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Heat and Devstack
Heat is fully integrated into DevStack. This is a convenient way to try out or develop heat alongside the current development state of all the other OpenStack projects. Heat on DevStack works on both Ubuntu and Fedora.
These instructions assume you already have a working DevStack installation which can launch basic instances.
Configure DevStack to enable Heat
Adding the following line to your localrc file will enable the heat services :: ENABLED_SERVICES+=,heat,h-api,h-api-cfn,h-api-cw,h-eng
It would also be useful to automatically download and register a VM image that Heat can launch. :: IMAGE_URLS+=",,"
URLs for any of [ these prebuilt JEOS images] can be specified.
That is all the configuration that is required. When you run ./ the Heat processes will be launched in screen with the labels prefixed with h-.
Confirming heat is responding
Before any heat commands can be run, the authentication environment needs to be loaded :: source openrc
You can confirm that Heat is running and responding with this command :: heat stack-list
This should return an empty line
Preparing Nova for running stacks
Enabling Heat in devstack will replace the default Nova flavors with flavours that the Heat example templates expect. You can see what those flavors are by running :
nova flavor-list
Heat needs to launch instances with a keypair, so we need to generate one :
nova keypair-add heat_key > heat_key.priv
chmod 600 heat_key.priv
Launching a stack
Now lets launch a stack, assuming that DEST is left as the default /opt/stack:
heat stack-create teststack -f
/opt/stack/heat/templates/WordPress_Single_Instance.template -P "InstanceType=m1.large;DBUsername=wp;DBPassword=verybadpassword;KeyName=heat_key;LinuxDistribution=F16"
Which will respond:
| ID | Name | Status | Created |
| (uuid) | teststack | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | (timestamp) |
List stacks
List the stacks in your tenant:
heat stack-list
List stack events
List the events related to a particular stack:
heat event-list teststack
Describe the wordpress stack
Show detailed state of a stack:
heat stack-show teststack
Note: After a few seconds, the stack_status should change from IN_PROGRESS to CREATE_COMPLETE.
Verify instance creation
Because the software takes some time to install from the repository, it may be a few minutes before the Wordpress instance is in a running state.
Point a web browser at the location given by the WebsiteURL Output as shown by heat stack-show teststack:
wget ${WebsiteURL}
Delete the instance when done
Note: The list operation will show no running stack.:
heat stack-delete teststack
heat stack-list