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By default **ironic-inspector** listens on ````, port
can be changed in configuration. Protocol is JSON over HTTP.
The HTTP API consist of these endpoints:
Start Introspection
``POST /v1/introspection/<UUID>`` initiate hardware introspection for node
``<UUID>``. All power management configuration for this node needs to be done
prior to calling the endpoint (except when `Setting IPMI Credentials`_).
Requires X-Auth-Token header with Keystone token for authentication.
Optional parameters:
* ``new_ipmi_password`` if set, **ironic-inspector** will try to set IPMI
password on the machine to this value. Power credentials validation will be
skipped and manual power on will be required. See `Setting IPMI
credentials`_ for details.
* ``new_ipmi_username`` provides new IPMI user name in addition to password
set by ``new_ipmi_password``. Defaults to current ``ipmi_username`` in
node ``driver_info`` field.
* 202 - accepted introspection request
* 400 - bad request
* 401, 403 - missing or invalid authentication
* 404 - node cannot be found
Get Introspection Status
``GET /v1/introspection/<UUID>`` get hardware introspection status.
Requires X-Auth-Token header with Keystone token for authentication.
* 200 - OK
* 400 - bad request
* 401, 403 - missing or invalid authentication
* 404 - node cannot be found
Response body: JSON dictionary with keys:
* ``finished`` (boolean) whether introspection is finished
* ``error`` error string or ``null``
Ramdisk Callback
``POST /v1/continue`` internal endpoint for the ramdisk to post back
discovered data. Should not be used for anything other than implementing
the ramdisk. Request body: JSON dictionary with at least these keys:
* ``cpus`` number of CPU
* ``cpu_arch`` architecture of the CPU
* ``memory_mb`` RAM in MiB
* ``local_gb`` hard drive size in GiB
* ``interfaces`` dictionary filled with data from all NIC's, keys being
interface names, values being dictionaries with keys:
* ``mac`` MAC address
* ``ip`` IP address
* ``ipmi_address`` IP address of BMC, may be missing on VM
* ``boot_interface`` optional MAC address of the NIC that the machine
PXE booted from either in standard format ``11:22:33:44:55:66`` or
in *PXELinux* ``BOOTIF`` format ``01-11-22-33-44-55-66``.
* ``error`` optional error happened during ramdisk run, interpreted by
``ramdisk_error`` plugin
* ``logs`` optional base64-encoded logs from the ramdisk
* ``block_devices`` optional block devices information for
``root_device_hint`` plugin, dictionary with keys:
* ``serials`` list of serial numbers of block devices.
.. note::
This list highly depends on enabled plugins, provided above are
expected keys for the default set of plugins. See Plugins_ for details.
* 200 - OK
* 400 - bad request
* 403 - node is not on introspection
* 404 - node cannot be found or multiple nodes found
Response body: JSON dictionary. If `Setting IPMI Credentials`_ is requested,
body will contain the following keys:
* ``ipmi_setup_credentials`` boolean ``True``
* ``ipmi_username`` new IPMI user name
* ``ipmi_password`` new IPMI password
.. _Setting IPMI Credentials:
.. _Plugins: