
1734 lines
61 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Cluster-related objects and collections
import copy
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
import itertools
import six
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql as psql
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import MultipleResultsFound
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from nailgun import consts
from nailgun.db import db
from nailgun.db.sqlalchemy import models
from nailgun import errors
from nailgun.extensions import callback_wrapper
from nailgun.extensions import fire_callback_on_cluster_create
from nailgun.extensions import fire_callback_on_cluster_delete
from nailgun.extensions import fire_callback_on_cluster_patch_attributes
from nailgun.extensions import fire_callback_on_node_collection_delete
from nailgun.logger import logger
from nailgun.objects import DeploymentGraph
from nailgun.objects import NailgunCollection
from nailgun.objects import NailgunObject
from nailgun.objects.plugin import ClusterPlugin
from nailgun.objects import Release
from nailgun.objects.serializers.cluster import ClusterSerializer
from nailgun.plugins.manager import PluginManager
from nailgun.policy.merge import NetworkRoleMergePolicy
from nailgun.settings import settings
from nailgun.utils import AttributesGenerator
from nailgun.utils import dict_merge
from nailgun.utils import dict_update
from nailgun.utils import text_format_safe
from nailgun.utils import traverse
class Attributes(NailgunObject):
"""Cluster attributes object."""
#: SQLAlchemy model for Cluster attributes
model = models.Attributes
def generate_fields(cls, instance):
"""Generate field values for Cluster attributes using generators.
:param instance: Attributes instance
:returns: None
instance.generated = traverse(
instance.generated or {},
'cluster': instance.cluster, 'settings': settings,
'generator': AttributesGenerator.evaluate
# TODO(ikalnitsky):
# Think about traversing "editable" attributes. It might be very
# useful to generate default values for editable attribute at
# cluster creation time.
def merged_attrs(cls, instance):
"""Generates merged dict of attributes
Result includes generated Cluster attributes recursively updated
by new values from editable attributes
:param instance: Attributes instance
:returns: dict of merged attributes
return dict_merge(
def merged_attrs_values(cls, instance):
"""Transforms raw dict of attributes into dict of facts
Raw dict is taken from :func:`merged_attrs`
The result of this function is a dict of facts that wil be sent to
:param instance: Attributes instance
:returns: dict of merged attributes
attrs = cls.merged_attrs(instance)
for group_attrs in six.itervalues(attrs):
for attr, value in six.iteritems(group_attrs):
if isinstance(value, dict) and 'value' in value:
group_attrs[attr] = value['value']
if 'common' in attrs:
if 'additional_components' in attrs:
for comp, enabled in six.iteritems(attrs['additional_components']):
if isinstance(enabled, bool):
attrs.setdefault(comp, {}).update({
"enabled": enabled
return attrs
class Cluster(NailgunObject):
"""Cluster object."""
#: SQLAlchemy model for Cluster
model = models.Cluster
#: Serializer for Cluster
serializer = ClusterSerializer
def create(cls, data):
"""Create Cluster instance with specified parameters in DB.
This includes:
* creating Cluster attributes and generating default values \
(see :func:`create_attributes`)
* creating NetworkGroups for Cluster
* adding default pending changes (see :func:`add_pending_changes`)
* if "nodes" are specified in data then they are added to Cluster \
(see :func:`update_nodes`)
:param data: dictionary of key-value pairs as object fields
:returns: Cluster instance
# TODO(enchantner): fix this temporary hack in clients
if "release_id" not in data:
release_id = data.pop("release", None)
data["release_id"] = release_id
# remove read-only attribute
data.pop("is_locked", None)
assign_nodes = data.pop("nodes", [])
enabled_editable_attributes = None
if 'components' in data:
enabled_core_attributes = cls.get_cluster_attributes_by_components(
data['components'], data["release_id"])
data = dict_merge(data, enabled_core_attributes['cluster'])
enabled_editable_attributes = enabled_core_attributes['editable']
data["fuel_version"] = settings.VERSION["release"]
deployment_tasks = data.pop("deployment_tasks", [])
cluster = super(Cluster, cls).create(data)
cls.create_attributes(cluster, enabled_editable_attributes)
# default graph should be created in any case
DeploymentGraph.create_for_model({"tasks": deployment_tasks}, cluster)
cluster, consts.CLUSTER_CHANGES.attributes)
cluster, consts.CLUSTER_CHANGES.vmware_attributes)
fire_callback_on_cluster_create(cluster, data)
if assign_nodes:
cls.update_nodes(cluster, assign_nodes)
return cluster
def get_cluster_attributes_by_components(cls, components, release_id):
"""Enable cluster attributes by given components
:param components: list of component names
:type components: list of strings
:param release_id: Release model id
:type release_id: str
:returns: dict -- objects with enabled attributes for cluster
def _update_attributes_dict_by_binds_exp(bind_exp, value):
"""Update cluster and attributes data with bound values
:param bind_exp: path to specific attribute for model in format
model:some.attribute.value. Model can be
:type bind_exp: str
:param value: value for specific attribute
:type value: bool|str|int
:returns: None
model, attr_expr = bind_exp.split(':')
if model not in ('settings', 'cluster'):
path_items = attr_expr.split('.')
