Antoine Abélard 78e1da339b Heat topology display improvement
The current heat topology display is poor because a lot of resources
don't have any icons and are displayed as unknown resources.

openstack_dashboard/dashboards/project/stacks/ file has
been modified to add the identification of the other resource types.

Icons were created for the others resources types, keeping the actual
style and put them in the openstack_dashboard/static/dashboard/img/

Co-Authored-By: Antoine Abélard <>
Co-Authored-By: David Lyle <>

Implements: blueprint heat-topology-display-improvement
Change-Id: I03f184e1561d27cda498c4d4d17be975069101bd
2015-05-01 15:40:37 +00:00

45 lines
2.8 KiB

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