Steven Dake 4c359db1b0 Remove cfntools and jeos
These files are now available in the heat-jeos repository.

Change-Id: I392e7443348a31e8454ae14d957b0b54560c2ec3
Signed-off-by: Steven Dake <sdake@redhat.com>
2012-06-07 07:47:47 -07:00

287 lines
8.8 KiB

Getting Started With Heat
This file is a ReStructuredText document, but can be converted to a script
using the accompanying rst2script.sed script. Any blocks that are indented by
4 spaces (including comment blocks) will appear in the script. To document
code that should not appear in the script, use an indent of less than 4
spaces. (Using a Quoted instead of Indented Literal block also works.)
To include code in the script that should not appear in the output, make it
a comment block.
# Exit on error
set -e
Get Heat
Clone the heat repository_ from GitHub at ``git://github.com/heat-api/heat.git``. Note that OpenStack must be installed before heat.
.. _repository: https://github.com/heat-api/heat
Install OpenStack
Installing OpenStack on Fedora 16
Note: on Fedora 16 you have to enable the `Preview Repository`_ to install the required OpenStack Essex release.
A script called "``openstack``" in the tools directory of the repository will install and start OpenStack for you on Fedora 16/17::
./tools/openstack install -y -r ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}
If you use this method, you will need to manually create a guest network. How this is done depends on your environment. An example network create operation:
sudo nova-manage network create demonet ${SUBNET} 1 256 --bridge=demonetbr0
Where ``${SUBNET}`` is of the form ````. The network range here, must *not* be one used on your existing physical network. It should be a range dedicated for the network that OpenStack will configure. So if ```` clashes with your local network, pick another subnet.
If you wish to set up OpenStack manually on Fedora, read `Getting Started With OpenStack On Fedora`_.
.. _Getting Started With OpenStack on Fedora: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_started_with_OpenStack_on_Fedora_17
.. _Preview Repository: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OpenStack#Preview_repository
Installing OpenStack on other Distributions
* There is a `Debian packaging team for OpenStack`_.
* There are instructions for `installing OpenStack on Ubuntu`_.
* Various other distributions may have packaging teams or Getting Started guides available.
.. _Debian packaging team for OpenStack: http://wiki.openstack.org/Packaging/Debian
.. _installing OpenStack on Ubuntu: http://docs.openstack.org/bexar/openstack-compute/admin/content/ch03s02.html
Install heat from source
In the heat directory, run the install script::
sudo python setup.py install
sudo install -d /etc/heat
sudo install etc/*.conf etc/*.ini /etc/heat
sudo install etc/bash_completion.d/heat /etc/bash_completion.d/heat
sudo install -d /var/log/heat
Download Fedora 16 DVD and copy it to libvirt images location
sudo cp Downloads/Fedora-16-x86_64-DVD.iso /var/lib/libvirt/images
Source the keystone credentials created with tools/openstack
source ~/.openstack/keystonerc
Note: these credentials will be required for all future steps.
Allocate Floating IP Addresses to OpenStack
If you want to use templates that depend on ``AWS::EC2::EIP`` or ``AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation`` (multi-instance stacks often do, single-instance less often but it's still possible), see the wiki page on `Configuring Floating IPs`_.
.. _Configuring Floating IPs: https://github.com/heat-api/heat/wiki/Configuring-Floating-IPs
Setup the MySQL database for Heat
heat-db-setup rpm -y -r ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}
Note: the first argument is either ``rpm`` for RPM-based distros (such as Fedora) or ``deb`` for Debian-based distros (such as Ubuntu). To prompt for confirmation when e.g. installing MySQL Server, omit the ``-y`` option. Run ``heat-db-setup --help`` for detailed documentation.
Register heat with keystone
sudo -E ./tools/heat-keystone-service
Note: The ``-E`` option to ``sudo`` preserves the environment, specifically the keystone credentials, when ``heat-keystone-service`` is run as root. This script needs to run as root in order to read the admin password.
Register a SSH key-pair with OpenStack Nova
This is for Heat to associate with the virtual machines.
nova keypair-add --pub_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ${USER}_key
Download and install heat_jeos via git
Download heat_jeos via git
git clone git://github.com/heat-api/heat-jeos.git
cd heat-jeos
setup.py install
Create a JEOS with heat_jeos tools
sudo -E heat-jeos -y create F16 x86_64 cfntools
Note: The ``-E`` option to ``sudo`` preserves the environment, specifically the keystone credentials, when ``heat-jeos`` is run as root.
Note: ``heat-jeos`` must be run as root in order to create the cfntools disk image.
Note: If you want to enable debugging output from Oz, add '``-d``' (debugging) to the ``heat-jeos`` command.
Verify JEOS registration
Check that there is a ``F16-x86_64-cfntools`` JEOS in glance:
glance index
$GLANCE_INDEX | grep -q "F16-x86_64-cfntools"
Launch the Heat services
sudo -E bash -c 'heat-api & heat-engine &'
sleep 5
Launch a Wordpress instance
heat -d create wordpress --template-file=templates/WordPress_Single_Instance.template --parameters="InstanceType=m1.xlarge;DBUsername=${USER};DBPassword=verybadpass;KeyName=${USER}_key"
List stacks
heat list
List stack events
heat event-list wordpress
Describe the ``wordpress`` stack
heat describe wordpress
After a few seconds, the ``StackStatus`` should change from ``IN_PROGRESS`` to ``CREATE_COMPLETE``.
# Wait for Stack creation
while $HEAT_DESCRIBE | grep -q '"StackStatus": "IN_PROGRESS"' && \
((retries-- > 0))
echo "Waiting for Stack creation to complete..." >&2
sleep 5
$HEAT_DESCRIBE | grep -q '"StackStatus": "CREATE_COMPLETE"'
Verify instance creation
Because the software takes some time to install from the repository, it may be a few minutes before the Wordpress intance is in a running state. One way to check is to login via ssh and ``tail -f /var/log/yum.log``. Once ``mysql-server`` installs, the instance should be ready to go.
WebsiteURL=$($HEAT_DESCRIBE | sed -e '/"OutputKey": "WebsiteURL"/,/}/ {' \
-e '/"OutputValue":/ {' \
-e 's/[^:]*": "//' \
-e 's/",\?[[:space:]]*$//' \
-e p -e '}' -e '}' -e d)
HOST=`echo $WebsiteURL | sed -r -e 's#http://([^/]+)/.*#\1#'`
while ! ping -q -c 1 $HOST && ((retries-- > 0)); do
echo "Waiting for host networking..." >&2
sleep 2
test $retries -ge 0
sleep 10
while ! ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
-q -t -l ec2-user $HOST \
sudo grep -q mysql-server /var/log/yum.log && \
((retries-- > 0))
echo "Waiting for package installation..." >&2
sleep 5
test $retries -ge 0
echo "Pausing to wait for application startup..." >&2
sleep 60
Point a web browser at the location given by the ``WebsiteURL`` Output as shown by ``heat describe``::
wget ${WebsiteURL}
Delete the instance when done
heat delete wordpress
heat list
Note: This operation will show no running stack.
Other Templates
Check out the ``Wordpress_2_Instances_with_EBS_EIP.template``. This uses a few different APIs in OpenStack nova, such as the Volume API, the Floating IP API and the Security Groups API, as well as the general nova launching and monitoring APIs.
If you encounter issues running heat, see if the solution to the issue is documented on the Troubleshooting_ wiki page. If not, let us know about the problem in the #heat IRC channel on freenode.
.. _Troubleshooting: https://github.com/heat-api/heat/wiki/Troubleshooting
echo; echo 'Success!'