path_items.insert(0, model)
attributes = cluster_attributes
for i in six.moves.range(0, len(path_items) - 1):
attributes = attributes.setdefault(path_items[i], {})
attributes[path_items[-1]] = value
release = Release.get_by_uid(release_id)
cluster_attributes = {}
for component in Release.get_all_components(release):
if component['name'] in components:
for bind_item in component.get('bind', []):
if isinstance(bind_item, six.string_types):
_update_attributes_dict_by_binds_exp(bind_item, True)
elif isinstance(bind_item, list):
return {
'editable': cluster_attributes.get('settings', {}),
'cluster': cluster_attributes.get('cluster', {})
@callback_wrapper('cluster_delete', ['instance'])
def delete(cls, instance):
"""Delete cluster.
:param instance: Cluster model instance
:type instance: models.Cluster
node_ids = [
_id for (_id,) in
super(Cluster, cls).delete(instance)
def get_default_kernel_params(cls, instance):
kernel_params = instance.attributes.editable.get("kernel_params", {})
return kernel_params.get("kernel", {}).get("value")
def create_attributes(cls, instance, editable_attributes=None):
"""Create attributes for Cluster instance, generate their values
(see :func:`Attributes.generate_fields`)
:param instance: Cluster instance
:param editable_attributes: key-value dictionary represents editable
attributes that will be merged with default editable attributes
:returns: None
merged_editable_attributes = \
if editable_attributes:
merged_editable_attributes = dict_merge(
merged_editable_attributes, editable_attributes)
attributes = Attributes.create(
"editable": merged_editable_attributes,
"generated": instance.release.attributes_metadata.get(
"cluster_id": instance.id
return attributes
def create_default_extensions(cls, instance):
"""Sets default extensions list from release model
:param instance: Cluster instance
:returns: None
instance.extensions = instance.release.extensions
def get_default_editable_attributes(cls, instance):
"""Get editable attributes from release metadata
:param instance: Cluster instance
:returns: Dict object
editable = instance.release.attributes_metadata.get("editable")
# Add default attributes of connected plugins
plugin_attrs = PluginManager.get_plugins_attributes(
instance, all_versions=True, default=True)
editable = dict(plugin_attrs, **editable)
editable = traverse(
formatter_context={'cluster': instance, 'settings': settings},
keywords={'generator': AttributesGenerator.evaluate}
return editable
def get_attributes(cls, instance, all_plugins_versions=False):
"""Get attributes for current Cluster instance.
:param instance: Cluster instance
:param all_plugins_versions: Get attributes of all versions of plugins
:returns: dict
attrs = db().query(models.Attributes).filter(
models.Attributes.cluster_id == instance.id
except MultipleResultsFound:
raise errors.InvalidData(
u"Multiple rows with attributes were found for cluster '{0}'"
except NoResultFound:
raise errors.InvalidData(
u"No attributes were found for cluster '{0}'"
attrs = copy.deepcopy(attrs)
# Merge plugins attributes into editable ones
plugin_attrs = PluginManager.get_plugins_attributes(
instance, all_versions=all_plugins_versions)
plugin_attrs = traverse(
formatter_context={'cluster': instance, 'settings': settings},
keywords={'generator': AttributesGenerator.evaluate}
return attrs
def get_editable_attributes(cls, instance, all_plugins_versions=False):
"""Get editable attributes for current Cluster instance.
:param instance: Cluster instance
:param all_plugins_versions: Get attributes of all versions of plugins
:return: dict
return cls.get_attributes(instance, all_plugins_versions)['editable']
def update_attributes(cls, instance, data):
PluginManager.process_cluster_attributes(instance, data['editable'])
for key, value in six.iteritems(data):
setattr(instance.attributes, key, value)
cls.add_pending_changes(instance, "attributes")
def update_role(cls, instance, role):
"""Update existing Cluster instance with specified role.
Previous ones are deleted.
:param instance: a Cluster instance
:param role: a role dict
:returns: None
old_role = instance.roles_metadata.get(role['name'], {})
instance.roles_metadata[role['name']] = role['meta']
if old_role:
deleted_tags = set(old_role['tags']) - set(role['meta']['tags'])
for tag in deleted_tags:
cls.remove_primary_tag(instance, tag)
'volumes_roles_mapping', {}).update(
{role['name']: role.get('volumes_roles_mapping', [])})
# notify about changes
def remove_role(cls, instance, role_name):
result = instance.roles_metadata.pop(role_name, None)
instance.volumes_metadata['volumes_roles_mapping'].pop(role_name, None)
# notify about changes
return bool(result)
def update_tag(cls, instance, tag):
"""Update existing Cluster instance with specified tag.
Previous ones are deleted.
