
18 KiB

OpenStack Identity API v3 Key Distribution Service Extension

Key Distribution Server (KDS) serves as a trusted third party that is responsible for generation and secure distribution of signing and encryption keys to communicating parties. These shared keys allow messages to be exchanged between communicating parties with message authentication, integrity and confidentiality. KDS is an integral part of the implementation of RPC message security.

To establish a trusted relationship between a communicating party and KDS, a long term shared key needs to be assigned to the party by a properly authorized user, such as a cloud administrator. Assigning a key to a party requires assigning an identity to that party in KDS. An identity is comprised of a unique party name and the long term shared key that it is associated with. This party name is used to identify a party when it communicates with KDS or another party.

KDS is designed to enable secure messages to be exchanged between two individual parties as well as between one individual party and a group party. When a party wants to obtain keys to be used for communication with another party, it makes an authenticated request to KDS for a ticket. KDS returns a ticket to the requesting party that is encrypted with the long term shared key that is associated with that party. This encryption ensures that the ticket can only be decrypted by one who possesses the long term key, which should only be the associated party and KDS itself.

A ticket that has been issued by KDS contains a copy of the shared encryption and signing keys. These keys are for the source party, which is the party that requested the ticket. The ticket also contains a payload that is intended for the destination party, which is the party that the source party wants to communicate with. This payload contains the information that is needed for the destination party to be able to derive the shared encryption and signing keys. When the destination party is an individual, the payload is encrypted with the long term shared key that is associated with the destination party. When the destination party is a group, the payload is encrypted with a shared group key that KDS makes available to all members of the group. This encryption allows the destination party to trust that the information in the payload was supplied by KDS. When the source party is ready to communicate with the destination party, it sends this encrypted payload to the destination party along with whatever data it has protected with the shared signing and encryption keys. The destination party can then decrypt the payload and derive the shared encryption and signing keys using the information in the payload. This results in both parties having a copy of the shared signing and encryption keys that are trusted as being issued by KDS. These shared keys can then be used by the destination party to authenticate and decrypt the data sent by the source party.

When a source party needs to send secure messages to multiple recipients, an authorized user can define a group for those recipients in KDS. Membership in a group is determined by comparing a party name with the group name. If the name of a party matches <group name>.*, it is considered to be a member. For example, a party named would be considered a member of a group named scheduler. This matches up with the way that message queues are named within OpenStack.

When a source party requests a ticket where the destination party is a group, KDS generates a short-lived group key and assigns it to the group. This group key is used to encrypt the payload in the ticket, which contains the information that the destination party uses to derive the shared signing and encryption keys. When an individual destination party needs to decrypt the payload that it receives from the source party as a part of a group message, it makes an authenticated request to KDS to obtain the short-lived group key. If the requester is a member of the target group, KDS provides the short-lived group key encrypted with the long term shared key associated with the individual destination party. The group key can then be decrypted by the individual destination party, allowing it to decrypt the payload and derive the shared signing and encryption keys that can be used to authenticate and decrypt the data sent by the source party.

When keys are obtained to send a message to a group, it is important to note that all members of the group and the sender share the signing and encryption keys. This makes it impossible for an individual destination party to determine if a message was truly sent by the source party or another destination party who is a member of the group. The only assurance that a destination party has is that a message was sent by a party who has possession of the shared signing and encryption keys. This requires that all parties within a group trust each other to not impersonate the source party.

The signing and encryption keys that are shared between communicating parties are short-lived. The lifetime of these keys is defined by an validity period that is set by KDS when it issues the ticket. A suggested reasonable default validity period is 15 minutes, though it is left up to the implementation to determine the appropriate validity period. Once the validity period for the keys expires, a party should refuse to use those keys anymore to prevent using keys that may have been compromised. This requires the source party to request a new ticket from KDS to get a new set of keys. If desired, an implementation could choose to implement a grace period to account for clock skew between parties. This grace period would allow a destination party to accept messages that use recently expired keys. If a grace period is used, it is recommended that the duration be kept small, such as 5 minutes or less.

The principal advantage of using a key server compared to a pure public key based system is that the encryption and signing key exchange can be regulated by the key server. Since the key server is actively involved in distributing keys to the communicating parties, it has the ability to apply access control and deny communication between arbitrary peers in the system when keys are requested. This allows for centralized access control, prevents unauthorized communication and avoids the need to perform post-authentication access control and policy look-ups on the receiving side.

