Steven Hardy 1e72de9e88 heat_keystoneclient add get_user_token
Add a function which takes a stack domain username/password and
returns a token - this is for "one time" use, e.g for callback
signals to wait conditions via the native API.

blueprint: native-waitcondition

Change-Id: I6f4666728c5ecadb1d9d081fb825a77cd598fd47
2014-07-16 19:10:01 +01:00

636 lines
28 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Keystone Client functionality for use by resources."""
from collections import namedtuple
import copy
import json
import uuid
from keystoneclient.auth.identity import v3 as kc_auth_v3
import keystoneclient.exceptions as kc_exception
from keystoneclient import session
from keystoneclient.v3 import client as kc_v3
from oslo.config import cfg
from heat.common import context
from heat.common import exception
from heat.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
from heat.openstack.common import importutils
from heat.openstack.common import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger('heat.common.keystoneclient')
AccessKey = namedtuple('AccessKey', ['id', 'access', 'secret'])
_default_keystone_backend = "heat.common.heat_keystoneclient.KeystoneClientV3"
keystone_opts = [
help="Fully qualified class name to use as a keystone backend.")
class KeystoneClientV3(object):
"""Wrap keystone client so we can encapsulate logic used in resources.
Note this is intended to be initialized from a resource on a per-session
basis, so the session context is passed in on initialization
Also note that a copy of this is created every resource as self.keystone()
via the code in engine/client.py, so there should not be any need to
directly instantiate instances of this class inside resources themselves.
def __init__(self, context):
# If a trust_id is specified in the context, we immediately
# authenticate so we can populate the context with a trust token
# otherwise, we delay client authentication until needed to avoid
# unnecessary calls to keystone.
# Note that when you obtain a token using a trust, it cannot be
# used to reauthenticate and get another token, so we have to
# get a new trust-token even if context.auth_token is set.
# - context.auth_url is expected to contain a versioned keystone
# path, we will work with either a v2.0 or v3 path
self.context = context
self._client = None
self._admin_client = None
self._domain_admin_client = None
if self.context.auth_url:
self.v3_endpoint = self.context.auth_url.replace('v2.0', 'v3')
# Import auth_token to have keystone_authtoken settings setup.
self.v3_endpoint = cfg.CONF.keystone_authtoken.auth_uri.replace(
'v2.0', 'v3')
if self.context.trust_id:
# Create a client with the specified trust_id, this
# populates self.context.auth_token with a trust-scoped token
self._client = self._v3_client_init()
# The stack domain user ID should be set in heat.conf
# It can be created via python-openstackclient
# openstack --os-identity-api-version=3 domain create heat
# If the domain is specified, then you must specify a domain
# admin user. If no domain is specified, we fall back to
# legacy behavior with warnings.
self._stack_domain_is_id = True
self._stack_domain_id = None
self.stack_domain = cfg.CONF.stack_user_domain_id
if not self.stack_domain and cfg.CONF.stack_user_domain_name:
self.stack_domain = cfg.CONF.stack_user_domain_name
self._stack_domain_is_id = False
self.domain_admin_user = cfg.CONF.stack_domain_admin
self.domain_admin_password = cfg.CONF.stack_domain_admin_password
if self.stack_domain:
if not (self.domain_admin_user and self.domain_admin_password):
raise exception.Error(_('heat.conf misconfigured, cannot '
'specify "stack_user_domain_id" or '
'"stack_user_domain_name" without '
'"stack_domain_admin" and '
LOG.warning(_('stack_user_domain_id or stack_user_domain_name not '
'set in heat.conf falling back to using default'))
LOG.debug('Using stack domain %s' % self.stack_domain)
def client(self):
if not self._client:
# Create connection to v3 API
self._client = self._v3_client_init()
return self._client
def admin_client(self):
if not self._admin_client:
# Create admin client connection to v3 API
admin_creds = self._service_admin_creds()
c = kc_v3.Client(**admin_creds)
if c.authenticate():
self._admin_client = c
LOG.error(_("Admin client authentication failed"))
raise exception.AuthorizationFailure()
return self._admin_client
def domain_admin_client(self):
if not self._domain_admin_client:
# Create domain admin client connection to v3 API
admin_creds = self._domain_admin_creds()
c = kc_v3.Client(**admin_creds)
# Note we must specify the domain when getting the token
# as only a domain scoped token can create projects in the domain
if self._stack_domain_is_id:
auth_kwargs = {'domain_id': self.stack_domain}
auth_kwargs = {'domain_name': self.stack_domain}
if c.authenticate(**auth_kwargs):
self._domain_admin_client = c
LOG.error(_("Domain admin client authentication failed"))
raise exception.AuthorizationFailure()
return self._domain_admin_client
def _v3_client_init(self):
kwargs = {
'auth_url': self.v3_endpoint,
'endpoint': self.v3_endpoint
# Note try trust_id first, as we can't reuse auth_token in that case
if self.context.trust_id is not None:
# We got a trust_id, so we use the admin credentials
# to authenticate with the trust_id so we can use the
# trust impersonating the trustor user.
kwargs['trust_id'] = self.context.trust_id
elif self.context.auth_token_info is not None:
# The auth_ref version must be set according to the token version
if 'access' in self.context.auth_token_info:
kwargs['auth_ref'] = copy.deepcopy(
kwargs['auth_ref']['version'] = 'v2.0'
kwargs['auth_ref']['token']['id'] = self.context.auth_token
elif 'token' in self.context.auth_token_info:
kwargs['auth_ref'] = copy.deepcopy(
kwargs['auth_ref']['version'] = 'v3'
kwargs['auth_ref']['auth_token'] = self.context.auth_token
LOG.error(_('Unknown version in auth_token_info'))
raise exception.AuthorizationFailure(
_('Unknown token version'))
elif self.context.auth_token is not None:
kwargs['token'] = self.context.auth_token
kwargs['project_id'] = self.context.tenant_id
elif self.context.password is not None:
kwargs['username'] = self.context.username
kwargs['password'] = self.context.password
kwargs['project_id'] = self.context.tenant_id
LOG.error(_("Keystone v3 API connection failed, no password "
"trust or auth_token!"))
raise exception.AuthorizationFailure()
client = kc_v3.Client(**kwargs)
# If auth_ref has already be specified via auth_token_info, don't
# authenticate as we want to reuse, rather than request a new token
if 'auth_ref' not in kwargs:
# If we are authenticating with a trust set the context auth_token
# with the trust scoped token
if 'trust_id' in kwargs:
# Sanity check
if not client.auth_ref.trust_scoped:
LOG.error(_("trust token re-scoping failed!"))
raise exception.AuthorizationFailure()
# Sanity check that impersonation is effective
if self.context.trustor_user_id != client.auth_ref.user_id:
LOG.error(_("Trust impersonation failed"))
raise exception.AuthorizationFailure()
return client
def _service_admin_creds(self):
# Import auth_token to have keystone_authtoken settings setup.
creds = {
'username': cfg.CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_user,
'password': cfg.CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_password,
'auth_url': self.v3_endpoint,
'endpoint': self.v3_endpoint,
'project_name': cfg.CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_tenant_name}
return creds
def _domain_admin_creds(self):
creds = {
'username': self.domain_admin_user,
'password': self.domain_admin_password,
'auth_url': self.v3_endpoint,
'endpoint': self.v3_endpoint}
if self._stack_domain_is_id:
creds['user_domain_id'] = self.stack_domain
creds['user_domain_name'] = self.stack_domain
return creds
def _ssl_options(self):
opts = {'cacert': self._get_client_option('ca_file'),
'insecure': self._get_client_option('insecure'),
'cert': self._get_client_option('cert_file'),
'key': self._get_client_option('key_file')}
return opts
def _get_client_option(self, option):
cfg.CONF.import_opt(option, 'heat.common.config',
return getattr(cfg.CONF.clients_keystone, option)
except (cfg.NoSuchGroupError, cfg.NoSuchOptError):
cfg.CONF.import_opt(option, 'heat.common.config', group='clients')
return getattr(cfg.CONF.clients, option)
def create_trust_context(self):
"""Create a trust using the trustor identity in the current context.