:param instance: a Cluster instance
:param tag: a tag dict
:returns: None
instance.tags_metadata[tag['name']] = tag['meta']
def remove_tag(cls, instance, tag_name):
res = instance.tags_metadata.pop(tag_name, None)
if tag_name not in instance.release.tags_metadata:
cls.remove_tag_from_roles(instance, tag_name)
cls.remove_primary_tag(instance, tag_name)
return bool(res)
def remove_tag_from_roles(cls, instance, tag_name):
for role, meta in six.iteritems(cls.get_own_roles(instance)):
tags = meta.get('tags', [])
if tag_name in tags:
def _create_public_map(cls, instance, roles_metadata=None):
if instance.network_config.configuration_template is not None:
from nailgun import objects
public_map = {}
for node in instance.nodes:
public_map[node.id] = objects.Node.should_have_public(
node, roles_metadata)
return public_map
def patch_attributes(cls, instance, data):
"""Applyes changes to Cluster attributes and updates networks.
:param instance: Cluster object
:param data: dict
roles_metadata = Cluster.get_roles(instance)
# Note(kszukielojc): We need to create status map of public networks
# to avoid updating networks if there was no change to node public
# network after patching attributes
public_map = cls._create_public_map(instance, roles_metadata)
PluginManager.process_cluster_attributes(instance, data['editable'])
instance.attributes.editable = dict_merge(
instance.attributes.editable, data['editable'])
cls.add_pending_changes(instance, "attributes")
fire_callback_on_cluster_patch_attributes(instance, public_map)
def get_updated_editable_attributes(cls, instance, data):
"""Same as get_editable_attributes but also merges given data.
:param instance: Cluster object
:param data: dict
:returns: dict
attributes = {'editable': dict_merge(
data.get('editable', {})
# plugin attributes should be updated with values to provide
# consitency between new data and plugin attributes data from DB
return attributes
def get_network_manager(cls, instance=None):
"""Get network manager for Cluster instance.
If instance is None then the default NetworkManager is returned
:param instance: Cluster instance
:returns: NetworkManager/NovaNetworkManager/NeutronManager
if not instance:
from nailgun.extensions.network_manager.manager import \
return NetworkManager
ver = instance.release.environment_version
net_provider = instance.net_provider
if net_provider == consts.CLUSTER_NET_PROVIDERS.neutron:
from nailgun.extensions.network_manager.managers import neutron
if StrictVersion(ver) < StrictVersion('6.1'):
return neutron.NeutronManagerLegacy
if StrictVersion(ver) == StrictVersion('6.1'):
return neutron.NeutronManager61
if StrictVersion(ver) == StrictVersion('7.0'):
return neutron.NeutronManager70
if StrictVersion(ver) >= StrictVersion('8.0'):
return neutron.NeutronManager80
return neutron.NeutronManager
elif net_provider == consts.CLUSTER_NET_PROVIDERS.nova_network:
from nailgun.extensions.network_manager.managers import \
if StrictVersion(ver) < StrictVersion('6.1'):
return nova_network.NovaNetworkManagerLegacy
if StrictVersion(ver) == StrictVersion('6.1'):
return nova_network.NovaNetworkManager61
if StrictVersion(ver) == StrictVersion('7.0'):
return nova_network.NovaNetworkManager70
if StrictVersion(ver) >= StrictVersion('8.0'):
raise errors.NovaNetworkNotSupported()
return nova_network.NovaNetworkManager
raise ValueError(
'The network provider "{0}" is not supported.'
def add_pending_changes(cls, instance, changes_type, node_id=None):
"""Add pending changes for current Cluster.
If node_id is specified then links created changes with node.
:param instance: Cluster instance
:param changes_type: name of changes to add
:param node_id: node id for changes
:returns: None
u"New pending changes in environment {0}: {1}{2}".format(
u" node_id={0}".format(node_id) if node_id else u""
# TODO(enchantner): check if node belongs to cluster
ex_chs = db().query(models.ClusterChanges).filter_by(
if not node_id:
ex_chs = ex_chs.first()
ex_chs = ex_chs.filter_by(node_id=node_id).first()
# do nothing if changes with the same name already pending
if ex_chs:
ch = models.ClusterChanges(
if node_id:
ch.node_id = node_id
def get_nodes_not_for_deletion(cls, cluster):
"""All clusters nodes except nodes for deletion."""
return db().query(models.Node).filter_by(
cluster=cluster, pending_deletion=False).order_by(models.Node.id)
def clear_pending_changes(cls, instance, node_id=None):
"""Clear pending changes for current Cluster.
If node_id is specified then only clears changes connected
to this node.
