2014-08-21 16:49:20 -04:00

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instack-undercloud via source

  1. The user performing all of the installation steps on the virt host needs to have password-less sudo enabled. This step is NOT optional, you must create an additional user. Do not run the rest of the steps as root.

      sudo useradd stack
      sudo passwd stack  # specify a password
      echo "stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/stack
      sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/stack
      sudo su - stack
      echo 'export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI="qemu:///system"' >> ~/.bashrc
      source ~/.bashrc
  2. Create initial directory for instack, and clone the needed repositories.

      mkdir instack
      cd instack
      git clone
      git clone
  3. Complete the initial setup.

      source instack-undercloud/instack-sourcerc
      tripleo install-dependencies
      tripleo set-usergroup-membership
  4. Verify membership in the libvirtd group

      # verify you are in the libvirtd group
      id | grep libvirtd
      # if not, start a new shell to pick it up
      sudo su - stack
      cd instack
      source instack-undercloud/instack-sourcerc
  5. Create the virtual environment.

  6. Start instack vm.

      virsh start instack
  7. ssh as the stack user (password is stack) to the instack vm

  8. Clone instack-undercloud, source instack-sourcerc, and run script to install the undercloud from source. The script will produce a lot of output on the sceen. It also logs to ~/.instack/install-undercloud.log. You should see install-undercloud Complete! at the end of a successful run.

     # Set $LKG to use the last known good working commits
     export LKG=1
     git clone
     source instack-undercloud/instack-sourcerc
  9. Once the install script has run to completion, copy the files /root/stackrc and /root/tripleo-undercloud-passwords into the stack user's home directory.

      sudo cp /root/tripleo-undercloud-passwords .
      sudo cp /root/stackrc .

That completes the Undercloud install. To proceed with deploying and using the Overcloud see Overcloud-source.