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Heat OpenStack API Reference
List Stacks
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks
* `tenant_id` The unique identifier of the tenant or account
Create Stack
POST /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks
"stack_name": "{stack_name}",
"template_url": "{template_url}",
"parameters": {
"{key1}": "{value1}",
"{key2}": "{value2}"
"timeout_mins": {timeout_mins}
* `tenant_id` The unique identifier of the tenant or account
* `stack_name` The name of the stack to create
* `template_url` The URL of the template to instantiate
* `template` A JSON template to instantiate - this takes precendence over the `template_url` if both are supplied
* `keyn`, `valuen` User-defined parameters to pass to the Template
* `timeout_mins` The timeout for stack creation in minutes
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://heat.example.com:8004/v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}
Find Stack ID
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}
* `stack_name` The name of the stack to look up
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: http://heat.example.com:8004/v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}
This operation also works with verbs other than `GET`, so you can also use it to perform `PUT` and `DELETE` operations on a current stack. Just set your client to follow redirects. Note that when redirecting, the request method should **not** change, as defined in [RFC2626](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.3.3). However, in many clients the default behaviour is to change the method to `GET` when receiving a 302 because this behaviour is ubiquitous in web browsers.
Get Stack Data
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}
* `stack_name` The name of the stack to look up
* `stack_id` The unique identifier of the stack to look up
Retrieve Stack Template
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/template
* `tenant_id` The unique identifier of the tenant or account
* `stack_name` The name of the stack to look up
* `stack_id` The unique identifier of the stack to look up
Update Stack
PUT /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}
"template_url": "{template_url}",
"parameters": {
"{key1}": "{value1}",
"{key2}": "{value2}"
"timeout_mins": {timeout_mins}
* `tenant_id` The unique identifier of the tenant or account
* `stack_name` The name of the stack to create
* `stack_id` The unique identifier of the stack to look up
* `template_url` The URL of the updated template
* `template` An updated JSON template - this takes precendence over the `template_url` if both are supplied
* `keyn`, `valuen` User-defined parameters to pass to the Template
* `timeout_mins` The timeout for stack creation in minutes
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Delete Stack
DELETE /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}
* `tenant_id` The unique identifier of the tenant or account
* `stack_name` The name of the stack to create
* `stack_id` The unique identifier of the stack to look up
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Validate Template
POST /v1/{tenant_id}/validate
"template_url": "{template_url}",
"parameters": {
"{key1}": "{value1}",
"{key2}": "{value2}"
* `tenant_id` The unique identifier of the tenant or account
* `template_url` The URL of the template to validate
* `template` A JSON template to validate - this takes precendence over the `template_url` if both are supplied.
* `keyn`, `valuen` User-defined parameters to pass to the Template
List Stack Resources
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/resources
* `tenant_id` The unique identifier of the tenant or account
* `stack_name` The name of the stack to look up
* `stack_id` The unique identifier of the stack to look up
Get Resource
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/resources/{resource_name}
* `tenant_id` The unique identifier of the tenant or account
* `stack_name` The name of the stack to look up
* `stack_id` The unique identifier of the stack to look up
* `resource_name` The name of the resource in the template
Get Resource Metadata
GET /v1/{tenant_id}/stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/resources/{resource_name}/metadata
* `tenant_id` The unique identifier of the tenant or account
* `stack_name` The name of the stack to look up
* `stack_id` The unique identifier of the stack to look up
* `resource_name` The name of the resource in the template