:param instance: Cluster instance
:param node_id: node id for changes
:returns: None
u"Removing pending changes in environment {0}{1}".format(
u" where node_id={0}".format(node_id) if node_id else u""
chs = db().query(models.ClusterChanges).filter_by(
if node_id:
chs = chs.filter_by(node_id=node_id)
for ch in chs.all():
def update(cls, instance, data):
"""Update Cluster object instance with specified parameters in DB
If "nodes" are specified in data then they will replace existing ones
(see :func:`update_nodes`)
:param instance: Cluster instance
:param data: dictionary of key-value pairs as object fields
:returns: Cluster instance
# remove read-only attributes
data.pop("fuel_version", None)
data.pop("is_locked", None)
nodes = data.pop("nodes", None)
changes = data.pop("changes", None)
deployment_tasks = data.pop("deployment_tasks", None)
super(Cluster, cls).update(instance, data)
if deployment_tasks:
deployment_graph_instance = DeploymentGraph.get_for_model(instance)
deployment_graph_instance, {"tasks": deployment_tasks})
if nodes is not None:
cls.update_nodes(instance, nodes)
if changes is not None:
cls.update_changes(instance, changes)
return instance
def update_nodes(cls, instance, nodes_ids):
"""Update Cluster nodes by specified node IDs
Nodes with specified IDs will replace existing ones in Cluster
:param instance: Cluster instance
:param nodes_ids: list of nodes ids
:returns: None
from nailgun import objects
# TODO(NAME): sepatate nodes
# for deletion and addition by set().
new_nodes = []
if nodes_ids:
new_nodes = db().query(models.Node).filter(
nodes_to_remove = [n for n in instance.nodes
if n not in new_nodes]
nodes_to_add = [n for n in new_nodes
if n not in instance.nodes]
for node in nodes_to_add:
if not node.online:
raise errors.NodeOffline(
u"Cannot add offline node "
u"'{0}' to environment".format(node.id)
# we should reset hostname to default value to guarantee
# hostnames uniqueness for nodes outside clusters
for node in nodes_to_remove:
node.hostname = objects.Node.default_slave_name(node)
for node in nodes_to_add:
net_manager = cls.get_network_manager(instance)
for node in nodes_to_remove:
cls.replace_provisioning_info_on_nodes(instance, {}, nodes_to_remove)
cls.replace_deployment_info_on_nodes(instance, {}, nodes_to_remove)
for node in nodes_to_add:
cls.update_nodes_network_template(instance, nodes_to_add)
def update_changes(cls, instance, changes):
instance.changes_list = [
models.ClusterChanges(**change) for change in changes
def get_ifaces_for_network_in_cluster(cls, cluster, net):
"""Method for receiving node_id:iface pairs for all nodes in cluster
:param instance: Cluster instance
:param net: Nailgun specific network name
:type net: str
:returns: List of node_id, iface pairs for all nodes in cluster.
nics_db = db().query(
bonds_db = db().query(
return nics_db.union(bonds_db)
def replace_provisioning_info_on_nodes(cls, instance, data, nodes):
if isinstance(data, list):
data = {n.get('uid'): n for n in data}
for node in nodes:
node.replaced_provisioning_info = data.get(node.uid, {})
def replace_deployment_info_on_nodes(cls, instance, data, nodes):
if isinstance(data, list):
data = {n.get('uid'): n for n in data}
for node in nodes:
node_data = data.get(node.uid, [])
# replaced deployment info for node should be list
# because before in previous versions of nailgun
# node info will be per role, not per node
if isinstance(node_data, dict):
node_data = [node_data]
node.replaced_deployment_info = node_data
def replace_provisioning_info(cls, instance, data):
received_nodes = data.pop('nodes', [])
instance.is_customized = True
instance.replaced_provisioning_info = data
instance, received_nodes, instance.nodes)
return cls.get_provisioning_info(instance)
def replace_deployment_info(cls, instance, data):
instance.is_customized = True
instance.replaced_deployment_info = data.get('common', {})
instance, data.get('nodes', {}), instance.nodes
return cls.get_deployment_info(instance)
def get_provisioning_info(cls, instance):
data = {}
if instance.replaced_provisioning_info:
nodes = []
for node in instance.nodes:
if node.replaced_provisioning_info:
if data:
data['nodes'] = nodes
return data
def get_deployment_info(cls, instance):
nodes = []
for node in instance.nodes:
if node.replaced_deployment_info:
data = {}
if nodes:
data['nodes'] = nodes
if instance.replaced_deployment_info:
data['common'] = instance.replaced_deployment_info
return data
def get_creds(cls, instance):
return instance.attributes.editable['access']
def should_assign_public_to_all_nodes(cls, instance):
"""Check if Public network is to be assigned to all nodes in cluster
:param instance: cluster instance
:returns: True when Public network is to be assigned to all nodes
if instance.net_provider == \
return True
assignment = instance.attributes.editable.get(
if not assignment or assignment['assign_to_all_nodes']['value']:
return True
return False
def neutron_dvr_enabled(cls, instance):
neutron_attrs = instance.attributes.editable.get(
if neutron_attrs:
return neutron_attrs['neutron_dvr']['value']
return False
def dpdk_enabled(cls, instance):
# Had to do this due to issues with modules imports in current
# nailgun __init__.py which cannot be resolved easily
from nailgun.objects import Node
if Release.is_nfv_supported(instance.release):
for node in cls.get_nodes_not_for_deletion(instance):
if Node.dpdk_enabled(node):
return True
return False
def get_roles(cls, instance):
"""Returns a dictionary of node roles available for deployment.
