[Docs] Update check translation part

- Emphasizes the purpose of translation check
  by describing why it is important and what translation
  check means
- Reflects current OpenStack documentation structure
  on openstack-manuals, and documents in project teams
- Minor correction on http -> https and adding "Japanese"
  for a link with "/ja".

Change-Id: Ib573c8d7b2d8af5655c8923a01ba6b7206f7276b
This commit is contained in:
Ian Y. Choi 2023-10-02 00:35:03 +09:00
parent 266eebaf7d
commit ff1ad03051

@ -2,22 +2,41 @@
How to check translations
It is important to check your translations by using a real situation where your
translation is used. This page describes how to check your translations.
It is important to validate your translations by applying them in a real
situation where they are rendered and visualized. This page describes how to
check your translations.
.. note::
``translation check`` refers to build OpenStack artifacts with translated
strings and check how the translated strings are shown on an actual screen
as part of the translation process.
Using docs.openstack.org
Translated documents are available at the OpenStack Documentation site.
It is updated daily. Most contents are linked from either of:
It is updated daily. Most contents are linked from:
* http://docs.openstack.org/<lang> contains released documents.
Follow "Languages" in http://docs.openstack.org/.
* https://docs.openstack.org/<lang> contains released documents.
Follow "Languages" in https://docs.openstack.org/.
To build a translated document, you need to update the file
The documents are maintained in the ``doc`` directory using `reStructuredText
<https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html>`__ and built by `Sphinx
<https://www.sphinx-doc.org/>`__. Translated strings are stored as `Gettext PO
file format <https://www.gnu.org/server/standards/translations/po-how-to.html>`__
in ``locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES`` directory.
Documents on openstack-manuals
For OpenStack documentation, `openstack-manuals git repository
<https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-manuals>`_ hosts essential
OpenStack documents such as `Installation Guide
<https://docs.openstack.org/install-guide/>`_, and `Virtual Machine
Image Guide <https://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/>`_.
To build a translated document on this repository, you need to update the file
``doc-tools-check-languages.conf`` in each repository, and
add an entry to ``BOOKS`` like ``["ja"]="install-guide"``.
@ -26,9 +45,9 @@ Liberty, you need to update the file ``doc-tools-check-languages.conf``
in the target stable branch directly.
You can check a generated document for a specified branch on
For example, the link of Ubuntu Installation Guide for Liberty is
For example, the link of Japanese Ubuntu Installation Guide for Liberty is
To add a link to a generated document, you need to update the file
``www/<lang>/index.html`` in the ``master`` branch of
@ -40,15 +59,27 @@ in the stable branch.
You can also check:
* `build status for publishing on Zuul <http://zuul.openstack.org/builds.html?job_name=publish-openstack-manuals>`__
* `checkbuild with drafts on Zuul <http://zuul.openstack.org/builds.html?job_name=build-tox-manuals-checkbuild>`__
* `build status for publishing on Zuul <https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=build-tox-manuals-publishdocs>`__
* `checkbuild with drafts on Zuul <https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=build-tox-manuals-publishlang>`__
OpenStack developer documentation
OpenStack project documentation
Currently, we do not support translations for OpenStack developer
documents: http://docs.openstack.org/<project>
Currently, we support translations for small set of OpenStack project
documentations like Horizon, OpenStack-Ansible, and OpenStack-Helm upon
requests and available bandwidth. Top-level directory structure on
``doc/source/`` follows with `Documentation Contributor Guide - Project guide
setup <https://docs.openstack.org/doc-contrib-guide/project-guides.html>`_ and
the corresponding generated documents for ``master`` branch are available at
``https://docs.openstack.org/<project>/latest/<language>/<document>`` URL.
For project team documents in stable branch, you can check the documents with
``https://docs.openstack.org/<project>/<branch>/<language>/<document>`` URL.
Here are sample document links as examples:
* `Korean OpenStack-Helm Installation Guide (no branch) <https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/ko_KR/install/index.html>`_
* `German OpenStack-Ansible User Guide for 2023.1 <https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible/2023.1/de/user/index.html>`_
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