This patch updates/adds the contributor documentation to follow the guidelines of the Ussuri cycle community goal[1]. [1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/ussuri/project-ptl-and-contrib-docs.html Story: #2007236 Task: #38524 Change-Id: I41b6fa23569047c8ed877902989a5ebd20c0c189
624 B
624 B
Blueprints and Specs
You have to create a Story in StoryBoard heat storyboard. And create tasks that fit with the plan to implement this spec (A task to link to a patch in gerrit).
heat-spacs is no longer active, there's no requirement for any feature to summit spac on it.
Spec from existing stories
If there's an already existing story that describes feature suitable to the story. There is no need to create a new story. The comments and history of the existing story are important for its review.