:param instance: cluster instance
:returns: a dictionary of roles metadata
available_roles = copy.deepcopy(cls.get_own_roles(instance.release))
return available_roles
def get_roles_by_tag(cls, tag_name, instance):
roles = set()
for role, meta in six.iteritems(cls.get_own_roles(instance)):
if tag_name in meta.get('tags', {}):
return roles
def get_own_roles(cls, instance):
return instance.roles_metadata
def get_own_tags(cls, instance):
return instance.tags_metadata
def remove_primary_tag(cls, instance, tag):
node = cls.get_primary_node(instance, tag)
if node:
def set_primary_tag(cls, instance, nodes, tag):
"""Method for assigning primary attribute for specific tag.
:param instance: Cluster db objects
:param nodes: list of Node db objects
:param tag: string with known tag name
from nailgun.objects import Node
node = cls.get_primary_node(instance, tag)
if not node:
# get nodes with a given role name which are not going to be
# removed
filtered_nodes = []
for node in nodes:
if (not node.pending_deletion and (
tag in Node.get_tags(node))):
filtered_nodes = sorted(filtered_nodes, key=lambda node: node.id)
if filtered_nodes:
primary_node = next((
node for node in filtered_nodes
if node.status == consts.NODE_STATUSES.ready),
def set_primary_tags(cls, instance, nodes):
"""Assignment of all primary attribute for all tags that requires it.
This method is idempotent
To mark tag as primary add "has_primary: true" attribute to tag meta
:param instance: Cluster db object
:param nodes: list of Node db objects
if not instance.is_ha_mode:
tags_meta = cls.get_tags_metadata(instance)
for role, meta in six.iteritems(cls.get_roles(instance)):
for tag in meta.get('tags', []):
if tags_meta[tag].get('has_primary'):
cls.set_primary_tag(instance, nodes, tag)
def get_nodes_by_role(cls, instance, role_name):
"""Get nodes related to some specific role
:param instance: cluster db object
:type: python object
:param role_name: node role name
:type: string
from nailgun.objects import Node
if role_name not in cls.get_roles(instance):
logger.warning("%s role doesn't exist", role_name)
return []
return Node.get_nodes_by_role([instance.id], role_name).all()
def get_node_by_role(cls, instance, role_name):
from nailgun.objects import Node
return Node.get_nodes_by_role([instance.id], role_name).first()
def get_nodes_by_status(cls, instance, status, exclude=None):
"""Get cluster nodes with particular status
:param instance: cluster instance
:param status: node status
:param exclude: the list of uids to exclude
:return: filtered query on nodes
query = db().query(models.Node).filter_by(
if exclude:
query = query.filter(sa.not_(models.Node.id.in_(exclude)))
return query
def get_primary_node(cls, instance, tag):
"""Get primary node for tag
If primary node is not found None will be returned
:param instance: cluster db object
:type: python object
:param tag: node tag name
:type: string
:returns: node db object or None
logger.debug("Getting primary node for tag: %s", tag)
primary_node = db().query(models.Node).filter_by(
if primary_node is None:
logger.debug("Not found primary node for tag: %s", tag)
logger.debug("Found primary node: %s for tag: %s",
primary_node.id, tag)
return primary_node
def get_controllers_group_id(cls, instance):
return cls.get_controllers_node_group(instance).id
def get_controllers_node_group(cls, instance):
return cls.get_common_node_group(instance, ['controller'])
def get_common_node_group(cls, instance, noderoles):
"""Returns a common node group for a given node roles.
If a given node roles have different node groups, the error
will be raised, so it's mandatory to have them the same
node group.
:param instance: a Cluster instance
:param noderoles: a list of node roles
:returns: a common NodeGroup instance
nodegroups = cls.get_node_groups(instance, noderoles).all()
if not nodegroups:
return None
if len(nodegroups) > 1:
raise errors.CanNotFindCommonNodeGroup(
'Node roles [{0}] has more than one common node group'.format(
', '.join(noderoles)))
return nodegroups[0]
def get_node_groups(cls, instance, noderoles):
"""Returns node groups for given node roles.
:param instance: a Cluster instance
:param noderoles: a list of node roles
:returns: a query for list of NodeGroup instances
psql_noderoles = sa.cast(
nodegroups = db().query(models.NodeGroup).join(models.Node).filter(
models.Node.cluster_id == instance.id,
return nodegroups
def get_default_group(cls, instance):
return next(g for g in instance.node_groups if g.is_default)
def create_default_group(cls, instance):
node_group = models.NodeGroup(name=consts.NODE_GROUPS.default,
return node_group
def get_own_deployment_graph(
cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Return only cluster own deployment graph.
:param instance: models.Cluster instance
:type instance: models.Cluster
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:type graph_type: basestring|None
:return: deployment tasks list
:rtype: list[dict]
cluster_deployment_graph = DeploymentGraph.get_for_model(
instance, graph_type=graph_type)
if cluster_deployment_graph:
graph_metadata = DeploymentGraph.get_metadata(
graph_metadata['tasks'] = DeploymentGraph.get_tasks(
graph_metadata = {'tasks': []}
return graph_metadata
def get_own_deployment_tasks(
cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Return only cluster own deployment graph.
