
11 KiB

Decouple Fuel and OpenStack tasks


Given the current development patterns in OpenStack we hard tie fuel to the version of OpenStack that it was developed for. However given our own patterns, and the availability or even stability of the next OpenStack release we only switch to and propose possibly breaking changes with the prior version very late in the development cycle. This support can often be maintained with minimal effort into the next release.

Operators often find reason to use the latest versions of fuel for enhancements in fuel being able to support features that where already available in previous versions of OpenStack (DVR, SR-IOV, hugepages, granular ssl, etc...) However they may need to continue to use one of these older releases. Instead of back-porting features from a more recent release, operators could leverage the newer features of fuel with the previously supported OpenStack release.

Problem description

As a deployment engineer, I want to be able to take advantage of the latest features in fuel and the previous release of OpenStack (given the fuel features are supported)

As a fuel developer, I want to be able to test my changes on fuel against a stable version of OpenStack in order to minimize churn to implement my changes

As a fuel developer, I want to be able to test my changes against the next version of OpenStack to get a sense of support for the changes

Currently, we have tight coupling between the tasks that configure and install a specific version of OpenStack and the remaining tasks in fuel, this creates a hard relationship between the version of OpenStack and fuel. Untangling this in the current state is remarkably difficult and leads to a full fork, and quickly results in the loss of feature parity.

There is already an existing method that is close to this which is a byproduct of the upgrade process. The difference between the "upgrade" strategy and decoupling the current fuel and open stack releases.

The present "upgrade" method relies on:

  • previous version of serializer
  • previous version of release meatdata
  • previous version of openstack install (puppet-openstack modules)
  • previous version of fuel components (fuel-library components, cluster, pacemaker, haproxy, rabbit, db, High availability, huge pages, etc...)
  • previous version of fuel tasks for everything fuel and openstack (osnailyfacter)
  • previous version of network manager, volume manager, etc...

The result is, that there are no features from the new version of fuel, there is no functional difference between a cluster installed with fuel 8.0 release, and a cluster that was deployed loading the all of the components of the prior release into the fuel 9.0.

The intent here is that by increasing the separation between 'fuel' and 'openstack' bits (we already have the puppet-modules separated) we can enable others to be able to take advantage of new features and enhancements in fuel, while consuming an older version of openstack

Proposed changes

We will separate the tasks and their entry puppet/shell code between those generic to fuel and those specific to openstack. This will allow for an interested party to refactor the OpenStack tasks to work with their desired version of fuel and openstack.

To help visualize the separation, we will end up with a scheme that would be considered:

  • osailyfacter/modular/ - (fuel-9.0) would contain generic tasks, and is intended to stay in the fuel-library repo
  • openstack_tasks - (mitaka-9.0) would contain openstack specific tasks and will eventually move into its own repo.

osnailyfacter/modular/* currently contains a mix of version specific and generic tasks. By splitting these apart, we easily version one while keeping another. (Since deployment tasks are found by effectively find /etc/puppet/<release> -name tasks.yaml they can be present anywhere in the puppet modules directory.)

Initially, we will prepare these by moving them into a directory structure out side of osnailyfacter, to prepare it as its own module. At the same time we should start cutting any remaining tasks apart that contain both version and version-less changes in them.

Once we have a good handle on the separation of the tasks, they would be moved to their own repository as a puppet module. We can pull this back into the fuel-library package by adding the desired version to Puppetfile.

Puppetfile will need to be broken into parts so that it is also easy to separate modules that are tightly coupled between OpenStack versions and those that are shared across many versions.

The OpenStack version explicit module declarations should be part of the Puppetfile for the new openstack_tasks module. update_modules.sh and remove_modules.sh shall be updated to fetch deployment/Puppetfile and then fetch deployment/puppet/openstack_tasks/Puppetfile. This will allow for the puppet-openstack module links to be updated along with the tasks that belong to them.

Web UI



No changes are required, we can use existing release model as-is

Data model

No changes in tree. User will be able to register a release that will have call custom version combination using existing interfaces





RPC Protocol


Fuel Client



Plugins will continue to function as intended, they can already specify fuel and release version support separately.

