Nguyen Hai 060361fb11 Switch from oslosphinx to openstackdocstheme
- Change to openstackdocstheme which is a theme and extension
support for Sphinx documentation that is published to
docs.openstack.org and developer.openstack.org.
- This patch also updates README.rst

Change-Id: I5922eb9b0f5835be65a5ba3eead78bdf92458452
2018-05-29 19:43:49 +09:00

838 B

Welcome to heat-translator's documentation!

The heat-translator tool is aimed to translate non-heat templates to OpenStack Heat Orchestration Template (HOT). Initially the tool is aimed to translate OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) to HOT. However, the tool can be easily extended to support any non-heat template format to produce HOT.


installation usage contributing

Indices and tables

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  • search