:param instance: models.Cluster instance
:type instance: models.Cluster
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:type graph_type: basestring|None
:return: deployment tasks list
:rtype: list[dict]
return cls.get_own_deployment_graph(instance, graph_type)['tasks']
def get_plugins_deployment_graph(
cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Get merged deployment tasks for plugins enabled to given cluster.
:param instance: models.Cluster instance
:type instance: models.Cluster
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:type graph_type: basestring|None
:return: deployment tasks list
:rtype: list[dict]
return PluginManager.get_plugins_deployment_graph(
instance, graph_type=graph_type)
def get_plugins_deployment_tasks(
cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Get merged deployment tasks for plugins enabled to given cluster.
:param instance: models.Cluster instance
:type instance: models.Cluster
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:type graph_type: basestring|None
:return: deployment tasks list
:rtype: list[dict]
return PluginManager.get_plugins_deployment_tasks(
instance, graph_type=graph_type)
def get_release_deployment_graph(
cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Get merged deployment graph for release related to the cluster.
:param instance: models.Cluster instance
:type instance: models.Cluster
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:type graph_type: basestring|None
:return: deployment tasks list
:rtype: list[dict]
return Release.get_deployment_graph(
instance.release, graph_type=graph_type)
def get_release_deployment_tasks(
cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Get merged deployment tasks for release related to the cluster.
:param instance: models.Cluster instance
:type instance: models.Cluster
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:type graph_type: basestring|None
:return: deployment tasks list
:rtype: list[dict]
return Release.get_deployment_tasks(
instance.release, graph_type=graph_type)
def _merge_tasks_lists(cls, tasks_lists):
"""Merge several tasks lists.
Every next list will override tasks in previous one by `task_name` key.
:param tasks_lists: tasks lists is order of increasing priority
task from next will override task in previous
if ID is same
:type tasks_lists: list[list]
:return: merged list
:rtype: list[dict]
result = []
seen = set()
for task in itertools.chain(*reversed(tasks_lists)):
if not task['id'] in seen:
return result
def get_deployment_graph(cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Return deployment graph for cluster considering release and plugins.
:param instance: models.Cluster instance
:type instance: models.Cluster
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:type graph_type: basestring|None
:return: deployment graph which includes metadata and tasks
:rtype: dict
if graph_type is None:
release_deployment_graph = cls.get_release_deployment_graph(
instance, graph_type=graph_type)
plugins_deployment_graph = cls.get_plugins_deployment_graph(
instance, graph_type=graph_type)
cluster_deployment_graph = cls.get_own_deployment_graph(
instance, graph_type=graph_type)
tasks = cls._merge_tasks_lists([
graph_metadata = {}
# added metadata from each type of graphs according
# to merge priority
dict_update(graph_metadata, release_deployment_graph)
dict_update(graph_metadata, plugins_deployment_graph)
dict_update(graph_metadata, cluster_deployment_graph)
graph_metadata['tasks'] = tasks
graph_metadata['type'] = graph_type
return graph_metadata
def get_deployment_tasks(cls, instance, graph_type=None):
"""Return deployment tasks for cluster considering release and plugins.
:param instance: models.Cluster instance
:type instance: models.Cluster
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:type graph_type: basestring|None
:return: deployment tasks list
:rtype: list[dict]
return cls.get_deployment_graph(instance, graph_type)['tasks']
def get_legacy_plugin_tasks(cls, instance):
"""Get legacy deployment tasks from tasks.yaml."""
return PluginManager.get_legacy_tasks_for_cluster(instance)
def get_refreshable_tasks(cls, instance, filter_by_configs=None,
"""Return list of refreshable tasks
If 'filter_by_configs' specified then only tasks needed to update
these config resources will be returned as a result, otherwise
all refreshable tasks will be returned
:param instance: a Cluster instance
:param filter_by_configs: a list with configs resources
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:return: list of tasks
if filter_by_configs:
filter_by_configs = set(filter_by_configs)
tasks = []
for task in cls.get_deployment_tasks(instance, graph_type):
refresh_on = task.get(consts.TASK_REFRESH_FIELD)
if (refresh_on
and (filter_by_configs is None
or filter_by_configs.intersection(set(refresh_on)))):
return tasks
def get_tags_metadata(cls, instance):
"""Return proper tags metadata for cluster
Metadata consists of general tags metadata from release,
tags metadata from cluster and tags metadata from
plugins which are enabled for this cluster.
:param instance: Cluster DB instance
:returns: dict -- object with merged tags metadata
tags_meta = dict(instance.release.tags_metadata)
cluster_tags_meta = instance.tags_metadata
plugins_tags_meta = PluginManager.get_tags_metadata(instance)
return tags_meta
def get_volumes_metadata(cls, instance):
"""Return proper volumes metadata for cluster
Metadata consists of general volumes metadata from release,
volumes metadata from cluster and volumes metadata from
plugins which are related to this cluster.
