Doug Hellmann 1116e6bc38 write up the python3-first goal
Change-Id: I2424a9957a60ba7858d37da46d4fb86a2e6c6b48
Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <>
2018-07-18 10:54:37 -04:00

23 KiB

Support Python 3.5

The OpenStack community has been working on porting to Python 3 since the Havana summit, following a long-term and multi-phase approach. Python 2.7 is scheduled for end-of-life in 2020, and is currently only receiving security updates, so there is a firm deadline for finishing the transition. We need to finish enabling Python 3 support so we can move on to future phases of handling upgrades, allowing downstream packaging to catch up, and eventually dropping Python 2 support entirely -- ideally all before we reach that end-of-life date for Python 2.

This goal describes the "done" state for the next major step in the plan, which is to establish test jobs showing that the services work properly under Python 3 beyond their unit tests. Given the amount of work left to do on the long-term plan, it is important to take this step as soon as possible.


We will defer any discussion of those future steps, and especially dropping Python 2 support, until after all projects are successfully running on Python 3, as defined below.

Our primary deployment platforms, Ubuntu LTS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, include Python 3.5 support in their most recent releases, either fully or via add-ons for supporting OpenStack. The primary test platform in CI is now Ubuntu Xenial, which includes Python 3.5. There are release candidates for Python 3.6 available upstream, but it is not clear yet whether distributors will adopt it immediately. Given the support for 3.5, that is the target, for now. Porting to 3.6 or later should be easier once 3.5 support is in place, and can be handled as a separate step from the items described in this goal.

Gerrit Topic

To facilitate tracking, commits related to this goal should use the gerrit topic:


Completion Criteria

For projects with functional tests in any form:

  1. All of the functional tests must pass when a service is running under python 3.5.
  2. Voting check and gate jobs are present to run all of the project's functional tests under python 3.5 to avoid regressions.

For projects with integration tests in any form:

  1. All of the integration tests must pass when a service is running under python 3.5.
  2. Voting check and gate jobs are present to run all of the project's integration tests under python 3.5 to avoid regressions.

For all projects:

  1. The setup.cfg for the project includes the "trove classifier" for PyPI projects "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5".

Optionally, for projects with unit tests:

  1. All unit tests should pass under python 3.5, or have explicit skips added if the test does not apply to python 3 for some reason.
  2. Check and gate jobs are present to run the unit tests under python 3.5 to avoid regressions.


Existing work is being tracked using the wiki at

Refer to the wiki for links to the history of the porting work as well as documents and tools that will help with the port.

Refer to the wiki page for instructions to enabling Python 3 for a project in devstack and for setting up the functional and integration tests.

Assistance is available from community members on IRC in the #openstack-python3 channel on freenode and on the openstack-dev mailing list using the subject tag [python3].

Current State / Anticipated Impact

Python 3.5 will be available in all of the long-term-support versions of the operating systems on which we support deployment, and is listed as part of our Project Testing Interface for Python (pti-python).

Our CI infrastructure supports Python 3.

All of our major external dependencies now support Python 3.

All of our own libraries support Python 3.

It is possible to enable Python 3 in devstack for functional and integration testing.

The project status information below was collected from and is presented here for background information. Unit test support is not a requirement for this goal.

Projects with Unit Tests Voting

  • aodh
  • barbican
  • ceilomter
  • cinder
  • cliff
  • congress
  • cue
  • designate
  • fuxi
  • glance
  • gnocchi
  • heat
  • horizon
  • ironic
  • keystone
  • keystoneauth
  • keystonemiddleware
  • kolla
  • kuryr
  • kuryr-kubernetes
  • kuryr-libnetwork
  • magnum
  • manila
  • mistral
  • murano
  • murano-agent
  • murano-dashboard
  • neutron
  • neutron-fwaas
  • neutron-lbaas
  • neutron-vpnaas
  • octavia
  • oslo.concurrency
  • oslo.config
  • oslo.context
  • oslo.db
  • oslo.i18n
  • oslo.log
  • oslo.messaging
  • oslo.messaging
  • oslo.middleware
  • oslo.rootwrap
  • oslo.serialization
  • oslo.utils
  • oslo.versionedobjects
  • oslo.vmware
  • oslotest
  • pylockfile
  • python-barbicanclient
  • python-ceilometerclient
  • python-cinderclient
  • python-designateclient
  • python-fuelclient
  • python-glanceclient
  • python-heatclient
  • python-ironicclient
  • python-keystoneclient
  • python-manilaclient
  • python-marconiclient
  • python-muranoclient
  • python-neutronclient
  • python-novaclient
  • python-openstackclient
  • python-saharaclient
  • python-senlinclient
  • python-solumclient
  • python-swiftclient
  • python-troveclient
  • python-tuskarclient
  • python-watcherclient
  • rally
  • sahara
  • searchlight
  • senlin
  • shade
  • solum
  • solum-dashboard
  • stevedore
  • taskflow
  • tripleo
  • trove
  • watcher
  • zaqar

