Jeff Peeler d357422cf6 Add HA templates to deploy OpenShift on CentOS
These templates are heavily based on the existing OpenShift enterprise
templates for use with RHEL. The OpenShift installer utilized in these
templates has been slightly modified to support CentOS as well as make
the install completely automated (aside from creating districts if so

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2014-07-16 01:04:26 -04:00

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# OpenShift Origin Highly Available Environment
This nested heat stack deploys a highly-available OpenShift Origin environment.
## Resources Deployed
* 6 instances
* Highly available OpenShift broker set (3)
* OpenShift nodes (3)
* 7 floating IPs (includes one for LBaaS VIP)
* LBaaS, consisting of health monitor (HTTPS), pool, virtual IP (VIP)
* Integrated BIND server on broker 1 for dynamic DNS updates
### Deployment
zone transferred to
upstream DNS (IT)
\ ----------------------
\ / mongo replica set \
\ / ActiveMQ pool \
--\--------- ------------ ------------
| BIND | | | | | |
-------- |---| broker 2 |---| broker 3 |
| broker 1 | | | | |
------------ ------------ ------------
\ | /
\ | /
LBaaS agent (API) ---------------- developers
/ | \
/ | \
------------ ------------ ------------
| | | | | |
| node 1 |---| node 2 |---| node 3 | ---- application
| | | | | | users
------------ ------------ ------------
## Requirements
* Neutron networking: one private and one public network
* Compute quota for six VM instances
* Pool of seven available floating IP addresses. Addresses will be created and assigned at deployment.
* Load Balancer as a Server (LBaaS) configured. See neutron [lbaas agent configuration section](http://openstack.redhat.com/LBaaS).
* IP address of upstream (IT) DNS server for zone transfers
## Files
These templates are [Heat Orchestration Templates (HOT)](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/environment.html). Environment files are used to reduce CLI parameters and provide a way to reuse resources.
* Templates
* oso_ha_stack.yaml
* oso_node_stack.yaml
* Environments
* oso_ha_env.yaml
* oso_node_env.yaml
## How to Deploy
1. `git clone https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates.git` this repository
2. Change to this directory
cd heat-templates/openshift-origin/centos65/highly-available/
3. Edit heat environment file `oso_ha_env.yaml` according to your environment.
4. Launch highly available OpenShift stack
heat stack-create openshift-ha-stack -f oso_ha_stack.yaml -e oso_ha_env.yaml
5. Monitor progress. Options include:
* `tail -f /var/log/heat/heat-engine.log`
* `tail -f /tmp/openshift.out`
* `heat stack-list`
* `heat resource-list openshift-ha-stack`
## Scaling: Adding Nodes
OpenShift nodes may be manually added as needed using the OpenShift node heat template.
1. From directory `heat-templates/openshift-origin/centos65/highly-available/` edit the heat environment file `oso_node_env.yaml`
2. Launch node stack. This will deploy a single node server with attached cinder volume and floating IP address. Be sure to pass in the node hostname parameter to override the default.
heat stack-create openshift-node -f oso_node_stack.yaml -e oso_node_env.yaml -P "node_hostname=node4"
3. On broker1 add a DNS record for the new node server in `/var/named/dynamic/<my_domain>.db`. To force a zone transfer to the upstream DNS increment the serial number by 1 and run `rndc freeze ; rndc thaw`.
## Additional configuration Steps
1. Add brokers to LBaaS pool. On OpenStack:
neutron lb-member-create --address <broker1_fixed_ip> --protocol-port 443 oso_broker_lb_pool
neutron lb-member-create --address <broker2_fixed_ip> --protocol-port 443 oso_broker_lb_pool
neutron lb-member-create --address <broker3_fixed_ip> --protocol-port 443 oso_broker_lb_pool
2. Add session persistence to LBaaS virtual IP (VIP):
neutron lb-vip-update oso_broker_vip --session-persistence type=dict type='SOURCE_IP'
3. Update upstream DNS server to accept zone transfers from the OpenShift dynamic DNS. An example configuration would be to add a slave zone to /var/named.conf
zone "<openshift_domain_name>" {
type slave;
file "slaves/<openshift_domain_name>.db";
masters { <broker1_ip_address>; };
* If the upstream DNS configuration is not available a test client machine may be pointed to the broker 1 IP address (e.g. edit /etc/resolv.conf).
4. Create districts. The following creates a small district and adds two nodes to the district.
oo-admin-ctl-district -c create -n small_district -p small
oo-admin-ctl-district -c add-node -n small_district -i <node1_hostname>
oo-admin-ctl-district -c add-node -n small_district -i <node2_hostname>
## Troubleshooting
* `oo-mco ping` on a broker to verify nodes are registered
* `oo-diagnostics -v` on a broker to run a comprehensive set of tests
* `oo-accept-node -v` on a node
* If LBaaS is not set up any broker hostname can be used temporarily as the developer and node API target. Be sure to edit `/etc/openshift/node.conf`.