:param instance: Cluster DB instance
:returns: dict -- object with merged volumes metadata
def _update_volumes_meta(to_update, data):
to_update.get('volumes_roles_mapping', {}).update(
data.get('volumes_roles_mapping', {}))
to_update.get('volumes', []).extend(
data.get('volumes', []))
to_update.setdefault('rule_to_pick_boot_disk', []).extend(
data.get('rule_to_pick_boot_disk', []))
volumes_metadata = copy.deepcopy(
cluster_volumes = instance.volumes_metadata
_update_volumes_meta(volumes_metadata, cluster_volumes)
plugin_volumes = PluginManager.get_volumes_metadata(instance)
_update_volumes_meta(volumes_metadata, plugin_volumes)
return volumes_metadata
def create_vmware_attributes(cls, instance):
"""Store VmwareAttributes instance into DB."""
vmware_metadata = instance.release.vmware_attributes_metadata
if vmware_metadata:
return VmwareAttributes.create(
"editable": vmware_metadata.get("editable"),
"cluster_id": instance.id
return None
def get_create_data(cls, instance):
"""Return common parameters cluster was created with.
This method is compatible with :func:`create` and used to create
a new cluster with the same settings including the network
:returns: a dict of key-value pairs as a cluster create data
data = {
"name": instance.name,
"mode": instance.mode,
"net_provider": instance.net_provider,
"release_id": instance.release.id,
return data
def get_vmware_attributes(cls, instance):
"""Get VmwareAttributes instance from DB.
Now we have relation with cluster 1:1.
return db().query(models.VmwareAttributes).filter(
models.VmwareAttributes.cluster_id == instance.id
def get_default_vmware_attributes(cls, instance):
"""Get metadata from release with empty value section."""
editable = instance.release.vmware_attributes_metadata.get("editable")
editable = traverse(
formatter_context={'cluster': instance, 'settings': settings},
keywords={'generator': AttributesGenerator.evaluate}
return editable
def update_vmware_attributes(cls, instance, data):
"""Update Vmware attributes.
Actually we allways update only value section in editable.
metadata = instance.vmware_attributes.editable['metadata']
value = data.get('editable', {}).get('value')
vmware_attr = {
'metadata': metadata,
'value': value
setattr(instance.vmware_attributes, 'editable', vmware_attr)
cls.add_pending_changes(instance, "vmware_attributes")
return vmware_attr
def is_vmware_enabled(cls, instance):
"""Check if current cluster supports vmware configuration."""
attributes = cls.get_editable_attributes(instance)
return attributes.get('common', {}).get('use_vcenter', {}).get('value')
def adjust_nodes_lists_on_controller_removing(instance, nodes_to_delete,
"""Adds controllers to nodes_to_deploy if deleting other controllers
:param instance: instance of SqlAlchemy cluster
:param nodes_to_delete: list of nodes to be deleted
:param nodes_to_deploy: list of nodes to be deployed
if instance is None:
controllers_ids_to_delete = set([n.id for n in nodes_to_delete
if 'controller' in n.all_roles])
if controllers_ids_to_delete:
ids_to_deploy = set([n.id for n in nodes_to_deploy])
controllers_to_deploy = set(
filter(lambda n: (n.id not in controllers_ids_to_delete
and n.id not in ids_to_deploy
and 'controller' in n.all_roles),
def get_repo_urls(self, instance):
repos = instance.attributes.editable['repo_setup']['repos']['value']
return tuple(set([r['uri'] for r in repos]))
def get_nodes_to_spawn_vms(cls, instance):
nodes = []
for node in cls.get_nodes_by_role(instance,
for vm in node.vms_conf:
if not vm.get('created'):
return nodes
def set_vms_created_state(cls, instance):
nodes = cls.get_nodes_by_role(instance, consts.VIRTUAL_NODE_TYPES.virt)
for node in nodes:
for vm in node.vms_conf:
if not vm.get('created'):
vm['created'] = True
# notify about changes
def get_network_roles(
cls, instance, merge_policy=NetworkRoleMergePolicy()):
"""Method for receiving network roles for particular cluster
:param instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
:param merge_policy: the policy to merge same roles
:returns: List of network roles' descriptions
return PluginManager.get_network_roles(instance, merge_policy)
def set_network_template(cls, instance, template):
instance.network_config.configuration_template = template
cls.update_nodes_network_template(instance, instance.nodes)
if template is None:
net_manager = cls.get_network_manager(instance)
for node in instance.nodes:
def update_nodes_network_template(cls, instance, nodes):
from nailgun.objects import Node
template = instance.network_config.configuration_template
for node in nodes:
Node.apply_network_template(node, template)
def get_nodes_ids(cls, instance):
return [x[0] for x in db().query(models.Node.id).filter(
models.Node.cluster_id == instance.id).all()]
def get_vips(cls, instance):
net_roles = cls.get_network_roles(instance)
cluster_vips = []
for nr in net_roles:
return cluster_vips
def get_assigned_roles(cls, instance):
"""Get list of all roles currently assigned to nodes in cluster
:param instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
:returns: List of node roles currently assigned
pending_roles = db().query(
pending_roles = [pr[0] for pr in pending_roles]
roles = db().query(
roles = [r[0] for r in roles]
return set(pending_roles + roles)
def is_network_modification_locked(cls, instance):
"""Checks whether network settings can be modified or deleted.
