Flavio Percoco e947af8386 Move implemented specs out of approved
Change-Id: Iabf74d73d6edb90b63d401ce52b9a442e82402db
Signed-off-by: Flavio Percoco <>
2016-03-01 11:12:26 -04:00

9.0 KiB

Prevention of Unauthorized errors during upload/download in Swift driver

This change proposal introduces a new mechanism for uploading/downloading chunked files to Swift store, that prevents possible 401 errors if user token expires during the image upload/download. It helps to improve the reliability of image uploads and downloads by providing the ability to re-authenticate the user during the process, thereby enhancing the stability of the entire system.

Problem description

There are several shortcomings in the current Swift driver implementation:

1. In case of upload. If an uploading into Swift file exceeds user-set size limit, then the file is split into chunks and each chunk is uploaded with single PUT request as an independent object. These requests require authorization and, unfortunately, it may happen that user token expires in interim chunk, which will lead to an Unauthorized error and fail of upload.

2. In case of download. Because Swift driver supports "retrying" mechanism, it may happen, that in case of unsuccessful operation there will be another attempt to download the file. However, if the token has expired after the previous attempt, the new one will fail, too, with Unauthorized error.

These issues are typical for both, SingleTenant and MultiTenant implementations, although the decisions in both cases will be different.

Proposed change

It's proposed to change workflows of uploading and downloading files into Swift in the following manner:

  1. Prerequisites:

New optional dependency from python_keystoneclient has been added for Swift backend in glance_store. The additional layer (later 'ConnectionManager') between swift store and swiftclient connections will be added. ConnectionManager will be responsible for initializing keystone client and requesting swift client connections (if needed). ConnectionManager executes re-authentication if connection token is going to expire soon and re-authentication has been enabled. If re-authentication is not enabled ConnectionManager always returns the same connection (no connection refresh). If re-authentication is enabled, ConnectionManager requests all pre-requisites that allow to request the new token:

  • for single-tenant store: glance service user credentials (auth_url, domain, username, password, project). All required credentials stored in StoreLocation object that passed to the Store so there is no need for the new parameters or config options.

  • for multi-tenant store: trust id, glance service user credentials ( username, project, password). Service user credentials will be extracted from swift_store_config_file or (swift_store_user, swift_store_key) config options. So there is no need for new configuration options. trust_id will be created as a result of the following steps:

    1. initialize keystone client scoped to user token
    2. request user roles using keystone client from 1)
    3. initialize keystone client scoped to glance service user project (use username and password to create Password auth plugin) and request user_id of the service user.
    4. create trust using the client from 1), user roles from 2) and user_id from 3). Store trust_id in ConnectionManager.

After that ConnectionManager initializes and stores keystone client. Keystone client provides a method to request new valid token from Identity service. ConnectionManager can use that token to build a new Swift Connection.

Note If client cannot be created because of some reason then glance_store raises an exception (for single-tenant) or uses token from user context(for multi-tenant).

Additionally the method called 'init_client' need to be added to store and it will be responsible for initializing of keystone client.

  1. Upload case.

    Note All these changes will apply only to the chunked upload. If the upload is performed as a single request, it will use the old workflow.

    In general, the following scenario is proposed:

    1. Before the upload glance_store identifies if image need to be chunked. In case of chunked image glance_store initializes ConnectionManager that support re-authentication.

    2. Before uploading each chunk, ConnectionManager checks if re-authentication is enabled and the token will expire soon (it uses 'will_expire_soon' method of authentication plugin and swift_store_expire_soon_interval value to define when the token needs to be requested). If the previous condition is true then ConnectionManager requests new token and creates new swiftclient connection. That connection will be used for uploading the chunk. Note 'will_expire_soon' used because glance_store might lose the data if request to swiftclient fail with Unauthorized error. Unfortunately, requests library starts reading the data before checking the token so we cannot retry the requests after failure. More specifically, the requests library doesn't support 100-continue.

  2. Download case.

    In general, the following scenario is proposed:

    1. Before the download, glance_store identifies if swift_retry_get_count is positive. It the option value is positive glance_store initializes ConnectionManager that allows to re-authenticate and initialize a new connection. Otherwise, ConnectionManager always returns the same swift connection.

    2. In the case of unsuccessful download of the file, before the retry, ConnectionManager checks if re-authentication is enabled and connection token is going to expire soon. If the previous condition is true ConnectionManager requests new token and returns new connection.

    1. Glance executes download retry normally.


At least one workaround for the whole functionality is available: extend token expiration time to allow Glance upload the image. This solution affects all services and it does not look like long term solution.

Also there are several workarounds of this issue, but they work for SingleTenant implementation only, because for MultiTenant case valid user token is required:

1. Introduce a wrapper around image data, in the shape of a reader class called BufferedReader, that supports 'seek' and 'tell' operations, which buffers the image segment by tee-ing image data to a temporary file as it's being uploaded to Swift. It's stated as optional resource-consuming solution that is used when connection between Glance and Swift is unstable, because it helps not only Unauthorized errors.

2. An alternative is to use memory buffering instead of disk buffering. With memory buffering, there'll be a substantial increase in the memory footprint, which may degrade the API performance. Also, disk is a cheaper resource than memory but not necessarily faster.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

Keystone V3 should be supported to properly use trusts mechanism.

Performance Impact

If image file is too big then glance_store need to create trust and initialize client for every upload to multi-tenant store. The same needs to be done if swift_retry_get_count is positive and user is downloading an image from swift store in multi-tenant mode.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact

The following blueprint defines buffered reader for swift driver: It describes buffered reader that allows to retry image upload in case of failure. It may seem that this blueprint overlaps with Upload case in this specification but it is different. The goal of this specification is to provide a swiftclient connection with valid token to the user. Buffered reader is responsible for retrying the upload with the original user token.



mfedosin kkushaev dshakhray


flaper87 stuart-mclaren

Work Items

  • Implement ConnectionManager class
  • Use ConnectionManager to request connections in 'add' and 'get' method of Swift store





Documentation Impact

One configuration option: will_expire_soon interval needs to be described in documentation. It defines period of time before token expiration when ConnectionManager must request new token and initialize new connection.


Trusts blueprint:

Buffered reader blueprint: