
14 KiB

Using the Glance CLI Tool

Glance ships with a command-line tool for querying and managing Glance It has a fairly simple but powerful interface of the form:

Usage: glance <command> [options] [args]

Where <command> is one of the following:

  • help

    Show detailed help information about a specific command

  • add

    Adds an image to Glance

  • update

    Updates an image's stored metadata in Glance

  • delete

    Deletes an image and its metadata from Glance

  • index

    Lists brief information about public images that Glance knows about

  • details

    Lists detailed information about public images that Glance knows about

  • show

    Lists detailed information about a specific image

  • clear

    Destroys all public images and their associated metadata

This document describes how to use the glance tool for each of the above commands.

The help command

Issuing the help command with a <COMMAND> argument shows detailed help about a specific command. Running glance without any arguments shows a brief help message, like so:

$> glance
Usage: glance <command> [options] [args]


    help <command>  Output help for one of the commands below

    add             Adds a new image to Glance

    update          Updates an image's metadata in Glance

    delete          Deletes an image from Glance

    index           Return brief information about images in Glance

    details         Return detailed information about images in

    show            Show detailed information about an image in

    clear           Removes all images and metadata from Glance

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Print more verbose output
                        Address of Glance API host. Default:
  -p PORT, --port=PORT  Port the Glance API host listens on. Default: 9292
  --dry-run             Don't actually execute the command, just print output
                        showing what WOULD happen.

With a <COMMAND> argument, more information on the command is shown, like so:

$> glance help update

glance update [options] <ID> <field1=value1 field2=value2 ...>

Updates an image's metadata in Glance. Specify metadata fields as arguments.

All field/value pairs are converted into a mapping that is passed
to Glance that represents the metadata for an image.

Field names that can be specified:

name                A name for the image.
is_public           If specified, interpreted as a boolean value
                    and sets or unsets the image's availability to the public.
disk_format         Format of the disk image
container_format    Format of the container

All other field names are considered to be custom properties so be careful
to spell field names correctly. :)

The add command

The add command is used to do both of the following:

  • Store virtual machine image data and metadata about that image in Glance
  • Let Glance know about an existing virtual machine image that may be stored somewhere else

We cover both use cases below.

Important Information about Uploading Images

Before we go over the commands for adding an image to Glance, it is important to understand that Glance does not currently inspect the image files you add to it. In other words, Glance only understands what you tell it, via attributes and custom properties.

If the file extension of the file you upload to Glance ends in '.vhd', Glance does not know that the image you are uploading has a disk format of vhd. You have to tell Glance that the image you are uploading has a disk format by using the disk_format=vhd on the command line (see more below).

By the same token, Glance does not currently allow you to upload "multi-part" disk images at once. The common operation of bundling a kernel image and ramdisk image into a machine image is not done automagically by Glance.

Store virtual machine image data and metadata

When adding an actual virtual machine image to Glance, you use the add command. You will pass metadata about the VM image on the command line, and you will use a standard shell redirect to stream the image data file to glance.

Let's walk through a simple example. Suppose we have a virtual disk image stored on our local filesystem that we wish to "upload" to Glance. This image is stored on our local filesystem in /tmp/images/myimage.iso.

We'd also like to tell Glance that this image should be called "My Image", and that the image should be public -- anyone should be able to fetch it.

Here is how we'd upload this image to Glance. Change example ip number to your server ip number.:

$> glance add name="My Image" is_public=true < /tmp/images/myimage.iso --host=

If Glance was able to successfully upload and store your VM image data and metadata attributes, you would see something like this:

$> glance add name="My Image" is_public=true < /tmp/images/myimage.iso --host=
Added new image with ID: 2

You can use the --verbose (or -v) command-line option to print some more information about the metadata that was saved with the image:

$> glance --verbose add name="My Image" is_public=true < /tmp/images/myimage.iso --host=
Added new image with ID: 4
Returned the following metadata for the new image:
               container_format => ovf
                     created_at => 2011-02-22T19:20:53.298556
                        deleted => False
                     deleted_at => None
                    disk_format => raw
                             id => 4
                      is_public => True
                       location => file:///tmp/images/4
                           name => My Image
                     properties => {}
                           size => 58520278
                         status => active
                     updated_at => None
Completed in 0.6141 sec.

