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Annotate Tokens for the admin project

bp example

Add an additional identifier to validation responses for tokens that are scoped to the designated 'admin' project.

Problem Description

Keystone's rbac model grants roles to users on specific projects, and post-keystone redux, there are no longer "global" roles.

There are, however, circumstances where there is a need for a token that would allow a user to undertake a broader set of operations than related to a single project. Examples are:

  • Operating on resources that are not project related
  • Providing cloud admin capability for select users

Today there are two ways this can be achieved. The first is how all default policy files are written - in that if a user has the role admin on any project, they effectively can be admin on any other project. This is clearly undesirable. In reality, these policy files should be checking the scope of the project in the token to ensure that the user really does have the appropriate role on the project being operated on. However, doing that would again prevent either of the two examples of above being solved.

The second method is used by the keystone policy.v3cloudsample.json example, where a specific domain is "blessed". If you have the role admin on this, special domain, then you can act as a cloud admin or operate on resources that are not project specific. The only problem with the approach in policy.v3cloudsample.json is that it requires, at setup time, the ID of the special admin domain to be pasted into one of the rules in the policy file:

"cloud_admin": "role:admin and domain_id:<insert admin domain_id here>",

The use of a special project or domain seems an appropriate way of providing the functionality required, but it would be preferable not to have to modify all the policy file of the services with a specific project/domain ID.

Proposed Change

It is proposed that keystone support a configuration option to specify a special admin project. If defined, any scoped token issued for that project will have an additional identifier is_admin_project added to the token. This identifier can then be checked by the policy rules in the policy files of the services when evaluating access control policy for an API.

One immediate question that might be raised at this point is what if we want to have a different admin for say nova, neutron, cinder etc. who could operate on non-project related resources in those services. Does this mean we would need to support a special project per service? The answer is No, and this kind of support could be obtained by:

  • Creating roles for admin of each service (e.g. nova_admin, cinder_admin) which would be checked for in each of the service policy files, e.g.:

"i_am_nova_admin": "is_admin_project and role:nova_admin"

  • Writing the keystone policy rules for role assignment such that only those users with the actual role admin on the special project can assign other roles to that project (i.e. create nova, cinder, glance admins).

A further question is how this relates to the current keystone v3 sample that uses a special admin domain. With the move to representing domains as projects with the is_domain attribute in Mitaka, keystone can use this facility to provide the same cloud admin support, e.g.

"cloud_admin": "role:admin and is_domain and is_admin_project"

Indeed, with this in place, we should be able to make the v3 policy sample the default keystone policy file (although a separate spec will be produced for that change).

Since we expect v2 tokens to be supported for a significant time, it is proposed that is_admin_project will be supported for both v2 and v3 tokens.


  • Only issuing admin roles on tokens for admin projects. Fixes this problem but introduces far worse ones, as many APIs assume that users can get a token scoped to a project with the admin role.
  • Make roles global. Breaks many existing Policy checks that assume the roles to be scoped to existing projects. Does not really fix anything.
  • Templatize the policy file in the same way as the v3cloud sample, and use the deployment specific configuration management system to keep them in sync. This requires big changes through a lot of the tool chain.

Security Impact

This change has a positive security impact since it allows deployers to significantly reduce one of the existing risk areas - where policy files might grant admin rights to more users than was intended. However, to take advantage of this mechanism requires a one-time modification of all policy files for remote services. As such, it will have no effect when initially implemented.

Notifications Impact


Other End User Impact

None. It will allow users with admin on the admin project to continue to do a wide range of activities, and will only limit users that have that role on other projects.

Performance Impact

Minimal, if at all. Requires an additional check of the project_id when creating a token.

Other Deployer Impact

Will require two config values: admin_domain_name and admin_project_name to allow the specification for the admin project. If only admin_domain_name is specified, then the project acting as that domain will be used.

Developer Impact

Should drive closing for all projects.



Primary assignee: ayoung <Adam Young>

Work Items

  • Implement changes in Keystone server token issuance
  • Modify policy files in all other projects



Documentation Impact

Documentation will have to indicate how to set the admin_domain_name and admin_project_name to limit the scope of admin tokens.