The result depends on the current status of cluster.
return instance.is_locked
def is_component_enabled(cls, instance, component):
"""Checks is specified additional component enabled in cluster
:param instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
:param component: name of additional component
:returns: The result depends on current component status in settings
return bool(instance.attributes.editable['additional_components'].
get((component), {}).get('value'))
def get_nodes_to_update_config(cls, cluster, node_ids=None, node_role=None,
"""Get nodes for specified cluster that should be updated.
Configuration update can be executed for all nodes in the cluster,
or for single node, or for all nodes with specified role.
If :param only_ready_nodes set by True function returns list of nodes
that will be updated during next config update execution.
If :param only_ready_nodes set by False function returns list of all
nodes that will finally get an updated configuration.
query = cls.get_nodes_not_for_deletion(cluster)
if only_ready_nodes:
query = query.filter_by(status=consts.NODE_STATUSES.ready)
if node_ids:
query = query.filter(models.Node.id.in_(node_ids))
elif node_role:
query = query.filter(
return query.all()
def prepare_for_deployment(cls, instance, nodes=None):
"""Shortcut for NetworkManager.prepare_for_deployment.
:param instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
:param nodes: the list of Nodes, None means for all nodes
instance, instance.nodes if nodes is None else nodes
def has_compute_vmware_changes(cls, instance):
"""Checks if any 'compute-vmware' nodes are waiting for deployment.
:param instance: cluster for checking
:type instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
compute_vmware_nodes_query = db().query(models.Node).filter_by(
return db().query(compute_vmware_nodes_query.exists()).scalar()
def get_operational_vmware_compute_nodes(cls, instance):
return db().query(models.Node).filter_by(
def is_task_deploy_enabled(cls, instance):
"""Tests that task based deploy is enabled.
:param instance: cluster for checking
:type instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
attrs = cls.get_editable_attributes(instance)
return attrs['common'].get('task_deploy', {}).get('value')
def is_propagate_task_deploy_enabled(cls, instance):
"""Tests that task based deployment propagation enabled.
:param instance: cluster for checking
:type instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
attrs = cls.get_editable_attributes(instance)
return attrs['common'].get('propagate_task_deploy', {}).get('value')
# FIXME(aroma): remove updating of 'deployed_before'
# when stop action is reworked. 'deployed_before'
# flag identifies whether stop action is allowed for the
# cluster. Please, refer to [1] for more details.
# [1]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1529691
def set_deployed_before_flag(cls, instance, value):
"""Change value for before_deployed if needed
:param instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
:param value: new value for flag
:type value: bool
generated = copy.deepcopy(instance.attributes.generated)
if 'deployed_before' not in generated:
# NOTE(aroma): this is needed for case when master node has
# been upgraded and there is attempt to re/deploy previously
# existing clusters. As long as setting the flag is temporary
# solution data base migration code should not be mangled
# in order to support it
generated['deployed_before'] = {'value': value}
elif generated['deployed_before']['value'] != value:
generated['deployed_before']['value'] = value
instance.attributes.generated = generated
def get_nodes_count_unmet_status(cls, instance, status):
"""Gets the number of nodes, that does not have specified status.
:param instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
:param status: the expected status
:return: the number of nodes that does not have specified status
q = db().query(models.Node).filter_by(cluster_id=instance.id)
return q.filter(models.Node.status != status).count()
def get_network_attributes(cls, instance):
# use local import to avoid recursive imports
from nailgun.extensions.network_manager.objects.serializers import \
if instance.net_provider == consts.CLUSTER_NET_PROVIDERS.nova_network:
serializer = \
serializer = \
return serializer.serialize_for_cluster(instance)
def get_restrictions_models(cls, instance, attrs=None):
"""Return models which are used in restrictions mechanism
:param instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
:param attrs: models' settings will be overwritten with this value
:return: dict with models
return {
'settings': attrs or cls.get_editable_attributes(instance),
'cluster': instance,
'version': settings.VERSION,
'networking_parameters': instance.network_config,
def is_dpdk_supported_for_segmentation(cls, instance):
return (instance.network_config.segmentation_type in
class ClusterCollection(NailgunCollection):
"""Cluster collection."""
#: Single Cluster object class
single = Cluster
class VmwareAttributes(NailgunObject):
model = models.VmwareAttributes
def get_nova_computes_attrs(attributes):
return attributes.get('value', {}).get(
'availability_zones', [{}])[0].get('nova_computes', [])
def get_nova_computes_target_nodes(cls, instance):
"""Get data of targets node for all nova computes.
:param instance: nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models.Cluster instance
:returns: list of dicts that represents nova compute targets
nova_compute_target_nodes = []
for nova_compute in cls.get_nova_computes_attrs(instance.editable):
target = nova_compute['target_node']['current']
if target['id'] != 'controllers':
return nova_compute_target_nodes