Mark McClain 18c6103a74 Add Astara to OpenStack Projects List
Following the directive

OpenStack Mission Alignment:
The Astara project is to provide an integrated network service orchestration
for connecting and security multi-tenant OpenStack environments. Astara
provides deployer configurable multi-provider orchestration for Layer-3 through
7 network services (e.g. load balancing, routing). Astara (formerly called
Akanda) was designed from the beginning to integrate with OpenStack and further
OpenStack's mission. Astara features a driver based orchestrator to
orchestrate network functions from different providers on bare metal,
VMs and containers.  All core members have served the OpenStack community in
many ways such PTL, Stable Release management and critical 3rd party library
maintainers. Astara has been open source and in production since Grizzly.

Following the 4 opens
Open Source:
Astara uses the open source Apache v2.0 license. Astara does not have any
library dependencies that would restrict how the projects may be distributed
or deployed.

Open Community:
The Astara leadership is chosen by the contributors of the project. The current
PTL is adam_g. The Astara project has regular IRC meetings and
everything is logged

Open Development:
- All code reviews are through the OpenStack infra CI,n,z
- Astara has core reviewers,members and
gate tests.
- The Astara PTL acts as the liaison for cross-project teams
- Astara collaborates with the OpenStack projects Oslo and Neutron.
- Astara will contribute to Oslo as the opportunities arise.

Open Design:
- Astara started holding public design meetings at the Kilo summit and
  will continue to do so.
- The policy of the Astara team is to use IRC and openstack-dev ML to discuss
  design. At this time, the public IRC channel, Launchpad and Gerrit are
  the primary locations where discussions occur.

Basic OpenStack Project Interopability:
Astara is compatable with OpenStack project APIs and reuses Oslo.

Common Questions:

Why is there a project name change?
The Astara team choose to select a new name to create a clear distinction
between entities providing commercial services and the project itself.
The new name was selected to further our original intent in placing this
project under governace -- a team open to all contributors.

Why not the Neutron stadium?
The Astara team is concerned our setup will create an additional burden
on the Neutron team due to the differences relative to other stadium

- Astara currently has 3 respostiories for code that are designed to
  integrate with projects other than Neutron and 1 Neutron driver repo. The
  current Neutron Stadium members have only 1 repository each and the repo
  directly integrates with Neutron.
- Astara provides a sepearate management cli and RPC API not connected to
  Neutron REST API. Our tenantative plans for the upcoming cycle includes
  expanding the capabilities of the administrative cli tools and API.
- Astara via the driver model is capable of orchestration and
  management of services where the Neutron API is not available to
  tenants.  The team plans to investigate this further during the next two

Does Astara overlap with existing projects?
Astara implements network specific orchestration for logical resources managed
by tenants via the Neutron API, so it is natural for overlap to exist with
other implementations that provide load balancing, routing and/or VPN. Astara
is different from other projects currently under the OpenStack namespace
because it supports orchestrating a mix of Layer-3 through 7 network
functions via baremetal, VMs and containers from within a single service. Where
possible we've reached out to other projects to share code, exchange ideas
and explore joint development. The Astara team has been present online
and at the Neutron and Advance Service mid-cycles for the previous two years
to promote a close working relationship with the community.

Active Team of Contributors:
Astara has an active group of contributors

Change-Id: I7ddb84c011cb933e2d30caacaaf423887b389e22
2015-10-02 18:43:35 -04:00
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