Fuel Library

We will start separating the tasks that directly interact with the puppet-openstack, and other openstack version specific calls.

normally tasks are most often found in:


We can start moving them to a separate module location, openstack_tasks This location should attempt to follow puppet module syntax and while changing tasks as little as possible (another spec is proposed to make them actual valid modules)

example structure for new tasks folder:

  examples/neutron/{tasks.yaml, *.pp, etc...}
  examples/keystone/{tasks.yaml, *.pp, etc...}

We will also move the puppet-openstack modules from the main Puppetfile to this folder|repo's Puppetfile.


While its possible to consume the previous releases serializers, this also means that the entire composition layer must come from that version as well. In this regard a newer version of fuel could deploy an older version of openstack, but it will lack support for any of the newer features in fuel and won't meet the acceptance criteria.

Its also possible to case in all of the conditions directly in the composition layer, however this is highly undesired due to the high maintenance burden.

Upgrade impact

No negative impact is expected.

Security impact


Notifications impact


End user impact

After End user installs custom release, user will be able to select a release according to the existing methods already present in the fuel-web and python-fuelclient interfaces.

Performance impact


Deployment impact

None beyond what has been expressed.

Developer impact

Fuel-library developers will need to be conscious of the proper task location and maintain separation of function between the sets of tasks.

A developer-user whom intends to use this entry point will need to be aware that in order to ensure the highest level of features from the recent fuel version, they would need to fork the version repo, and back port changes from the newer versions of the tasks

Infrastructure impact

New parameters would need to be added to the spec for building the fuel-library package so that it can build it as expected when the folder/repo is overloaded.

new repo for OpenStack specific parts of fuel-library, openstack_tasks.

(If development was for fuel 9.0 and OpenStack Mitaka)

during development, the master branch reflects the current state of what is supported as current default combination of Fuel and OpenStack. Early in the development cycle, this represents development version of fuel (9.0) and the previous version of OpenStack (Liberty). Later, once the changes are made to switch this version to the next OpenStack it would target fuel 9.0 and OpenStack Mitaka. To this end, just as we branch master at SCF we should tag when we switch between OpenStack versions, this would allow for a interested party to pick up at the last usable spot, and not have to work from scratch to work with the latest fuel and the prior OpenStack.

Branching flow:

  • master - follows current development supported combination
  • stable/Liberty-9.0 - forked at the last point that Liberty was supported in master
  • stable/Mitaka-9.0 - forked at SCF as would be normal

Documentation impact

How-to will need to be written

An abstract of using this separation would look like:

  • create a fork of the mitaka-9.0 tasks
  • alter your Puppetfile to point to the desired puppet-openstack modules
  • adapt these tasks to work with the versions of puppet-openstack modules you are using, effectively mixing the inputs from the newer tasks with the calls from an older version of them.
  • build a new fuel-library package (or use source) for kilo-9.0
  • create a new release (nailgun) that is a clone of the mitaka-9.0 release, altering the version string kilo-9.0, alter the repo locations to point to your desired packages
  • sync tasks in nailgun
  • create env
  • deploy
  • ???
  • profit!



Primary assignee:

Andrew Woodward<xarses>

Other contributors:

<launchpad-id or None>

Mandatory design review:

<launchpad-id or None>

Work Items

  • Move tasks only containing openstack calls into a single folder
  • Separate tasks that contain a mix of openstack, and other module calls
  • Move this repo to a separate repo (most likely not in 9.0, but early against 10)
  • Update the build process of the fuel-library package to be able to switch the openstack tasks repo
  • Update fuel-dev guide to indicate separation of the tasks locations



Testing, QA

Existing testing is sufficient to cover the scope of this change as this will follow the same pattern as the puppet-openstack modules being managed by Puppetfile.

Acceptance criteria

Able to install fuel with a custom fuel-library and release bundle, and select an older version of OpenStack while taking advantage of the latest features of fuel



Example fork of Kilo and 9.0 https://github.com/xarses/fuel-library/tree/9-Kilo