- Delete team and repository tags which no longer applies - Remove IRC team meeting since we do not hold now Change-Id: If2379d669332538f7518aff65d926b0f5c41be75
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OpenStack I18n
Internationalization (I18n) is essential to make OpenStack ubiquitous. The mission of OpenStack I18n team is to make OpenStack ubiquitously accessible to people of all language backgrounds, by enhancing OpenStack software internationalization, providing translation, maintaining a translation platform and managing translation process for better quality of outcomes.
About this repository
This repository maintains useful assets for the I18n team, including the contribution guide, the terminologies and so on.
Getting in touch
- Mailing List
We use openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org as the mailing list.
We all hang out on #openstack-i18n IRC channel on OFTC.