[WIP] Add work items for 2024.2 Dalmatian development cycle

Change-Id: I6a4a6c43087f2daad03234ed264bbc87f78becee
This commit is contained in:
Riccardo Pittau 2024-04-18 15:07:21 +02:00
parent 888f8581d6
commit b14f8a4876

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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
.. _2024-2-work-items:
2024.2 Project Work Items
During the latest virtual Project Team Gathering happened between April 8
and 12, the Ironic developers and operators have discussed multiple
topics to plan the work for the next 2024.2 (Dalmatian) release.
We summarize the outcome of the discussion in this document, providing a list
of the main priorities for the next development cycle. For more information
please look at the link for each topic or contact the Ironic team on IRC.
Ironic contributors are busy; they work spanning multiple open source projects,
and have varied downstream responsibilities. We cannot guarantee any or all
planned work will be completed.
Each item in the table includes:
- Name of the work item, linked to the description
- Category can be...
- Maintenance: work that must be performed to keep Ironic working
- Bugfix: work to enhance existing code to cover more corner cases and
resolve bugs
- Feature: a new Ironic feature that did not previously exist
- Champions are the people most familiar with the technologies involved,
and are a good resource if you'd like to implement the work item.
- Tracking link is a link to the bug (usually) tracking the work.
.. list-table:: 2024.2 Work Items
:widths: 50 20 20 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Category
- Tracking
- Champions
* - `Ironic Documentation Improvements`_
- Maintenance
- N/A
- JayF
* - `API response schema validation`_
- Feature
- N/A
- stephenfin
* - `Merging Inspector into Ironic`_
- Feature
- `Migrate inspection rules from inspector <https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/ironic-specs/specs/not-implemented/inspection-rules.html>`_
- masghar
* - `Redfish Virtual Media Push / UpdateService`_
- Feature
- N/A
- TheJulia, janders, dtantsur
* - `Virtual Media TLS Validation`_
- Feature
- N/A
- dtantsur
* - `Slimming Down CI`_
- Maintenance
- N/A
- TheJulia
* - `Tinycore Alternative for IPA ramdisk`_
- Maintenance
- N/A
- JayF, rpittau
* - `Ironic Guest Metadata from nova`_
- Feature
- N/A
- JayF
* - `Service Steps templates`_
- Feature
- N/A
- JayF, TheJulia
* - `Alternative to Neutron`_
- Feature
- N/A
- TheJulia
* - `Ironic ARM CI`_
- Feature
- N/A
- JayF
Goals Details
Ironic Documentation Improvements
API response schema validation
Merging Inspector into Ironic
Ironic Inspector was originally created as a service external to Ironic. Now,
it's used by a large number of Ironic operators around the world and should
be integrated with the primary service.
This work has been progressing well. We will continue to work on this until it
is complete.
Redfish Virtual Media Push / UpdateService
Virtual Media TLS Validation
Slimming Down CI
Tinycore Alternative for IPA ramdisk
Ironic Guest Metadata from Nova
Service Steps templates
Alternative to Neutron
Ironic ARM CI
Release Schedule
Contributors are reminded of our scheduled releases when they are choosing
items to work on.
The dates below are a guide; please view
https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html for the full schedule
relating to the release and
https://docs.openstack.org/ironic/latest/contributor/releasing.html for Ironic
specific release information.
Bugfix Release 1
The first bugfix release is scheduled to happen around the first week of
June, 2024.
Bugfix release 2
The second bugfix release is scheduled to happen the first week of August,
Deadline Week
There are multiple deadlines/freezes the final week of :
* Final release of client libraries must be performed
* Requirements freeze
* Soft string freeze - Ironic services are minimally translated; this
generally doesn't apply to our services, such as API and Conductor, but may
impact us via other projects which are translated.
* Feature Freeze - Ironic does not typically have a feature freeze, but we may
be impacted by other projects that do have a feature freeze at this date.
Final 2024.2 (Integrated) Release
The final releases for Ironic projects in 2024.2 must be cut by September 27.