The trust is created with the trustee as the heat service user.
If the current context already contains a trust_id, we do nothing
and return the current context.
Returns a context containing the new trust_id.
if self.context.trust_id:
return self.context
# We need the service admin user ID (not name), as the trustor user
# can't lookup the ID in keystoneclient unless they're admin
# workaround this by getting the user_id from admin_client
trustee_user_id = self.admin_client.auth_ref.user_id
trustor_user_id = self.client.auth_ref.user_id
trustor_project_id = self.client.auth_ref.project_id
roles = cfg.CONF.trusts_delegated_roles
trust = self.client.trusts.create(trustor_user=trustor_user_id,
trust_context = context.RequestContext.from_dict(
trust_context.trust_id = trust.id
trust_context.trustor_user_id = trustor_user_id
return trust_context
def delete_trust(self, trust_id):
"""Delete the specified trust."""
except kc_exception.NotFound:
def _get_username(self, username):
if(len(username) > 64):
LOG.warning(_("Truncating the username %s to the last 64 "
"characters.") % username)
#get the last 64 characters of the username
return username[-64:]
def create_stack_user(self, username, password=''):
"""Create a user defined as part of a stack.
The user is defined either via template or created internally by a
resource. This user will be added to the heat_stack_user_role as
defined in the config.
Returns the keystone ID of the resulting user.
# FIXME(shardy): There's duplicated logic between here and
# create_stack_domain user, but this function is expected to
# be removed after the transition of all resources to domain
# users has been completed
stack_user_role = self.client.roles.list(
if len(stack_user_role) == 1:
role_id = stack_user_role[0].id
# Create the user
user = self.client.users.create(
name=self._get_username(username), password=password,
# Add user to heat_stack_user_role
LOG.debug("Adding user %(user)s to role %(role)s" % {
'user': user.id, 'role': role_id})
self.client.roles.grant(role=role_id, user=user.id,
LOG.error(_("Failed to add user %(user)s to role %(role)s, "
"check role exists!") % {
'user': username,
'role': cfg.CONF.heat_stack_user_role})
raise exception.Error(_("Can't find role %s")
% cfg.CONF.heat_stack_user_role)
return user.id
def stack_domain_user_token(self, username, project_id, password):
"""Get a token for a stack domain user."""
if not self.stack_domain:
# Note, no legacy fallback path as we don't want to deploy
# tokens for non stack-domain users inside instances
msg = _('Cannot get stack domain user token, no stack domain id '
'configured, please fix your heat.conf')
raise exception.Error(msg)
# Create a keystoneclient session, then request a token with no
# catalog (the token is expected to be used inside an instance
# where a specific endpoint will be specified, and user-data
# space is limited..)
if self._stack_domain_is_id:
auth = kc_auth_v3.Password(auth_url=self.v3_endpoint,
auth = kc_auth_v3.Password(auth_url=self.v3_endpoint,
sess = session.Session(auth=auth)
# Note we do this directly via a post as there's currently
# no way to get a nocatalog token via keystoneclient
token_url = "%s/auth/tokens?nocatalog" % self.v3_endpoint
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
if self._stack_domain_is_id:
domain = {'id': self.stack_domain}
domain = {'name': self.stack_domain}
body = {'auth': {'scope':
{'project': {'id': project_id}},
'identity': {'password': {'user': {
'domain': domain,
'password': password, 'name': username}},
'methods': ['password']}}}
t = sess.post(token_url, headers=headers, json=body,
return t.headers['X-Subject-Token']
def create_stack_domain_user(self, username, project_id, password=None):
"""Create a domain user defined as part of a stack.
The user is defined either via template or created internally by a
resource. This user will be added to the heat_stack_user_role as
defined in the config, and created in the specified project (which is
expected to be in the stack_domain).
