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Jobs description

The description of each jobs that runs in the CI when you submit a patch for openstack/ironic-inspector is shown in the following table.


All jobs are configured to use a pre-build tinyipa ramdisk, a wholedisk image that is downloaded from a Swift temporary url, pxe boot and ipmi driver.

Table. OpenStack Ironic Inspector CI jobs description
Job name Description
ironic-inspector-grenade Deploys Ironic and Ironic Inspector in DevStack and runs upgrade for all enabled services.
ironic-inspector-tempest Deploys Ironic and Ironic Inspector in DevStack. Runs tempest tests that match the regex InspectorBasicTest and deploys 1 virtual baremetal.
ironic-inspector-tempest-discovery Deploys Ironic and Ironic Inspector in DevStack. Runs tempest tests that match the regex InspectorDiscoveryTest and deploys 1 virtual baremetal.
ironic-inspector-tempest-python3 Deploys Ironic and Ironic Inspector in DevStack under Python3. Runs tempest tests that match the regex Inspector and deploys 1 virtual baremetal.
openstack-tox-functional-py36 Run tox-based functional tests for Ironic Inspector under Python3.6
bifrost-integration-tinyipa-ubuntu-xenial Tests the integration between Ironic Inspector and Bifrost.
ironic-inspector-tox-bandit Runs bandit security tests in a tox environment to find known issues in the Ironic Inspector code.