Projects with Remaining Work on Unit Tests


Work has not begun on unit tests.


Unit test porting is in progress, and the tests that have been ported are used in a voting gate job. 66 unit tests remain as of 2017-07-26.

There is a known issue with a race condition that trips up mox-based tests. A large number of tests need to be rewritten to use mock instead, and so that part of the work is likely to be deferred beyond Pike and treated as a longer-term ongoing effort.

gate-tempest-dsvm-py35-ubuntu-xenial is gating on Nova changes.

All nova functional tests are also passing with py35 and gating on nova.


Unit test porting is in progress, and the tests that have been ported are used in a voting gate job. 4495 tests remaining as of 2016-06-27.

More reviews needed.

Project Teams


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:

Chef OpenStack

The Chef cookbooks do not provide any Python code directly, they consume downstream packages, and thus are not directly affected by this goal. Once a package is available in a python3 variant, deployers can use variables in order to select these packages instead of python2.

Planning Artifacts: None

Completion Artifacts: None


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

  • Cloudkitty has no planning documentation at this time since Python 3 support has already been implemented.

Completion Artifacts:

Community App Catalog

Planning Artifacts:

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Planning Artifacts:

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Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Note: This applies to the doc-tools and openstackdoctheme repos.

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Planning Artifacts:

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Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:

  • glance_store library: completed. (For details, see the glance project py35 tracking etherpad.)
  • python-glanceclient: completed. (For details, see the glance project py35 tracking etherpad.)
  • glance: not completed.
    • Glance is affected by the eventlet ssl-handshake-drop problem in py35 (see Bug #1482633)
    • Fix will have to occur in eventlet (not sure that will actually happen)
    • We've reconfigured the functional tests that were being skipped when run under py35 and will run them as their own non-voting gate job named 'glance-eventlet-ssl-handshake-broken-py35' so that it's obvious that this issue exists (and, more optimistically, we can easily detect when it's fixed). (See
    • There is a workaround, namely, use something like HAProxy to do SSL termination before calls are forwarded to Glance.


Planning Artifacts:

  • Heat will enable python35 gates for voting.
  • heat-agents repo support for python35
  • heat-templates repo support for python35
  • heat-cfntools repo support for python35

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


The Infrastructure team actively avoids maintaining deliverables which are Python dependencies of deliverables within the TC Approved Release or of other official teams, so our needs for Python 3 support differ somewhat. While we do actively test most of our Python-based tools and utilities against Python 3, our responsibility to this community goal is that we have ensured our CI system provides sufficient Python 3 support to allow other teams to adequately test their deliverables. To the extent that this goal was predicated on that work, it is already complete for Infra.


Planning Artifacts:


Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts: * karbor classifier * karbor-dashboard classifier * python-karborclient classifier * python 3 jobs


Planning Artifacts:

  • Keystone has no planning documentation at this time since Python 3 support has already been implemented.

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

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Planning Artifacts:

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Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

  • Murano has no planning documentation at this time since Python 3 support has already been implemented and all major murano projects have py3.5 gates voting.

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

All python 3.5 unit, functional, and tempest tests are in place. Unit and functional tests are voting, scenario tests are blocked pending diskimage-builder patches for python 3.5. Specifically this patch:

Completion Artifacts:

OpenStack Charms

Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:

OpenStack UX

Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

NB Dependent on upstream projects achieving python35 goal.

