lidong 624be98be0 Fix Firewall policy resource
OS::Neutron::FirewallPolicy resource cannot be created without firewall_rules.
I can create firewall policy via the rest api of neutron.And in the rest api
of neutron to create firewall policy ,the firewall_rules is an optional parameter.
This should be consistent with the rest api of neutron.
So I think the firewall_rules should be an optional property
of OS::Neutron::FirewallPolicy resource.

Add releasenote about this.

Change-Id: I74cb22a7995376c2339f24fca9ca5d651d598480
Task: 36037
2019-10-15 01:19:40 +00:00

5 lines
116 B

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The `firewall_rules` property of the `OS::Neutron::FirewallPolicy`
resource type is now optional.