API Considerations

The Key Distribution Server (KDS) requires that all ticket requests are authenticated and data is encrypted where appropriate.

All timestamp values used in the API must be specified as a UTC ISO 8601 extended format date/time string that includes microseconds. An example of a properly formatted timestamp is 2012-03-26T10:01:01.720000.

The default algorithms for message authentication and encryption are respectively HMAC-SHA-256 and AES-128-CBC. Therefore the default block size is 128bit.

The source party that obtains a ticket is responsible for sending the encrypted payload esek to the destination party. The source and destination strings used when requesting the ticket also need to be sent to the destination party to allow it to derive the shared signing end encryption keys. Transferring this data to the destination party is handled outside of the API described in this document, as it's expected to be performed by the messaging implementation.

The key derivation used to generate the shared signing and encryption keys uses the Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC)-based key derivation function (HKDF) standard as described in RFC 5869. The destination party needs to use the HKDF expand function using the information that it receives from the source party in order to complete derivation of the shared signing and encryption keys. The inputs to the HKDF expand function are as follows:

HKDF-Expand(esek.key, info, 256)

The info input for the HKDF expand function is a string that concatenates the source, destination, and esek.timestamp strings using a , separator between each element. An example of a valid info string where is the source, is the destination, and 2012-03-26T10:01:01.720000 is the esek.timestamp is as follows:,,2012-03-26T10:01:01.720000

The output of the HKDF expand function is an array of bytes of 256 bit length. The first half is used as the signing key, and the second half is used as the encryption key.

The requests to create and delete long term keys should be restricted such that only a properly authorized user, such as a cloud administrator is allowed to successfully perform the operations. The authentication and authorization for these requests is left up to the implementation, though it expected that one would leverage the Identity API for these purposes.

Resources and Operations

Create Key

PUT /v1/keys/{name}

Create a long term key in the KDS.


The request resource name is the party associated with the key, and the body consists of just the key.

  • key - A base64 encoded 128 bit long cryptographic random key.

    { "key": "TXkgcHJlY2lvdXNzcy4u..." }


The response contains a name and generation value. The generation value will only be changed if a new key is set. If the request sets the key to the same value that already exists, the existing generation value will be returned in the response. This makes the request idempotent.

  • name - The party name associated with the key.

  • generation - A unique integer used to identify the key.

    Status: 201 Created Location: /v1/keys/--key-name--

    { "name": "--key-name--", "generation": 2 }

Delete Key

DELETE /v1/keys/{name}

Delete a key from KDS.


The request body is empty.


Status: 204 No Content

Generate Ticket

POST /v1/tickets

A ticket is generated to facilitate messaging between a source and a destination.


A generate ticket request comprises metadata supplied as a base64 encoded JSON object and a signature.

    "metadata": "Zhn8yhasf8hihkf...",
    "signature": "c2lnbmF0dXJl..."


A base64 encoded JSON object containing the following key/value pairs:

  • source - The identity requesting a ticket.
  • destination - The target for which the ticket will be valid.
  • timestamp - Current timestamp from the requester.
  • nonce - Random single use data.

A timestamp and a nonce are necessary to avoid replay attacks.

    "source": "",
    "destination": "",
    "timestamp": "2012-03-26T10:01:01.720000",
    "nonce": 1234567890


A base64 encoded HMAC Signature over the base64 encoded request metadata object.

Base64encode(HMAC(SigningKey, RequestMetadata))

The key used for the signature is the requester's long term key. The KDS should verify the signature upon receipt of the request. This requires that the KDS access the source from the request metadata in order to lookup the associated long term key that can be used to verify the signature. The KDS should not access any other data contained in the request metadata before verifying the signature. Failure to verify the signature leaves the KDS open to issuing a ticket to a party that is impersonating the source.


The response always returns a triplet of metadata, encrypted ticket and signature.

Status: 200 OK

    "metadata": "Zhn8yhasf8hihkf...",
    "ticket": "ZW5jcnlwdGVkIHRpY2tldA==",
    "signature": "c2lnbmF0dXJl..."


A base64 encoded JSON object containing the following key/value pairs:

  • source - The identity of the requester.

  • destination - The target for which the ticket is valid.

