Bash ramdisk is long deprecated already, but its options are still passed over as kernel parameters in boot config templates. This patch removes all options that are no longer used by IPA-based ramdisk. List of removed kernel parameters: - deployment_id, deployment_key, ironic_api_url, iscsi_target_iqn: used only in bash ramdisk - boot_option, boot_mode, disk: now are either auto-discovered by IPA or fetched from node - root_device: passing root device hints to IPA as kernel parameter was deprecated in Newton. With this change, usage of root device hints with ramdisks containing IPA of Mitaka release or older will not be possible. Change-Id: I5e434bf0cc7819cf003c29f01e822a8fbde034c8 Closes-Bug: #1630799
Ironic consists of an API and plug-ins for managing and provisioning physical machines in a security-aware and fault-tolerant manner. It can be used with nova as a hypervisor driver, or standalone service using bifrost. By default, it will use PXE and IPMI to interact with bare metal machines. Ironic also supports vendor-specific plug-ins which may implement additional functionality.
Ironic is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. The full terms and conditions of this license are detailed in the LICENSE file.
Project resources
- Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/ironic
- Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic
- Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Ironic
- APIs: http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/baremetal/index.html
Project status, bugs, and requests for feature enhancements (RFEs) are tracked on Launchpad: http://launchpad.net/ironic
For information on how to contribute to ironic, see http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/dev/code-contribution-guide.html