2014-11-24 13:18:58 -05:00

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instack-undercloud via packages
1. The user performing all of the installation steps on the virt host needs to
have password-less sudo enabled. This step is NOT optional, you must create an
additional user. Do not run the rest of the steps as root.
sudo useradd stack
sudo passwd stack # specify a password
echo "stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/stack
sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/stack
sudo su - stack
echo 'export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI="qemu:///system"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
1. Enable the test TripleO copr repository and install instack-undercloud.
# fedora
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/slagle-openstack-m.repo
# rhel
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/slagle-openstack-m.repo
sudo yum -y install
# Enable the stage RDO repo
sudo sed -i '' /etc/yum.repos.d/rdo-release.repo
sudo yum -y install instack-undercloud
1. Complete the initial setup.
source /usr/libexec/openstack-tripleo/
tripleo install-dependencies
tripleo set-usergroup-membership
1. Verify membership in the libvirtd group
# verify you are in the libvirtd group
id | grep libvirtd
# if not, start a new shell to pick it up
sudo su - stack
1. Create the virtual environment. When the script has completed successfully,
it will output the instack vm's IP address. Use this IP address in the next
1. ssh as the stack user (password is stack) to the instack vm
1. Download all the files from
to /home/stack. If you already have them downloaded, use rsync/scp/whatever
to copy them over to the instack vm. The images will be uploaded to glance
at the end of the install.
1. Once you are ssh'd into the instack vm as the stack user, setup the copr and
RDO stage repo and install instack-undercloud.
# Fedora
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/slagle-openstack-m.repo
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/slagle-openstack-m.repo
# Fedora and RHEL
sudo yum -y install
# Enable the stage RDO repo
sudo sed -i '' /etc/yum.repos.d/rdo-release.repo
sudo yum -y install instack-undercloud
3. Run the installation script.
1. Once the install script has run to completion, copy the files
`/root/stackrc` and `/root/tripleo-undercloud-passwords` into the stack user's home directory.
sudo cp /root/tripleo-undercloud-passwords .
sudo cp /root/stackrc .
That completes the Undercloud install. To proceed with deploying and using the
Overcloud see [Overcloud-source](