Delete the legacy sqlalchemy-migrate-based migrations and related tooling. Part of blueprint remove-sqlalchemy-migrate Change-Id: I88e64043f268b857de69f98a78c74c1ac6b02120 Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <stephenfin@redhat.com>
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Spec Lite: Remove sqlalchemy-migrate
- project
- problem
The sqlalchemy-migrate library is unmaintained and has been deprecated in favour of alembic. It is not compatible with sqlalchemy 2.0 and is issuing many warnings suggesting Python 3.10 compatibility may be in doubt. Glance switched to alembic for new migrations during the Ocata cycle and no longer needs to carry the old sqlalchemy-migrate-based migrations.
- solution
Remove the sqlalchemy-migrate-based migrations and related tooling.
- impacts
None. Users coming from a pre-Ocata deployment will need to deploy a pre-Xena glance before deploying Xena, but that's standard practice anyway.
- timeline
Xena milestone 3
- link
- assignee