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

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Planning Artifacts:

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Planning Artifacts:

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Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:

Puppet OpenStack

Planning Artifacts:

  • Nothing is planned since Puppet OpenStack doesn't contain Python code

Completion Artifacts:

  • None

Quality Assurance

Planning Artifacts:

QA projects already mostly support python 3.5. The little left to be done to is tracked in this etherpad:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:

Release Management

Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

  • Searchlight has no planning documentation at this time since Python 3 support has already been implemented.

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

  • Solum has no planning documentation at this time since Python 3 support has already been implemented.

Completion Artifacts:

Stable branch maintenance

Planning Artifacts:

  • The stable team doesn't have any code repositories and therefore has nothing to do

Completion Artifacts:

  • None


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

  • None

Completion Artifacts:


TripleO only has two types of tests, unit and integration (the tripleo-ci jobs). The unit tests are already running and voting on the TripleO Python projects, but there is a problem with using Python 3 in the integration tests. These tests are dependent on downstream packaging, and downstream does not currently package Python 3 versions of all the OpenStack dependencies. As of the Atlanta PTG they were not planning to start that work in the near future either.

It may be possible to get Python 3 dependencies from other sources, but then TripleO would lose the insulation against broken dependencies that RDO provides through its promotion system. This is similar to the upper constraints system in OpenStack proper.

Basically TripleO has a circular dependency on the "allowing downstream packaging to catch up" part of the goal. Given that, the team's plan was to focus on ensuring every Python project in TripleO is gating on py35 and to improve unit test coverage of the projects so there is a better chance of TripleO working on Python 3 once that becomes possible from a packaging perspective.

  • dib-utils

This repository doesn't contain Python code (only bash).

  • instack
    • Planning Artifacts: none.
    • Completion Artifacts: py35 unit tests are passing and gating.
  • instack-undercloud
    • Planning Artifacts: none.
    • Completion Artifacts: py35 unit tests are passing and gating.
  • os-apply-config
    • Planning Artifacts: none.
    • Completion Artifacts: py35 unit tests are passing and gating.
  • os-collect-config
    • Planning Artifacts: none.
    • Completion Artifacts: py35 unit tests are passing and gating.
  • os-net-config
    • Planning Artifacts: none.
    • Completion Artifacts: py35 unit tests are passing and gating.
  • os-refresh-config
    • Planning Artifacts: none.
    • Completion Artifacts: py35 unit tests are passing and gating.
  • puppet-tripleo
    • Planning Artifacts: none, this project is written in Puppet and Ruby.
    • Completion Artifacts: none, this project is written in Puppet and Ruby.
  • python-tripleoclient
    • Planning Artifacts: none.
    • Completion Artifacts: py35 unit tests are passing and gating.
  • tripleo-common
    • Planning Artifacts: none.
    • Completion Artifacts: py35 unit tests are passing and gating.
  • tripleo-docs
    • Planning Artifacts: none, this project is written in RST.
    • Completion Artifacts: none, this project is written in RST.
  • tripleo-heat-templates
  • tripleo-image-elements

This repository doesn't contain Python code (only bash).

  • tripleo-incubator

This project is deprecated and will be removed soon if not in Pike.

  • tripleo-puppet-elements

This repository doesn't contain Python code (only bash).

  • tripleo-quickstart
    • Planning Artifacts: None, these are Ansible playbooks.
    • Completion Artifacts: None
  • tripleo-quickstart-extras
    • Planning Artifacts: None, these are Ansible playbooks.
    • Completion Artifacts: none
  • tripleo-repos
    • Planning Artifacts: make Python jobs working (WIP).
    • Completion Artifacts: none
  • tripleo-specs
    • Planning Artifacts: none, this project is written in RST.
    • Completion Artifacts: none, this project is written in RST.
  • tripleo-ui
    • Planning Artifacts: none, this project is written in Javascript and CSS.
    • Completion Artifacts: none, this project is written in Javascript and CSS.
  • tripleo-validations
    • Planning Artifacts: None, these are Ansible playbooks.
    • Completion Artifacts: none


Planning Artifacts:

Trove already has voting python35 gate jobs. The classifier has been added to setup.cfg. There are no specific planning artifacts for this project.

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

  • Functional tests should be run in a py35 environment.

Completion Artifacts:

  • Watcher has gates for testing py27 and py35 unit tests. Functional tests are passing with a py27 and py34.


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts:


Planning Artifacts:

Completion Artifacts: