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Ability to import an image in multiple stores
Despite the Image service supports several back ends for storing virtual machine image, the import workflow only allow to push image data in one store. The goal of this spec is to allow this workflow to import image data into multiple stores and avoid the operator to manually copy data and update image locations.
Problem description
At the moment, the import workflow only allow to push image data in one store. As a result, operators today need to perform a number of manual steps in order to replicate image bits on backend glance stores despite using the 'enabled_backends' configuration option.
An operator provides an Openstack cloud with different sites, each with their local stores which nova hosts are accessing directly (Ceph).
This operator use multiple stores support and want its images to be available in each store to prevent the images to be downloaded through glance each time a new virtual machine is created and let Nova use COW.
For this purpose, when creating a new image, he needs to use the import workflow to store image data in store. Since the image is now in status "ACTIVE", he can't use the import workflow anymore and need to manually upload data in store2 to storeN and register these others locations URL using the glance API.
Since glance supports multi stores, it should propose a feature to upload image data into these stores at once to facilitate operators' work.
Proposed change
This spec proposes the following high level feature to support multiple stores import:
- Enhance the image import API to support targeting a list of stores for the image bits.
The idea is to provide a new 'stores' array field in the json payload where the user will list all stores he wants to import its data in (example: ['ceph_fast', 'ceph_cheap']).
If an unavailable store is submitted, the Api should reject the request.
If user or operator wants to import the image to all the enabled stores then it might be difficult or overhead to specify all the stores in the list. For that purpose a boolean field 'all_stores' will be provided.
- If set to false (default behavior), we use the logic previously described.
- If set to true, the data will be imported to the set of stores you may consume from this particular deployment of Glance (ie: the same set of stores returned to a call to /v2/info/stores on the glance-api the request hits). This can't be used simultaneously with the 'stores' parameter. If user submits both, the Api should reject the request.
Another boolean field, 'all_stores_must_succeed', will be added in the payload to specify which error behavior the user wants to be applied:
- If this field is set to 'true' (default behavior) and an error occurs during the upload in at least one store, the request should be rejected, the data deleted from stores (not staging), and the state of the image remains the same. The status of the image will be set to 'ACTIVE' only when the request is fully executed and successful.
- If this field is set to 'false', the request will fail (data deleted from stores, ...) only if the upload fails on all stores specified by the user. In case of a partial success, the locations added to the image will be the stores where the data has been correctly uploaded. The status of the image will be set to 'ACTIVE' as soon as an upload in one store is fully executed and successful.
Image locations will be updated each time an upload in a store succeed (with informations from this store).
Users will be able to follow task progress by looking at 2 reserved image properties:
- os_glance_importing_to_stores: This property contains a list of stores that has not yet been processed. At the beginning of the import flow, it will be filled with the stores provided in the request. Each time a store is fully handled, it will be removed from the list.
- os_glance_failed_import: Each time an import in a store fails, it is added to this list. This property is emptied at the beginning of the import flow.
If the image is deleted during the process of the request, import to remaining stores will not be processed and already uploaded data should be deleted.
Current location strategies modules shouldn't be affected by theses changes as we don't change the behavior of the image locations. It is currently possible to do the same by patching an image and specify a list of locations.
In the same vein, as it is already an option to choose a store when using import workflow, there is no need to add a new policy to restrict the import in multiple stores.
An alternative to this solution would be to allow to import data on an image with status 'ACTIVE'. This will be the subject of another spec.
Data model impact
REST API impact
This spec proposes the following API changes:
Modified APIs
- Import an image.
Common Response Codes
Normal http response code: 202
- 202: Accepted
Expected error http response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409, 410
- 400: Bad Request with details.
- 401: Unauthorized
- 404: Not Found (image doesn't exist or is not owned by the caller)
- 409: Conflict (image is not in appropriate status)
- 410: Gone (image deleted while operation in progress)
API Version
This change will require minor version bump. All URLS will be under the v2 Glance API. If it is not explicitly specified assume /v2/<url>
[Modified API] Import image to the store
Import image to the store:
POST /v2/images/{image_id}/import
This modifies the existing REST API to add three new optional body fields. For backwards compatibility, if the 'stores' parameter is not specified, the header 'X-Image-Meta-Store' is evaluated. If neither parameter i.e. 'X-Image-Meta-Store' header and 'stores' are specified then the store configured as default (e.g. default_backend) is used to upload the image to. If both parameters are supplied, or 'all_stores' parameter is set to true and 'X-Image-Meta-Store' header or 'stores' are set, the request will be rejected as Bad Request (ie: http 400).
