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Configuring Glance
Glance has a number of options that you can use to configure the Glance API server, the Glance Registry server, and the various storage backends that Glance can use to store images.
Most configuration is done via configuration files, with the Glance API server and Glance Registry server using separate configuration files.
When starting up a Glance server, you can specify the configuration file to use (see the documentation on controller Glance servers). If you do not specify a configuration file, Glance will look in the following directories for a configuration file, in order:
The Glance API server configuration file should be named
. Similarly, the Glance Registry server
configuration file should be named glance-registry.conf
. If
you installed Glance via your operating system's package management
system, it is likely that you will have sample configuration files
installed in /etc/glance
In addition to this documentation page, you can check the
sample configuration files
distributed with Glance for example configuration files for each server
application with detailed comments on what each options does.
Common Configuration Options in Glance
Glance has a few command-line options that are common to all Glance programs:
Optional. Default: False
Can be specified on the command line and in configuration files.
Turns on the INFO level in logging and prints more verbose command-line interface printouts.
Optional. Default: False
Can be specified on the command line and in configuration files.
Turns on the DEBUG level in logging.
Optional. Default: None
Specified on the command line only.
Takes a path to a configuration file to use when running the program. If this CLI option is not specified, then we check to see if the first argument is a file. If it is, then we try to use that as the configuration file. If there is no file or there were no arguments, we search for a configuration file in the following order:
The filename that is searched for depends on the server application
name. So, if you are starting up the API server,
is searched for, otherwise
Configuring Logging in Glance
There are a number of configuration options in Glance that control how Glance servers log messages.
Optional. Default: None
Specified on the command line only.
Takes a path to a configuration file to use for configuring logging.
Logging Options Available Only in Configuration Files
You will want to place the different logging options in the
[DEFAULT] section in your application configuration
file. As an example, you might do the following for the API server, in a
configuration file called etc/glance-api.conf
log_file = /var/log/glance/api.log
The filepath of the file to use for logging messages from Glance's
servers. If missing, the default is to output messages to
, so if you are running Glance servers in a daemon
mode (using glance-control
) you should make sure that the
option is set appropriately.
The filepath of the directory to use for log files. If not specified
(the default) the log_file
is used as an absolute
The format string for timestamps in the log output.
Defaults to %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
. See the logging module
documentation for more information on setting this format string.
Configuring Glance Storage Backends
There are a number of configuration options in Glance that control
how Glance stores disk images. These configuration options are specified
in the glance-api.conf
config file in the section
Optional. Default: file
Can only be specified in configuration files.
Sets the storage backend to use by default when storing images in
Glance. Available options for this option are (file
, or s3
Configuring the Filesystem Storage Backend
Optional. Default: /var/lib/glance/images/
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the filesystem storage backend.
Sets the path where the filesystem storage backend write disk images.
Note that the filesystem storage backend will attempt to create this
directory if it does not exist. Ensure that the user that
runs under has write permissions to this
Configuring the Swift Storage Backend
Required when using the Swift storage backend.
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the Swift storage backend.
Sets the authentication URL supplied to Swift when making calls to its storage system. For more information about the Swift authentication system, please see the Swift auth documentation and the overview of Swift authentication.
Required when using the Swift storage backend.
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the Swift storage backend.
Sets the user to authenticate against the
Required when using the Swift storage backend.
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the Swift storage backend.
Sets the authentication key to authenticate against the
with for the user
Optional. Default: glance
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the Swift storage backend.
Sets the name of the container to use for Glance images in Swift.
Optional. Default: False
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the Swift storage backend.
If true, Glance will attempt to create the container
if it does not exist.
Configuring the S3 Storage Backend
Required when using the S3 storage backend.
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the S3 storage backend.
Default: s3.amazonaws.com
Sets the main service URL supplied to S3 when making calls to its storage system. For more information about the S3 authentication system, please see the S3 documentation
Required when using the S3 storage backend.
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the S3 storage backend.
Sets the access key to authenticate against the
You should set this to your 20-character Amazon AWS access key.
Required when using the S3 storage backend.
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the S3 storage backend.
Sets the secret key to authenticate against the
with for the access key
You should set this to your 40-character Amazon AWS secret key.
Required when using the S3 storage backend.
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the S3 storage backend.
Sets the name of the bucket to use for Glance images in S3.
Note that the namespace for S3 buckets is global, and therefore you must use a name for the bucket that is unique. It is recommended that you use a combination of your AWS access key, lowercased with "glance".
For instance if your Amazon AWS access key is:
then make your bucket value be:
Optional. Default: False
Can only be specified in configuration files.
This option is specific to the S3 storage backend.
If true, Glance will attempt to create the bucket
if it does not exist.
Configuring the Glance Registry
Glance ships with a default, reference implementation registry
server. There are a number of configuration options in Glance that
control how this registry server operates. These configuration options
are specified in the glance-registry.conf
config file in
the section [DEFAULT]
when specified on command line)
Optional. Default: None
Can be specified in configuration files. Can also be specified on the
command-line for the glance-manage
Sets the SQLAlchemy connection string to use when connecting to the registry database. Please see the documentation for SQLAlchemy connection strings online.
on command line)
Optional. Default: 3600
Can only be specified in configuration files.
Sets the number of seconds after which SQLAlchemy should reconnect to the datastore if no activity has been made on the connection.
Configuring Notifications
Glance can optionally generate notifications to be logged or sent to
a RabbitMQ queue. The configuration options are specified in the
config file in the section
Optional. Default: noop
Sets the strategy used for notifications. Options are
, rabbit
and noop
. For
more information Glance notifications <notifications>
Optional. Default: localhost
Host to connect to when using rabbit
Optional. Default: 5672
Port to connect to when using rabbit
Optional. Default: false
Boolean to use SSL for connecting when using rabbit
Optional. Default: guest
Userid to use for connection when using rabbit
Optional. Default: guest
Password to use for connection when using rabbit
Optional. Default: /
Virtual host to use for connection when using rabbit
Optional. Default: glance_notifications
Topic to use for connection when using rabbit