  • expiration - Timestamp of when the ticket expires.

    { "source": "", "destination": "", "expiration": "2012-03-26T11:01:01.720000" }


The ticket is encrypted with the source's long term key and contains a base64 encoded JSON object containing the following key/value pairs:

  • skey - The newly generated base64 encoded message signing key.

  • ekey - The newly generated base64 encoded message encryption key.

  • esek - Encrypted signing and encryption key pair for the receiver.

    { "skey": "ZjhkuYZH8y87rzhgi7..." "ekey": "Fk8yksa8z8zKtakc8s..." "esek": "KBo8fajfo8ysad5hq2..." }

The esek is encrypted with the destination's long term key and contains a base64 encoded JSON object containing the following key/value pairs:

  • key - The base64 encoded random key used to derive the signing and encryption keys.

  • timestamp - Timestamp of when the key was created.

  • ttl - An integer containing the validity length of the key in seconds.

    { "key": "Afa8sad2hgsd7asv7ad..." "timestamp": "2012-03-26T10:01:01.720000" "ttl": 28800 }

The key and timestamp are used as inputs to the HKDF expand function to derive the signing and encryption keys as described in the API Considerations section of this document.

The timestamp plus ttl should be equivalent to the expiration timestamp contained in the response metadata.


A base64 encoded HMAC signature over the concatenation of the base64 encoded response metadata object and base64 encoded ticket object.

Base64encode(HMAC(SigningKey, ResponseMetadata + Ticket))

The key used for the signature is the requester's long term key. The requester should verify the signature upon receipt of the response before accessing any data contained in the response metadata or the ticket. Failure to verify the signature leaves the requester open to using metadata that was not actually issued by the KDS.

Create Group

PUT /v1/groups/{name}

Create a group in the KDS.

Membership in groups is based on the party name. For example, a group named scheduler will implicitly include any party name starting with scheduler. as a member (e.g.


The request body is empty.


The response returns the group name from the request.

Status: 201 Created
Location: /v1/groups/--group-name--

    "name": "--group-name--"

Delete Group

DELETE /v1/groups/{name}

Delete a group from the KDS.


The request body is empty.


Status: 204 No Content

Retrieve Group Key

POST /v1/groups

When a ticket is requested where the destination is a group, a group key is generated that is valid for a predetermined amount of time. Any member of the group can retrieve the key as long as it is still valid. Group keys are necessary to verify signatures and decrypt messages that have a group name as the target.


A group key retrieval request is identical to a generate ticket request except the destination is a group name instead of an individual party name.


The response always returns a triplet of metadata, encrypted group key and signature.

Status: 200 OK

    "metadata": "Zhn8yhasf8hihkf...",
    "group_key": "ZW5jcnlwdGVkIGdyb3VwIGtleQ==",
    "signature": "c2lnbmF0dXJl"


A base64 encoded JSON object containing the following key/value pairs:

  • source - The identity of the requester.

  • destination - The target for which the ticket is valid.

  • expiration - Timestamp of when the ticket expires.

    { "source": "", "destination": "scheduler", "expiration": "2012-03-26T11:01:01.720000" }

Group key:

The group key is encrypted with the requester's long term key.


A base64 encoded HMAC signature over the concatenation of the base64 encoded response metadata object and the group key.

Base64encode(HMAC(SigningKey, ResponseMetadata + GroupKey))

The key used for the signature is the requester's long term key. The requester should verify the signature upon receipt of the response before accessing any data contained in the response metadata or the group key. Failure to verify the signature leaves the requester open to using data that was not actually issued by the KDS.

HTTP Status Codes

KDS uses the following HTTP status codes to communicate specific success and failure conditions to the client.

200 OK

This status code is returned in response to a successful POST request to generate a ticket or a retrieve a group key.

201 Created

This status code is returned in response to a successful PUT request to create a group or long term key.

204 No Content

This status code is returned in response to a successful DELETE request to delete a group or long term key. No content body is returned.

401 Unauthorized

This status code is returned when either authentication has not been performed, or authentication fails.

403 Forbidden

This status code is returned when the requester field does not match either the sender or the receiver fields, or if the body of the request does not result in the supplied signature.

404 Not Found

This status code is returned in response to a failed DELETE request when a referenced entity cannot be found. It is also returned when a POST request is made where the destination party specified in the request does not exist.