If you are unsure about what will be added, you can use the --dry-run command-line option, which will simply show you what would have happened:

$> glance --dry-run add name="Foo" distro="Ubuntu" is_publi=True < /tmp/images/myimage.iso --host=
Dry run. We would have done the following:
Add new image with metadata:
               container_format => ovf
                    disk_format => raw
                      is_public => False
                           name => Foo
                     properties => {'is_publi': 'True', 'distro': 'Ubuntu'}

This is useful for detecting problems and for seeing what the default field values supplied by glance are. For instance, there was a typo in the command above (the is_public field was incorrectly spelled is_publi which resulted in the image having an is_publi custom property added to the image and the real is_public field value being False (the default) and not True...

Register a virtual machine image in another location

Sometimes, you already have stored the virtual machine image in some non-Glance location -- perhaps even a location you have no write access to -- and you want to tell Glance where this virtual machine image is located and some metadata about it. The add command can do this for you.

When registering an image in this way, the only difference is that you do not use a shell redirect to stream a virtual machine image file into Glance, but instead, you tell Glance where to find the existing virtual machine image by setting the location field. Below is an example of doing this.

Let's assume that there is a virtual machine image located at the URL We can register this image with Glance using the following:

$> glance --verbose add name="Some web image" disk_format=vhd container_format=ovf\
Added new image with ID: 1
Returned the following metadata for the new image:
               container_format => ovf
                     created_at => 2011-02-23T00:42:04.688890
                        deleted => False
                     deleted_at => None
                    disk_format => vhd
                             id => 1
                      is_public => True
                       location =>
                           name => Some web image
                     properties => {}
                           size => 0
                         status => active
                     updated_at => None
Completed in 0.0356 sec.

The update command

After uploading/adding a virtual machine image to Glance, it is not possible to modify the actual virtual machine image -- images are read-only after all --however, it is possible to update any metadata about the image after you add it to Glance.

The update command allows you to update the metadata fields of a stored image. You use this command like so:

glance update <ID> [field1=value1 field2=value2 ...]

Let's say we have an image with identifier 5 that we wish to change the is_public attribute of the image from False to True. The following would accomplish this:

$> glance update 5 is_public=true --host=
Updated image 5

Using the --verbose flag will show you all the updated data about the image:

$> glance --verbose update 5 is_public=true --host=
Updated image 5
Updated image metadata for image 5:
Id: 5
Public? Yes
Name: My Image
Size: 58520278
Location: file:///tmp/images/5
Disk format: raw
Container format: ovf
Completed in 0.0596 sec.

The delete command

You can delete an image by using the delete command, shown below:

$> glance --verbose delete 5 --host=
Deleted image 5

The index command

The index command displays brief information about the public images available in Glance, as shown below:

$> glance index --host=
Found 4 public images...
ID               Name                           Disk Format          Container Format     Size          
---------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- --------------
1                Ubuntu 10.10                   vhd                  ovf                        58520278
2                Ubuntu 10.04                   ami                  ami                        58520278
3                Fedora 9                       vdi                  bare                           3040
4                Vanilla Linux 2.6.22           qcow2                bare                              0

The details command

The details command displays detailed information about the public images available in Glance, as shown below:

$> glance details --host=
Found 4 public images...
Id: 1
Public? Yes
Name: Ubuntu 10.10
Status: active
Size: 58520278
Location: file:///tmp/images/1
Disk format: vhd
Container format: ovf
Property 'distro_version': 10.10
Property 'distro': Ubuntu
Id: 2
Public? Yes
Name: Ubuntu 10.04
Status: active
Size: 58520278
Location: file:///tmp/images/2
Disk format: ami
Container format: ami
Property 'distro_version': 10.04
Property 'distro': Ubuntu
Id: 3
Public? Yes
Name: Fedora 9
Status: active
Size: 3040
Location: file:///tmp/images/3
Disk format: vdi
Container format: bare
Property 'distro_version': 9
Property 'distro': Fedora
Id: 4
Public? Yes
Name: Vanilla Linux 2.6.22
Status: active
Size: 0
Disk format: qcow2
Container format: bare

The show command

The show command displays detailed information about a specific image, specified with <ID>, as shown below:

$> glance show 3 --host=
Id: 3
Public? Yes
Name: Fedora 9
Status: active
Size: 3040
Location: file:///tmp/images/3
Disk format: vdi
Container format: bare
Property 'distro_version': 9
Property 'distro': Fedora

The clear command

The clear command is an administrative command that deletes ALL images and all image metadata. Passing the --verbose command will print brief information about all the images that were deleted, as shown below:

$> glance --verbose clear --host=
Deleting image 1 "Some web image" ... done
Deleting image 2 "Some other web image" ... done
Completed in 0.0328 sec.