Add dev docs to describe how Glance database migrations must be written for zero-downtime upgrades using Alembic. Change-Id: Ic8b21d2cc1e42f3e1478973df0f80792e5098f90
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Writing Database Migrations for Zero-Downtime Upgrades
Beginning in Ocata, OpenStack Glance uses Alembic, which replaced SQLAlchemy
Migrate as the database migration engine. Moving to Alembic is particularly
motivated by the zero-downtime upgrade work. Refer to [GSPEC1]_ and [GSPEC2]_
for more information on zero-downtime upgrades in Glance and why a move to
Alembic was deemed necessary.
Stop right now and go read [GSPEC1]_ and [GSPEC2]_ if you haven't done so
already. Those documents explain the strategy Glance has approved for database
migrations, and we expect you to be familiar with them in what follows. This
document focuses on the "how", but unless you understand the "what" and "why",
you'll be wasting your time reading this document.
Prior to Ocata, database migrations were conceived as monoliths. Thus, they
did not need to carefully distinguish and manage database schema expansions,
data migrations, or database schema contractions. The modern database
migrations are more sensitive to the characteristics of changes being
attempted and thus we clearly identify three phases of a database migration:
(1) expand, (2) migrate, and (3) contract. A developer modifying the Glance
database must supply a script for each of these phases.
Here's a quick reminder of what each phase entails.
For more information, see [GSPEC1]_.
Expand migrations MUST be additive in nature. Expand migrations
should be seen as the minimal set of schema changes required by the new
services that can be applied while the old services are still running.
Expand migrations should optionally include temporary database triggers that
keep the old and new columns in sync. If a database change needs data to be
migrated between columns, then temporary database triggers are required to
keep the columns in sync while the data migrations are in-flight.
.. note::
Sometimes there could be an exception to the additive-only change
strategy for expand phase. It is described more elaborately in [GSPEC1]_.
Again, consider this as a last reminder to read [GSPEC1]_, if you haven't
already done so.
Data migrations MUST NOT attempt any schema changes and only move existing
data between old and new columns such that new services can start consuming
the new tables and/or columns introduced by the expand migrations.
Contract migrations usually include the remaining schema changes required by
the new services that couldn't be applied during expand phase due to their
incompatible nature with the old services. Any temporary database triggers
added during the expand migrations MUST be dropped with contract migrations.
Alembic Migrations
As mentioned earlier, starting in Ocata Glance database migrations must be
written for Alembic. All existing Glance migrations have been ported to
Alembic. They can be found here [GMIGS1]_.
Schema Migrations (Expand/Contract)
* All Glance schema migrations must reside in
``glance.db.sqlalchemy.alembic_migrations.versions`` package
* Every Glance schema migration must be a python module with the following
.. code::
"""<docstring describing the migration>
Revision ID: <unique revision id>
Revises: <parent revision id>
<your imports here>
revision = <unique revision id>
down_revision = <parent revision id>
depends_on = <id of dependent revision or None>
def upgrade():
<your schema changes here>
Identifiers ``revision``, ``down_revision`` and ``depends_on`` are
elaborated below.
* The ``revision`` identifier is a unique revision id for every migration.
It must conform to one of the following naming schemes.
All monolith migrations must conform to:
.. code::
<release name><two-digit sequence number per release>
And, all expand/contract migrations must conform to:
.. code::
<release name>_[expand|contract]<two-digit sequence number per release>
.. code::
Monolith migration: ocata01
Expand migration: ocata_expand01
Contract migration: ocata_contract01
This name convention is devised with an intention to easily understand the
migration sequence. While the ``<release name>`` mentions the release a
migration belongs to, the ``<two-digit sequence number per release>`` helps
identify the order of migrations within each release. For modern migrations,
the ``[expand|contract]`` part of the revision id helps identify the
revision branch a migration belongs to.
* The ``down_revision`` identifier MUST be specified for all Alembic migration
scripts. It points to the previous migration (or ``revision`` in Alembic
lingo) on which the current migration is based. This essentially
establishes a migration sequence very much a like a singly linked list would
(except that we use a ``previous`` link here instead of the more traditional
``next`` link.)
The very first migration, ``liberty`` in our case, would have
``down_revision`` set to ``None``. All other migrations must point to the
last migration in the sequence at the time of writing the migration.
