Ruby Loo df686019f1 [install docs] ironic -> openstack baremetal CLI
For the install documents, all the 'ironic' CLI commands are
replaced with their equivalent 'openstack baremetal' CLI commands.

Change-Id: Ic49cfd8d94366acb36c9a20b5c76885d7440f8d5
Partial-Bug: #1711235
2017-09-07 10:17:35 -04:00

7.5 KiB

Using Bare Metal service as a standalone service

It is possible to use the Bare Metal service without other OpenStack services. You should make the following changes to /etc/ironic/ironic.conf:

  1. To disable usage of Identity service tokens:

  2. If you want to disable the Networking service, you should have your network pre-configured to serve DHCP and TFTP for machines that you're deploying. To disable it, change the following lines:



    If you disabled the Networking service and the driver that you use is supported by at most one conductor, PXE boot will still work for your nodes without any manual config editing. This is because you know all the DHCP options that will be used for deployment and can set up your DHCP server appropriately.

    If you have multiple conductors per driver, it would be better to use Networking since it will do all the dynamically changing configurations for you.

If you don't use Image service, it's possible to provide images to Bare Metal service via hrefs.


At the moment, only two types of hrefs are acceptable instead of Image service UUIDs: HTTP(S) hrefs (for example, "") and file hrefs (file:///images/img).

There are however some limitations for different drivers:

  • If you're using one of the drivers that use agent deploy method (namely, agent_ilo or agent_ipmitool) you have to know MD5 checksum for your instance image. To compute it, you can use the following command:

    md5sum image.qcow2
    ed82def8730f394fb85aef8a208635f6  image.qcow2

    Apart from that, because of the way the agent deploy method works, image hrefs can use only HTTP(S) protocol.

  • If you're using iscsi_ilo or agent_ilo driver, Object Storage service is required, as these drivers need to store floppy image that is used to pass parameters to deployment iso. For this method also only HTTP(S) hrefs are acceptable, as HP iLO servers cannot attach other types of hrefs as virtual media.

  • Other drivers use PXE deploy method and there are no special requirements in this case.

Steps to start a deployment are pretty similar to those when using Compute:

  1. To use the openstack baremetal CLI, set up these environment variables. Since no authentication strategy is being used, the value can be any string for OS_TOKEN. OS_URL is the URL of the ironic-api process. For example:

    export OS_TOKEN=fake-token
    export OS_URL=http://localhost:6385/
  2. Create a node in Bare Metal service. At minimum, you must specify the driver name (for example, "pxe_ipmitool"). You can also specify all the required driver parameters in one command. This will return the node UUID:

    openstack node create --driver pxe_ipmitool \
        --driver-info \
        --driver-info ipmi_username=user \
        --driver-info ipmi_password=pass \
        --driver-info deploy_kernel=file:///images/deploy.vmlinuz \
        --driver-info deploy_ramdisk=
    | Property     | Value                                                                    |
    | uuid         | be94df40-b80a-4f63-b92b-e9368ee8d14c                                     |
    | driver_info  | {u'deploy_ramdisk': u'',       |
    |              | u'deploy_kernel': u'file:///images/deploy.vmlinuz', u'ipmi_address':     |
    |              | u'', u'ipmi_username': u'user', u'ipmi_password':         |
    |              | u'******'}                                                               |
    | extra        | {}                                                                       |
    | driver       | pxe_ipmitool                                                             |
    | chassis_uuid |                                                                          |
    | properties   | {}                                                                       |

    Note that here deploy_kernel and deploy_ramdisk contain links to images instead of Image service UUIDs.

  3. As in case of Compute service, you can also provide capabilities to node properties, but they will be used only by Bare Metal service (for example, boot mode). Although you don't need to add properties like memory_mb, cpus etc. as Bare Metal service will require UUID of a node you're going to deploy.

  4. Then create a port to inform Bare Metal service of the network interface cards which are part of the node by creating a port with each NIC's MAC address. In this case, they're used for naming of PXE configs for a node:

    openstack baremetal port create $MAC_ADDRESS --node $NODE_UUID
  5. As there is no Compute service flavor and instance image is not provided with nova boot command, you also need to specify some fields in instance_info. For PXE deployment, they are image_source, kernel, ramdisk, root_gb:

    openstack baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
        --instance-info image_source=$IMG \
        --instance-info kernel=$KERNEL \
        --instance-info ramdisk=$RAMDISK \
        --instance-info root_gb=10

    Here $IMG, $KERNEL, $RAMDISK can also be HTTP(S) or file hrefs. For agent drivers, you don't need to specify kernel and ramdisk, but MD5 checksum of instance image is required:

    openstack baremetal node set $NODE_UUID --instance-info image_checksum=$MD5HASH
  6. Validate that all parameters are correct:

    openstack baremetal node validate $NODE_UUID
    | Interface  | Result | Reason                                                         |
    | console    | False  | Missing 'ipmi_terminal_port' parameter in node's driver_info.  |
    | deploy     | True   |                                                                |
    | management | True   |                                                                |
    | power      | True   |                                                                |
  7. Now you can start the deployment, run:

    openstack baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID

For iLO drivers, fields that should be provided are:

  • ilo_deploy_iso under driver_info;
  • ilo_boot_iso, image_source, root_gb under instance_info.


The Bare Metal service tracks content changes for non-Glance images by checking their modification date and time. For example, for HTTP image, if 'Last-Modified' header value from response to a HEAD request to "" is greater than cached image modification time, Ironic will re-download the content. For "file://" images, the file system modification time is used.

Other references

  • local-boot-without-compute