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# OpenShift Origin Highly Available Environment
This nested heat stack deploys a highly-available OpenShift Origin environment.
## Resources Deployed
* 6 instances
* Highly available OpenShift broker set (3)
* OpenShift nodes (3)
* 7 floating IPs (includes one for LBaaS VIP)
* LBaaS, consisting of health monitor (HTTPS), pool, virtual IP (VIP)
* Integrated BIND server on broker 1 for dynamic DNS updates
### Deployment
zone transferred to
upstream DNS (IT)
\ ----------------------
\ / mongo replica set \
\ / ActiveMQ pool \
--\--------- ------------ ------------
| BIND | | | | | |
-------- |---| broker 2 |---| broker 3 |
| broker 1 | | | | |
------------ ------------ ------------
\ | /
\ | /
LBaaS agent (API) ---------------- developers
/ | \
/ | \
------------ ------------ ------------
| | | | | |
| node 1 |---| node 2 |---| node 3 | ---- application
| | | | | | users
------------ ------------ ------------
## Requirements
* Neutron networking: one private and one public network
* Compute quota for six VM instances
* Pool of seven available floating IP addresses. Addresses will be created and assigned at deployment.
* Load Balancer as a Server (LBaaS) configured. See neutron [lbaas agent configuration section](http://openstack.redhat.com/LBaaS).
* IP address of upstream (IT) DNS server for zone transfers
## Files
These templates are [Heat Orchestration Templates (HOT)](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/environment.html). Environment files are used to reduce CLI parameters and provide a way to reuse resources.
* Templates
* oso_ha_stack.yaml
* oso_node_stack.yaml
* Environments
* oso_ha_env.yaml
* oso_node_env.yaml
## How to Deploy
1. `git clone https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates.git` this repository
2. Change to this directory
cd heat-templates/openshift-origin/centos65/highly-available/
3. Edit heat environment file `oso_ha_env.yaml` according to your environment.
4. Launch highly available OpenShift stack
heat stack-create openshift-ha-stack -f oso_ha_stack.yaml -e oso_ha_env.yaml
5. Monitor progress. Options include:
* `tail -f /var/log/heat/heat-engine.log`
* `tail -f /tmp/openshift.out`
* `heat stack-list`
* `heat resource-list openshift-ha-stack`
## Scaling: Adding Nodes
OpenShift nodes may be manually added as needed using the OpenShift node heat template.
1. From directory `heat-templates/openshift-origin/centos65/highly-available/` edit the heat environment file `oso_node_env.yaml`
2. Launch node stack. This will deploy a single node server with attached cinder volume and floating IP address. Be sure to pass in the node hostname parameter to override the default.
heat stack-create openshift-node -f oso_node_stack.yaml -e oso_node_env.yaml -P "node_hostname=node4"
3. On broker1 add a DNS record for the new node server in `/var/named/dynamic/<my_domain>.db`. To force a zone transfer to the upstream DNS increment the serial number by 1 and run `rndc freeze ; rndc thaw`.
## Additional configuration Steps
1. Add brokers to LBaaS pool. On OpenStack:
neutron lb-member-create --address <broker1_fixed_ip> --protocol-port 443 oso_broker_lb_pool
neutron lb-member-create --address <broker2_fixed_ip> --protocol-port 443 oso_broker_lb_pool
neutron lb-member-create --address <broker3_fixed_ip> --protocol-port 443 oso_broker_lb_pool
2. Add session persistence to LBaaS virtual IP (VIP):
neutron lb-vip-update oso_broker_vip --session-persistence type=dict type='SOURCE_IP'
3. Update upstream DNS server to accept zone transfers from the OpenShift dynamic DNS. An example configuration would be to add a slave zone to /var/named.conf
zone "<openshift_domain_name>" {
type slave;
file "slaves/<openshift_domain_name>.db";
masters { <broker1_ip_address>; };
* If the upstream DNS configuration is not available a test client machine may be pointed to the broker 1 IP address (e.g. edit /etc/resolv.conf).
4. Create districts. The following creates a small district and adds two nodes to the district.
oo-admin-ctl-district -c create -n small_district -p small
oo-admin-ctl-district -c add-node -n small_district -i <node1_hostname>
oo-admin-ctl-district -c add-node -n small_district -i <node2_hostname>
## Troubleshooting
* `oo-mco ping` on a broker to verify nodes are registered
* `oo-diagnostics -v` on a broker to run a comprehensive set of tests
* `oo-accept-node -v` on a node
* If LBaaS is not set up any broker hostname can be used temporarily as the developer and node API target. Be sure to edit `/etc/openshift/node.conf`.