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Overview of highly-available controllers

OpenStack is a set of multiple services exposed to the end users as HTTP(s) APIs. Additionally, for own internal usage OpenStack requires SQL database server and AMQP broker. The physical servers, where all the components are running are often called controllers. This modular OpenStack architecture allows to duplicate all the components and run them on different controllers. By making all the components redundant it is possible to make OpenStack highly-available.

In general we can divide all the OpenStack components into three categories:

  • OpenStack APIs, these are HTTP(s) stateless services written in python, easy to duplicate and mostly easy to load balance.
  • SQL relational database server provides stateful type consumed by other components. Supported databases are MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL. Making SQL database redundant is complex.
  • Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) provides OpenStack internal stateful communication service.

Network components

[TODO Need discussion of network hardware, bonding interfaces, intelligent Layer 2 switches, routers and Layer 3 switches.]

The configuration uses static routing without Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) or similar techniques implemented.

[TODO Need description of VIP failover inside Linux namespaces and expected SLA.]

See [TODO link] for more information about configuring networking for high availability.

Common deployement architectures

There are primarily two HA architectures in use today.

One uses a cluster manager such as Pacemaker or Veritas to co-ordinate the actions of the various services across a set of machines. Since we are focused on FOSS, we will refer to this as the Pacemaker architecture.

The other is optimized for Active/Active services that do not require any inter-machine coordination. In this setup, services are started by your init system (systemd in most modern distributions) and a tool is used to move IP addresses between the hosts. The most common package for doing this is keepalived.

intro-ha-arch-pacemaker.rst intro-ha-arch-keepalived.rst

Load balancing (HAProxy)

HAProxy is a load balancer that runs on each controller in the cluster but does not synchronize the state. Each instance of HAProxy configures its frontend to accept connections only from the virtual IP (VIP) address and to terminate them as a list of all instances of the corresponding service under load balancing. For example, any OpenStack API service. This makes the instances of HAProxy act independently and fail over transparently together with the Network endpoints (VIP addresses) failover and shares the same SLA.

See [TODO link] for information about configuring HAProxy.

Database (MySQL/Galera)

MySQL with Galera can be configured using one of the following strategies:

  • Each instance has its own IP address; OpenStack services are configured with the list of these IP addresses so they can select one of the addresses from those available.

  • The MySQL/Galera cluster runs behind HAProxy. HAProxy the load balances incoming requests and exposes just one IP address for all the clients.

    Galera synchronous replication guarantees a zero slave lag. The failover procedure completes once HAProxy detects that the active back end has gone down and switches to the backup one, which is then marked as 'UP'. If no back ends are up (in other words, the Galera cluster is not ready to accept connections), the failover procedure finishes only when the Galera cluster has been successfully reassembled. The SLA is normally no more than 5 minutes.

  • Use MySQL/Galera in active/passive mode to avoid deadlocks on SELECT ... FOR UPDATE type queries (used, for example, by nova and neutron). This issue is discussed more in the following:

AMQP (RabbitMQ)

RabbitMQ nodes fail over both on the application and the infrastructure layers. The application layer is controlled by the oslo.messaging configuration options for multiple AMQP hosts. If the AMQP node fails, the application reconnects to the next one configured within the specified reconnect interval. The specified reconnect interval constitutes its SLA. On the infrastructure layer, the SLA is the time for which RabbitMQ cluster reassembles. Several cases are possible. The Mnesia keeper node is the master of the corresponding Pacemaker resource for RabbitMQ; when it fails, the result is a full AMQP cluster downtime interval. Normally, its SLA is no more than several minutes. Failure of another node that is a slave of the corresponding Pacemaker resource for RabbitMQ results in no AMQP cluster downtime at all.

Memcached back end

Memcached is a memory cache demon that can be used by most OpenStack services to store ephemeral data, such as tokens. Although Memcached does not support typical forms of redundancy such as clustering, OpenStack services can use almost any number of instances by configuring multiple hostnames or IP addresses. The Memcached client implements hashing to balance objects among the instances. Failure of an instance only impacts a percentage of the objects and the client automatically removes it from the list of instances. The SLA is several minutes.