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OpenStack Identity API v3 OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY Extension

This extension provides associations between service endpoints and policies that are already stored in the Identity server and referenced by policy ID. Such associations enable an endpoint to request the appropriate policy for itself. Three types of association are supported:

  • A policy associated to a specific endpoint
  • A policy associated to any endpoint of a given service type in a given region
  • A policy associated to any endpoint of a given service type

When an endpoint requests the appropriate policy for itself, the extension will look for an association in the order given above (which is essentially in order from most specific to least specific) and select the first one it finds. For region associations, any parent regions will also be examined in ascending order. No combination of polices will occur.

Policy-Endpoint Associations

Create association with endpoint

PUT /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/endpoints/{endpoint_id}

Creates an association between the policy and the endpoint. If another association already existed for the specified endpoint, this will replace that association. Any body supplied with this API will be ignored.


Status: 204 No Content

Check association with endpoint

GET /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/endpoints/{endpoint_id}

Verifies the existence of an association between a policy and an endpoint. A HEAD version of this API is also supported.


Status: 204 No Content

Delete association with endpoint

DELETE /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/endpoints/{endpoint_id}

Deletes an association between the policy and the endpoint.


Status: 204 No Content

Create association with service

PUT /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id}

Creates an association between the policy and the service. If another association already existed for the specified service, this will replace that association. Any body supplied with this API will be ignored.


Status: 204 No Content

Check association with service

GET /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id}

Verifies the existence of an association between a policy and a service. A HEAD version of this API is also supported.


Status: 204 No Content

Delete association with service

DELETE /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id}

Deletes an association between the policy and the service.


Status: 204 No Content

Create association with service in a region

PUT /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id}/regions/{region_id}

Creates an association between the policy and the service in the given region. If another association already existed for the specified service and region, this will replace that association. Any body supplied with this API will be ignored.


Status: 204 No Content

Check association with service in a region

GET /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id}/regions/{region_id}

Verifies the existence of an association between a policy and a service in the given region. A HEAD version of this API is also supported.


Status: 204 No Content

Delete association with service in a region

DELETE /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id}/regions/{region_id}

Deletes an association between the policy and the service in the given region.


Status: 204 No Content

List effective endpoint associations for policy

GET /policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/endpoints

Returns all the endpoints that are currently associated with a specific policy via any of the association methods.


Status: 200 OK

    "endpoints": [
            "id": "--endpoint-id--",
            "interface": "public",
            "links": {
                "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/endpoints/--endpoint-id--"
            "region": "north",
            "service_id": "--service-id--",
            "url": "http://identity:35357/"
            "id": "--endpoint-id--",
            "interface": "internal",
            "links": {
                "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/endpoints/--endpoint-id--"
            "region": "south",
            "service_id": "--service-id--",
            "url": "http://identity:35357/"
    "links": {
        "next": null,
        "previous": null,
        "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/policies/{policy_id}/endpoints"

Get effective policy associated with endpoint

GET /endpoints/{endpoint_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/policy

Returns the policy that is currently associated with the given endpoint, by working through the ordered sequence of methods of association. The first association that is found will be returned. If the region of the endpoint has a parent, then region associations will be examined up the region tree in ascending order.


Status: 200 OK

    "policy": {
        "blob": "--serialized-blob--",
        "id": "--policy-id--",
        "links": {
            "self": "http://identity:35357/v3/policies/--policy-id--"
        "type": "--serialization-mime-type--"

Check if a policy is associated with endpoint

HEAD /endpoints/{endpoint_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/policy

Checks if a policy is currently associated with the given endpoint.


Status: 200 OK