed:

  • puppetmaster
  • qpid
  • epel
  • anacron
Step #3:

Add new modules:

  • galera
  • openstacklib
Step #4:

Upgrade OpenStack modules:

  • keystone
  • nova
  • neutron
  • glance
  • heat
  • ceilometer
  • cinder
  • swift
  • sahara
  • mongodb
  • murano
  • horizon
Step #5:

Merge following modules into 'cluster' module:

  • ceilometer_ha
  • heat_ha
Step #6:

Integrate 'ironic' module:




Feature is considered completed as soon as there is no deployment tests failing. This feature should be mostly considered as task for puppet modules upgrade, thus not affecting functionality of the deployed cloud at all.

Additional tests should be added only for ironic deployment as it's required in blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/fuel-integrate-ironic

Documentation Impact

Process of development is not going to be drastically changed. Documentation should have notes that puppet modules was updated accorting to the latest appropriate version for Openstack Kilo release.

Commit changes for Ironic module sync and adapt should have DocImpact tag.


  1. Blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/upgrade-openstack-puppet-modules
  2. Trello board https://trello.com/b/epRiNHz6/mos-puppets
  3. Etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/fuel_puppet_modules_upgrade