Steve Baker c0c1768e4a Consolidated api-paste.ini file
Load a single api-paste.ini file, specified by config
Delete unused paste.ini files
Update docs for new paste.ini and config arrangement

There will be a corresponding devstack change, and once this is in
I will email the packagers on the packaging implications

Change-Id: Ic10b1a486094d15bfd832f0f934e6268ec323085
2013-04-24 09:18:15 +12:00

9.2 KiB

Getting Started With Heat on Ubuntu

This guide will help to get the current git master of Heat to run on Ubuntu. It makes the following assumptions:

  • The host is running Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10
  • There is a working OpenStack installation based on Folsom, Grizzly or Havana, or that one will be installed via the tools/openstack_ubuntu script described below
  • Heat will be installed on the controller host of the existing OpenStack installation (or if doing a single-host evaluation, on the same host as all other OpenStack services)

Get Heat

Clone the heat repository from GitHub at git://github.com/openstack/heat.git. Note that OpenStack must be installed before heat.

Install OpenStack

Note, this section may be skipped if you already have a working OpenStack installation

Installing OpenStack on Ubuntu 12.04/12.10

A script called openstack_ubuntu in the tools directory of the Heat repository will install and start OpenStack for you on Ubuntu: ''Note currently only tested on 12.04, if it works for you on 12.10, please let us know'' :

./tools/openstack_ubuntu install -r ${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}

If you use this method, you will need to manually create a guest network. How this is done depends on your environment. An example network create operation:

sudo nova-manage network create --label=demonet --fixed_range_v4=${SUBNET} --bridge=demonetbr0 --bridge_interface=eth0

Where ''${SUBNET}'' is of the form ''''. The network range here, must not be one used on your existing physical network. It should be a range dedicated for the network that OpenStack will configure. So if '''' clashes with your local network, pick another subnet.

The example above assumes you want to bridge with physical device ''eth0''

Currently, the bridge is not created immediately upon running this command, but is actually added when Nova first requires it.

Load keystone authentication into your environment and verify everything is ok.

. ~/.openstack/keystonerc
keystone user-list
glance index
nova list

Note ''~/.openstack/keystonerc'' is created by tools/openstack_ubuntu, replace this step with your own credentials file for an admin user if OpenStack was installed by some other method

Install prerequisites

sudo apt-get install python-pip gcc python2.7-dev
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts debhelper python-all gdebi-core
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-prettytable python-lxml
sudo apt-get install libguestfs*

Install python-heatclient (optional)

NOTE If running 12.04 LTS with the packaged Openstack Essex release, do not install python-heatclient, as it will break your OpenStack installation, because it explicitly requires a version of the prettytable library (>0.6) which causes problems with the Essex cli tools (keystone/nova/glance) in 12.04 : https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/995976 The packaged python-prettytable (0.5 version) works OK

sudo pip install python-heatclient

Install Heat from master

git clone git://github.com/openstack/heat.git
cd heat
sudo ./install.sh

Modify configuration for admin password

Later a keystone user called '''heat''' will be created. At this point a password for that user needs to be chosen. The following files will need editing:

  • /etc/heat/heat-api-cfn.conf
  • /etc/heat/heat-api-cloudwatch.conf
  • /etc/heat/heat-api.conf
admin_password=<heat admin password>

Create the MySQL Heat database:

sudo heat-db-setup deb -r <mysql password>

Create the keystone authentication parameters

sudo -E ./bin/heat-keystone-setup

Install Oz from the upstream master location

git clone https://github.com/clalancette/oz.git
cd oz
make deb
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i oz_*_all.deb
sudo apt-get -f install

Note: Select yes to "Create or update supermin appliance.". This will rebuild the guestfs appliance to work with latest updates of Ubuntu. Oz will not work properly without updating the guestfs appliance.

Note: We recommend cloning oz from the latest master. The debian packaging is broken in older versions and U10/U12 support is not available in Oz shipped with distros.

Install heat-jeos from master

The heat-jeos tool builds virtual machine images for use with Heat. :

git clone git://github.com/sdake/heat-jeos.git
cd heat-jeos
sudo python setup.py install

Download ISO images for various distributions

If you just want to try a basic wordpress template, download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.4/ubuntu-10.04.4-server-amd64.iso

If you want to try more templates, also download http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/17/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-17-x86_64-DVD.iso

After download completes, copy the iso image to the location heat-jeos expects::

sudo cp Downloads/ubuntu-10.04.4-server-amd64.iso /var/lib/libvirt/images

Configure your host to work with Heat

Create SSH key and add it to the Nova sshkey list

ssh-keygen -t rsa
nova keypair-add --pub_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ${USER}_key

Note: If running in a VM, modify /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml: change network to not conflict with host (default 192.168.122.x) :

sudo service libvirt-bin restart

If dnsmasq is not running on the default network

sudo virsh net-destroy default
sudo virsh net-start default

Configure libguestfs (required by Oz) to work in latest Ubuntu 12

Some files shipped with Ubuntu 12 are incompatible with libguestfs used by the image creation software Oz. To allow heat-jeos to work properly, run the following commands:

sudo chmod 644 /boot/vmlinuz*
sudo update-guestfs-appliance

Note: For more details see: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.guestfs/1382 and http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html

Note: If you want to create F17 images, you may need a new libguestfs binary of version 1.18.0 or later. Ubuntu Precise may not have this version yet.

You can use the Debian Wheezy version including the guestfs shared library, the tools and the python libraries.

Create the Heat JEOS image

sudo -E heat-jeos -y create U10-x86_64-cfntools --register-with-glance

Note: The -E option to sudo preserves the environment, specifically the keystone credentials, when heat-jeos is run as root.

Note: heat-jeos must be run as root in order to create the cfntools disk image.

Experiment with Heat

Execute the heat api services

sudo heat-engine &
sudo heat-api &
sudo heat-api-cfn &
sudo heat-api-cloudwatch &

Run the debian wordpress example

heat stack-create wordpress --template-file=templates/WordPress_Single_Instance_deb.template --parameters="InstanceType=m1.xlarge;DBUsername=${USER};DBPassword=verybadpassword;KeyName=${USER}_key;LinuxDistribution=U10"

List stacks

heat stack-list

List stack events

heat event-list wordpress

Describe the wordpress stack

heat stack-show wordpress

Note: After a few seconds, the Status should change from IN_PROGRESS to CREATE_COMPLETE.

Verify instance creation

Because the software takes some time to install from the repository, it may be a few minutes before the Wordpress intance is in a running state.

Point a web browser at the location given by the WebsiteURL Output as shown by heat show-stack wordpress:: :

wget ${WebsiteURL}

Delete the instance when done

heat stack-delete wordpress
heat stack-list

Note: This operation will show no running stack.