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Refactor the clients used in protect service


Problem description

As the bug[1] said, the user token may expire during the process of protection when using it directly to access other openstack services.

Use Cases

In protection service, both protect and restore operations use user token passed by context to create clients of other openstack services and access them by that client. It may fail to access other services because of the expiration of user token.

Proposed change

Recently, Keystone has merged a new spec[2] that resolves the issue of token expiration which happens in access between multiple openstack services. Simply, the principle is like this. When the Keystone Middleware validates the user token, it will check the service token first. If it is passed and valid, then Keystone allows user token to be fetched even if it is expired unless the time exceeds the max window time which is set in Keystone and the default value is 48 hours.

It fixes Karbor's issue perfectly. According to that spec, Karbor can access other openstack services successfully for 48 hours which is enough to finish all the protect/restore works. There are some changes to create and use the clients of other services before using that new mechanism.

  1. create client

    The client may be created like this

def create(context):
    # user_auth_plugin: created by context, which stores the user token.
    # service_auth_pluing: created and initialized by service information of
    #                      Karbor which are registered to Keystone
    auth_plugin = service_token.ServiceTokenAuthWrapper(
        user_auth_plugin, service_auth_plugin)

    session = session.Session(auth=auth_plugin, verify=verify)

    # endpoint: the public url of cinder
    client = cinderclient.Client('3', session=session,
  1. use client

    The client can be created once and used all the time until the max expiration time(48h).


The 'trust' mechanism of Keystone can solve this issue. But it is a bit more complex than the new one.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

It may spend some time to apply a new service token from Keystone if it is expired when using the client to send the request each time.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact

The developers of protect plugins should know these changes.



Work Items

  • refactor all clients of other openstack services been using in protect service.


It depends on all the patches[3] of Keystone to be merged.


Unit tests in Karbor.

Documentation Impact



[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/karbor/+bug/1566793 [2] https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/keystone-specs/specs/keystone/ocata/allow-expired.html [3] https://review.opendev.org/#q,topic:bp/allow-expired,n,z