Akihiro Motoki f3e9b66262 Improve installation guide
Previously the installation guide seems to target developers.
This commit makes it more generic and add some useful contents.

Change-Id: I75a996e315e3d46c41c66a22f93be70ee5807837
2018-04-08 16:24:40 +09:00

2.6 KiB

Heat Dashboard installation guide

This page describes the manual installation of heat-dashboard, while distribution packages may provide more automated process.


This page assumes horizon has been installed. Horizon setup is beyond the scope of this page.

Install Heat Dashboard with all relevant packages to your Horizon environment.

pip install heat-dashboard

In most cases, heat-dashboard is installed into your python "site-packages" directory like /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages. We refer to the directory of heat-dashboard as <heat-dashboard-dir> below and it would be <site-packages>/heat_dashboard if installed via pip. The path varies depending on Linux distribution you use.

To enable heat-dashboard plugin, you need to put horizon plugin setup files into horizon "enabled" directory.

The plugin setup files are found in <heat-dashboard-dir>/enabled.

$ cp <heat-dashboard-dir>/enabled/_[1-9]*.py \


The directory local/enabled may be different depending on your environment or distribution used. The path above is one used in Ubuntu horizon package.

Configure the policy file for heat-dashboard in OpenStack Dashboard local_settings.py.

POLICY_FILES['orchestration'] = '<heat-dashboard-dir>/conf/heat_policy.json'


If your local_settings.py has no POLICY_FILES yet, you need to define the default POLICY_FILES in local_settings.py. If you use the example local_settings.py file from horizon, what you need is to uncomment POLICY_FILES (which contains the default values).

You can also add additional configurations to local_settings.py. For more detail, see /configuration/configuration. You can also find an example file at <heat-dashboard-dir>/heat_dashboard/local_settings.d.

Compile the translation message catalogs of heat-dashboard.

$ cd <heat-dashboard-dir>
$ python ./manage.py compilemessages

Run the Django update commands. Note that compress is required when you enable compression.

$ cd <horizon-dir>
$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=openstack_dashboard.settings python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=openstack_dashboard.settings python manage.py compress --force

Finally, restart your web server. For example, in case of apache:

$ sudo service apache2 restart