Several teams are defined in the horizon project both in gerrit and launchpad. It would be nice to document them. Change-Id: Ic88912f6216bcef020a0839380f6528705a0a1a7
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Horizon Teams
Horizon project defines several teams to maintain the project.
Core Reviewer Team
The core reviewer team is responsible for the horizon development in
the master branch from various perspective. See core-reviewers
for more
Stable Maintenance Team
Members of this gerrit group are responsible for maintaining stable branches. The members are expected to understand the stable branch policy. Most members overlaps with the core reviewer team but being a core reviewer is not a requirement for being a member of the stable maintenance team. Folks who would like to be a member of this team is recommended to express how they understand the stable branch policy in reviews.
The member list is found at https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/groups/537,members.
Bug Supervisor Team
Members of this launchpad group are responsible for bug management. They have privileges to set status, priority and milestone of bugs. Most members overlaps with the core reviewer team but it is not a requirement for being a member of this team.
The member list is found at https://launchpad.net/~horizon-bugs.
Horizon Drivers Team
Members of this launchpad group can do all things in the horizon launchpad such as defining series and milestones. This group is included to the bug supervisor team.
The member list is found at https://launchpad.net/~horizon-drivers.
Security Contact Team
Members of this launchpad group are responsible for security issues. Members are expected to be familiar with Vulnerability Management Process in OpenStack. Private security issues are handled differently from usual public reports. All steps including patch development and review are done in a launchpad bug report.
The member list is found at https://launchpad.net/~horizon-coresec.
Note that the access permission to private information of this team is configured at https://launchpad.net/horizon/+sharing. (You can find "Sharing" menu at the top-right corder of the launchpad top page.)