For example, Glance has two migrations in Mitaka, namely, ``mitaka01``
and ``mitaka02``. The migration sequence for Mitaka should look like:
.. code::
* The ``depends_on`` identifier helps establish dependencies between two
migrations. If a migration ``X`` depends on running migration ``Y`` first,
then ``X`` is said to depend on ``Y``. This could be specified in the
migration as shown below:
.. code::
revision = 'X'
down_revision = 'W'
depends_on = 'Y'
Naturally, every migration depends on the migrations preceding it in the
migration sequence. Hence, in a typical branch-less migration sequence,
``depends_on`` is of limited use. However, this could be useful for
migration sequences with branches. We'll see more about this in the next
* All schema migration scripts must adhere to the naming convention
mentioned below:
.. code::
<unique revision id>_<very brief description>.py
.. code::
Monolith migration: ocata01_add_visibility_remove_is_public.py
Expand migration: ocata_expand01_add_visibility.py
Contract migration: ocata_contract01_remove_is_public.py
Dependency Between Contract and Expand Migrations
* To achieve zero-downtime upgrades, the Glance migration sequence has been
branched into ``expand`` and ``contract`` branches. As the name suggests,
the ``expand`` branch contains only the expand migrations and the
``contract`` branch contains only the contract migrations. As per the
zero-downtime migration strategy, the expand migrations are run first
followed by contract migrations. To establish this dependency, we make the
contract migrations explicitly depend on their corresponding expand
migrations. Thus, running contract migrations without running expansions is
not possible.
For example, the Community Images migration in Ocata includes the
experimental E-M-C migrations. The expand migration is ``ocata_expand01``
and the contract migration is ``ocata_contract01``. The dependency is
established as below.
.. code::
revision = 'ocata_contract01'
down_revision = 'mitaka02'
depends_on = 'ocata_expand01'
Every contract migration in Glance MUST depend on its corresponding expand
migration. Thus, the current Glance migration sequence looks as shown below:
.. code::
| |
| |
ocata_expand01 <------ ocata_contract01
^ ^
| |
| |
pike_expand01 <------ pike_contract01
Data Migrations
* All Glance data migrations must reside in
``glance.db.sqlalchemy.alembic_migrations.data_migrations`` package.
* The data migrations themselves are not Alembic migration scripts. And, hence
they don't require a unique revision id. However, they must adhere to a
similar naming convention discussed above. That is:
.. code::
<release name>_migrate<two-digit sequence number per release>_<very brief description>.py
.. code::
Data Migration: ocata_migrate01_community_images.py
* All data migrations modules must adhere to the following structure:
.. code::
def has_migrations(engine):
<your code to determine whether or not there are any pending rows to be
return <boolean>
def migrate(engine):
<your code to migrate rows in the database.>
return <number of rows migrated>
* Starting in Ocata, Glance needs every database migration to include both
monolithic and Expand-Migrate-Contract (E-M-C) style migrations. At some
point in Pike, E-M-C migrations will be made default. At that point, it
would be no longer required to include monolithic migration script.
* Alembic is a database migration engine written for SQLAlchemy. So, any
migration script written for SQLAlchemy Migrate should work with Alembic as
well provided the structural differences above (primarily adding
``revision``, ``down_revision`` and ``depends_on``) are taken care of.
Moreover, it maybe easier to do certain operations with Alembic.
Refer to [ALMBC]_ for information on Alembic operations.
* A given database change may not require actions in each of the expand,
migrate, contract phases, but nonetheless, we require a script for *each*
phase for *every* change. In the case where an action is not required, a
``no-op`` script, described below, MUST be used.
For instance, if a database migration is completely contractive in nature,
say removing a column, there won't be a need for expand and migrate
operations. But, including a ``no-op`` expand and migrate scripts will make
it explicit and also preserve the one-to-one correspondence between expand,
migrate and contract scripts.
A no-op expand/contract Alembic migration:
.. code::
"""An example empty Alembic migration script
Revision ID: foo02
Revises: foo01
revision = foo02
down_revision = foo01
def upgrade():
A no-op migrate script:
.. code::
"""An example empty data migration script"""
def has_migrations(engine):
return False
def migrate(engine):
return 0
.. [GSPEC1] `Database Strategy for Rolling Upgrades
.. [GSPEC2] `Glance Alembic Migrations
.. [GMIGS1] `Glance Alembic Migrations
.. [ALMBC] `Alembic Operations <http://alembic.zzzcomputing.com/en/latest/ops.html>`_