New body fields:
- stores -- (String Array) If present contains the list of store id to import the image binary data to.
- all_stores -- (Boolean, default to false) If set to true, the data will be imported in all configured stores. If set to false, 'stores' and/or 'X-Image-Meta-Store' are evaluated.
- all_stores_must_succeed -- (Boolean, default to true) If set to false, the task will fail only if import fails in all specified stores. If set to true, the task will fail if import fails in one of the mentioned store.
Changed response codes:
- 400 -- If the 'stores' field is present, but specifies a list of store id with at least one id that doesn't exist or is read-only (like http). Or, if any two or more of the three 'all_stores':'true', 'stores', 'X-Image-Meta-Store' are specified.
Example curl usage:
curl -i -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"method":{"name":"glance-direct"},
"stores": ["ceph1", "ceph2"],
"all_stores_must_succeed": false}'
Security impact
Notifications impact
When going through the image import workflow, the payload sent during notification stages already contains a field "backend" which contains the store specified by the user when using multiple backend support. Notifications should be sent for each store asked by the user containing the status of the upload to that particular store. The new properties will be added to the notification payload.
An operator calls the import image api with the following parameters:
curl -i -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"method": {"name":"glance-direct"},
"stores": ["ceph1", "ceph2"],
"all_stores_must_succeed": false}'
The upload fails for 'ceph2' but succeed on 'ceph1'. Since the parameter 'all_stores_must_succeed' has been set to 'false', the task ends successfully and the image is now active.
Notifications sent by glance should look like (payload is truncated for clarity):
"priority": "INFO",
"event_type": "image.prepare",
"timestamp": "2019-08-27 16:10:30.066867",
"payload": {"status": "importing",
"name": "example",
"backend": "ceph1",
"os_glance_importing_to_stores": ["ceph1", "ceph2"],
"os_glance_failed_import": [],
"message_id": "1c8993ad-e47c-4af7-9f75-fa49596eeb10",
"priority": "INFO",
"event_type": "image.upload",
"timestamp": "2019-08-27 16:11:30.058812",
"payload": {"status": "active",
"name": "example",
"backend": "ceph1",
"os_glance_importing_to_stores": ["ceph2"],
"os_glance_failed_import": [],
"message_id": "8b8993ad-e47c-4af7-9f75-fa49596eeb11",
"priority": "INFO",
"event_type": "image.prepare",
"timestamp": "2019-08-27 16:10:30.066867",
"payload": {"status": "importing",
"name": "example",
"backend": "ceph2",
"os_glance_importing_to_stores": ["ceph2"],
"os_glance_failed_import": [],
"message_id": "1c8993ad-e47c-4af7-9f75-fa49596eeb10",
"priority": "ERROR",
"event_type": "image.upload",
"timestamp": "2019-08-27 16:11:30.058812",
"payload": {"status": "active",
"name": "example",
"backend": "ceph2",
"os_glance_importing_to_stores": [],
"os_glance_failed_import": ["ceph2"],
"message_id": "8b8993ad-e47c-4af7-9f75-fa49596eeb11",
Other end user impact
Glance client
The glance client (CLI + REST client) must be updated in accordance with this spec. Notably:
- CLI / API support for specifying a list of store id on import.
- CLI / API support for specifying all_stores_must_succeed option on import.
Performance Impact
As we'll write data in multiple stores, this will increase the IO from the glance nodes in accordance of the number of stores specified. From the user point of view, the import workflow will also take more time depending on the stores where the upload are done.
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
Primary assignee:
- yebinama
Core reviewer(s):
- jokke
Work Items
Implementation tasks may consist of:
- Image import with a list of stores supplied.
- Add python-glanceclient support
Appropriate unit and functional tests to ensure the changes to glance function correctly.
Documentation Impact
We'll need to ensure the glance docs are updated for:
- New body fields for image import.