- The original heat wadl (heat-api-1.0.wadl) and the samples have now been deleted from this repo. The wadl has been renamed and migrated to the following location along with the samples: https://github.com/openstack/api-site/blob/master/api-ref/src/wadls/ orchestration-api/src/v1/orchestration-api.wadl - Inserted api-ref/src/wadls/heat-api/src/README.rst file in repo that specifies the new wadl location. - Updated pom file to latest version of clouddocs-maven-plugin. - Currently clouddocs-maven-plugin 1.11.0 has a bug which creates new sections for the request and response examples for each API call. This will be fixed in an upcoming release of the plugin. - Several remarks are inserted in the manual text and marked with security="writeronly" so they do not appear in the output. You are welcome to provide any answers and feedback you may have for these remarks. - Fix title for commit to resolve H803 build exception. - Fix extra spaces in file /wadls/heat-api/src/README.rst, and wrap lines in commit message at less than 70 characters. Change-Id: I478b394268f64b41317ab77fff6d6366ddd7efa1
Building the user and admin docs
This documentation should eventually end up in the OpenStack documentation repositories api-site and openstack-manuals.
on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install maven
on Fedora Core:
sudo yum install maven
Use mvn
Build the REST API reference manual:
cd api-ref mvn clean generate-sources
Build the Heat admin guide:
cd heat-admin mvn clean generate-sources
Build the Heat CLI guide:
cd heat-cli-guide mvn clean generate-sources