Returns the keystone ID of the resulting user.
if not self.stack_domain:
# FIXME(shardy): Legacy fallback for folks using old heat.conf
# files which lack domain configuration
LOG.warning(_('Falling back to legacy non-domain user create, '
'configure domain in heat.conf'))
return self.create_stack_user(username=username, password=password)
# We add the new user to a special keystone role
# This role is designed to allow easier differentiation of the
# heat-generated "stack users" which will generally have credentials
# deployed on an instance (hence are implicitly untrusted)
stack_user_role = self.domain_admin_client.roles.list(
if len(stack_user_role) == 1:
role_id = stack_user_role[0].id
# Create user
user = self.domain_admin_client.users.create(
name=self._get_username(username), password=password,
default_project=project_id, domain=self.stack_domain)
# Add to stack user role
LOG.debug("Adding user %(user)s to role %(role)s" % {
'user': user.id, 'role': role_id})
self.domain_admin_client.roles.grant(role=role_id, user=user.id,
LOG.error(_("Failed to add user %(user)s to role %(role)s, "
"check role exists!")
% {'user': username,
'role': cfg.CONF.heat_stack_user_role})
raise exception.Error(_("Can't find role %s")
% cfg.CONF.heat_stack_user_role)
return user.id
def _check_stack_domain_user(self, user_id, project_id, action):
"""Sanity check that domain/project is correct."""
user = self.domain_admin_client.users.get(user_id)
if not self._stack_domain_id:
if self._stack_domain_is_id:
self._stack_domain_id = self.stack_domain
domain = self.domain_admin_client.domains.get(
self._stack_domain_id = domain.id
if user.domain_id != self._stack_domain_id:
raise ValueError(_('User %s in invalid domain') % action)
if user.default_project_id != project_id:
raise ValueError(_('User %s in invalid project') % action)
def delete_stack_domain_user(self, user_id, project_id):
if not self.stack_domain:
# FIXME(shardy): Legacy fallback for folks using old heat.conf
# files which lack domain configuration
LOG.warning(_('Falling back to legacy non-domain user delete, '
'configure domain in heat.conf'))
return self.delete_stack_user(user_id)
self._check_stack_domain_user(user_id, project_id, 'delete')
except kc_exception.NotFound:
def delete_stack_user(self, user_id):
except kc_exception.NotFound:
def create_stack_domain_project(self, stack_id):
"""Create a project in the heat stack-user domain."""
if not self.stack_domain:
# FIXME(shardy): Legacy fallback for folks using old heat.conf
# files which lack domain configuration
LOG.warning(_('Falling back to legacy non-domain project, '
'configure domain in heat.conf'))
return self.context.tenant_id
# Note we use the tenant ID not name to ensure uniqueness in a multi-
# domain environment (where the tenant name may not be globally unique)
project_name = ('%s-%s' % (self.context.tenant_id, stack_id))[:64]
desc = "Heat stack user project"
domain_project = self.domain_admin_client.projects.create(
return domain_project.id
def delete_stack_domain_project(self, project_id):
if not self.stack_domain:
# FIXME(shardy): Legacy fallback for folks using old heat.conf
# files which lack domain configuration
LOG.warning(_('Falling back to legacy non-domain project, '
'configure domain in heat.conf'))
except kc_exception.NotFound:
def _find_ec2_keypair(self, access, user_id=None):
"""Lookup an ec2 keypair by access ID."""
# FIXME(shardy): add filtering for user_id when keystoneclient
# extensible-crud-manager-operations bp lands
credentials = self.client.credentials.list()
for cr in credentials:
ec2_creds = json.loads(cr.blob)
if ec2_creds.get('access') == access:
return AccessKey(id=cr.id,
def delete_ec2_keypair(self, credential_id=None, access=None,
"""Delete credential containing ec2 keypair."""
if credential_id:
except kc_exception.NotFound:
elif access:
cred = self._find_ec2_keypair(access=access, user_id=user_id)
if cred:
raise ValueError("Must specify either credential_id or access")
def get_ec2_keypair(self, credential_id=None, access=None, user_id=None):
"""Get an ec2 keypair via v3/credentials, by id or access."""
# Note v3/credentials does not support filtering by access
# because it's stored in the credential blob, so we expect
# all resources to pass credential_id except where backwards
# compatibility is required (resource only has access stored)
# then we'll have to do a brute-force lookup locally
if credential_id:
cred = self.client.credentials.get(credential_id)
ec2_creds = json.loads(cred.blob)
return AccessKey(id=cred.id,
elif access:
return self._find_ec2_keypair(access=access, user_id=user_id)
raise ValueError("Must specify either credential_id or access")
def create_ec2_keypair(self, user_id=None):
user_id = user_id or self.client.auth_ref.user_id
project_id = self.context.tenant_id
data_blob = {'access': uuid.uuid4().hex,
'secret': uuid.uuid4().hex}
ec2_creds = self.client.credentials.create(
user=user_id, type='ec2', data=json.dumps(data_blob),
# Return a AccessKey namedtuple for easier access to the blob contents
# We return the id as the v3 api provides no way to filter by
# access in the blob contents, so it will be much more efficient
# if we manage credentials by ID instead
return AccessKey(id=ec2_creds.id,
def create_stack_domain_user_keypair(self, user_id, project_id):
if not self.stack_domain:
# FIXME(shardy): Legacy fallback for folks using old heat.conf
# files which lack domain configuration
LOG.warning(_('Falling back to legacy non-domain keypair, '
'configure domain in heat.conf'))
return self.create_ec2_keypair(user_id)
data_blob = {'access': uuid.uuid4().hex,
'secret': uuid.uuid4().hex}
creds = self.domain_admin_client.credentials.create(
user=user_id, type='ec2', data=json.dumps(data_blob),
return AccessKey(id=creds.id,
def delete_stack_domain_user_keypair(self, user_id, project_id,
if not self.stack_domain:
# FIXME(shardy): Legacy fallback for folks using old heat.conf
# files which lack domain configuration
LOG.warning(_('Falling back to legacy non-domain keypair, '
'configure domain in heat.conf'))
return self.delete_ec2_keypair(credential_id=credential_id)
self._check_stack_domain_user(user_id, project_id, 'delete_keypair')
except kc_exception.NotFound:
def disable_stack_user(self, user_id):
self.client.users.update(user=user_id, enabled=False)
def enable_stack_user(self, user_id):
self.client.users.update(user=user_id, enabled=True)
def disable_stack_domain_user(self, user_id, project_id):
if not self.stack_domain:
# FIXME(shardy): Legacy fallback for folks using old heat.conf
# files which lack domain configuration
LOG.warning(_('Falling back to legacy non-domain disable, '
'configure domain in heat.conf'))
return self.disable_stack_user(user_id)
self._check_stack_domain_user(user_id, project_id, 'disable')
self.domain_admin_client.users.update(user=user_id, enabled=False)
def enable_stack_domain_user(self, user_id, project_id):
if not self.stack_domain:
# FIXME(shardy): Legacy fallback for folks using old heat.conf
# files which lack domain configuration
LOG.warning(_('Falling back to legacy non-domain enable, '
'configure domain in heat.conf'))
return self.enable_stack_user(user_id)
self._check_stack_domain_user(user_id, project_id, 'enable')
self.domain_admin_client.users.update(user=user_id, enabled=True)
def url_for(self, **kwargs):
default_region_name = cfg.CONF.region_name_for_services
kwargs.setdefault('region_name', default_region_name)
return self.client.service_catalog.url_for(**kwargs)
def auth_token(self):
return self.client.auth_token
class KeystoneClient(object):
"""Keystone Auth Client.
Delay choosing the backend client module until the client's class
needs to be initialized.
def __new__(cls, context):
if cfg.CONF.keystone_backend == _default_keystone_backend:
return KeystoneClientV3(context)
return importutils.import_object(