Guang Yee 9f812939d4 v3 token API
Also implemented the following:

blueprint pluggable-identity-authentication-handlers
blueprint stop-ids-in-uris
blueprint multi-factor-authn (just the plumbing)

What's missing?

* domain scoping (will be implemented by Henry?)

Change-Id: I191c0b2cb3367b2a5f8a2dc674c284bb13ea97e3
2013-02-20 13:18:38 -08:00

35 KiB

Configuring Keystone

man/keystone-manage man/keystone-all

Once Keystone is installed, it is configured via a primary configuration file (etc/keystone.conf), possibly a separate logging configuration file, and initializing data into keystone using the command line client.

Starting and Stopping Keystone

Start Keystone services using the command:

$ keystone-all

Invoking this command starts up two wsgi.Server instances, admin (the administration API) and main (the primary/public API interface). Both services are configured by keystone.conf as run in a single process.

Stop the process using Control-C.


If you have not already configured Keystone, it may not start as expected.

Memcached and System Time

If using memcached with Keystone - e.g. using the memcache token driver or the auth_token middleware - ensure that the system time of memcached hosts is set to UTC. Memcached uses the host's system time in determining whether a key has expired, whereas Keystone sets key expiry in UTC. The timezone used by Keystone and memcached must match if key expiry is to behave as expected.

Configuration Files

The keystone configuration file is an ini file based on Paste, a common system used to configure python WSGI based applications. In addition to the paste configuration entries, general and driver-specific configuration values are organized into the following sections:

  • [DEFAULT] - general configuration
  • [sql] - optional storage backend configuration
  • [ec2] - Amazon EC2 authentication driver configuration
  • [s3] - Amazon S3 authentication driver configuration.
  • [identity] - identity system driver configuration
  • [catalog] - service catalog driver configuration
  • [token] - token driver configuration
  • [policy] - policy system driver configuration for RBAC
  • [signing] - cryptographic signatures for PKI based tokens
  • [ssl] - SSL configuration
  • [auth] - Authentication plugin configuration

The Keystone configuration file is expected to be named keystone.conf. When starting keystone, you can specify a different configuration file to use with --config-file. If you do not specify a configuration file, keystone will look in the following directories for a configuration file, in order:

  • ~/.keystone/
  • ~/
  • /etc/keystone/
  • /etc/

Authentication Plugins

Keystone supports authentication plugins and they are specified in the [auth] section of the configuration file. However, an authentication plugin may also have its own section in the configuration file. It is up to the plugin to register its own configuration options.

  • methods - comma-delimited list of authentication plugin names
  • <plugin name> - specify the class which handles to authentication method, in the same manner as one would specify a backend driver.

Keystone provides two authentication methods by default. password handles password authentication and token handles token authentication.

How to Implement an Authentication Plugin

All authentication plugins must extend the keystone.auth.core.AuthMethodHandler class and implement the authenticate() method. The authenticate() method expects the following parameters.

  • context - Keystone's request context
  • auth_payload - the content of the authentication for a given method
  • auth_context - user authentication context, a dictionary shared by all plugins. It contains method_names and extras by default. method_names is a list and extras is a dictionary.

If successful, the authenticate() method must provide a valid user_id in auth_context and return None. method_name is used to convey any additional authentication methods in case authentication is for re-scoping. For example, if the authentication is for re-scoping, a plugin must append the previous method names into method_names. Also, a plugin may add any additional information into extras. Anything in extras will be conveyed in the token's extras field.

If authentication requires multiple steps, the authenticate() method must return the payload in the form of a dictionary for the next authentication step.

If authentication is unsuccessful, the authenticate() method must raise a keystone.exception.Unauthorized exception.

Simply add the new plugin name to the methods list along with your plugin class configuration in the [auth] sections of the configuration file to deploy it.

If the plugin require addition configurations, it may register its own section in the configuration file.

Plugins are invoked in the order in which they are specified in the methods attribute of the authentication request body. If multiple plugins are invoked, all plugins must succeed in order to for the entire authentication to be successful. Furthermore, all the plugins invoked must agree on the user_id in the auth_context.

Certificates for PKI

PKI stands for Public Key Infrastructure. Tokens are documents, cryptographically signed using the X509 standard. In order to work correctly token generation requires a public/private key pair. The public key must be signed in an X509 certificate, and the certificate used to sign it must be available as Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. These files can be generated either using the keystone-manage utility, or externally generated. The files need to be in the locations specified by the top level Keystone configuration file as specified in the above section. Additionally, the private key should only be readable by the system user that will run Keystone. The values that specify where to read the certificates are under the [signing] section of the configuration file. The configuration values are:

  • token_format - Determines the algorithm used to generate tokens. Can be either UUID or PKI. Defaults to PKI
  • certfile - Location of certificate used to verify tokens. Default is /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem
  • keyfile - Location of private key used to sign tokens. Default is /etc/keystone/ssl/private/signing_key.pem
  • ca_certs - Location of certificate for the authority that issued the above certificate. Default is /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem
  • key_size - Default is 1024
  • valid_days - Default is 3650
  • ca_password - Password required to read the ca_file. Default is None

Signing Certificate Issued by External CA

You may use a signing certificate issued by an external CA instead of generated by keystone-manage. However, certificate issued by external CA must satisfy the following conditions:

  • all certificate and key files must be in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format
  • private key files must not be protected by a password

When using signing certificate issued by an external CA, you do not need to specify key_size, valid_days, and ca_password as they will be ignored.

The basic workflow for using a signing certificate issed by an external CA involves:

  1. Request Signing Certificate from External CA
  2. convert certificate and private key to PEM if needed
  3. Install External Signing Certificate

Request Signing Certificate from External CA

One way to request a signing certificate from an external CA is to first generate a PKCS #10 Certificate Request Syntax (CRS) using OpenSSL CLI.

First create a certificate request configuration file (e.g. cert_req.conf):

[ req ]
default_bits            = 1024
default_keyfile         = keystonekey.pem
default_md              = sha1

prompt                  = no
distinguished_name      = distinguished_name

[ distinguished_name ]
countryName             = US
stateOrProvinceName     = CA
localityName            = Sunnyvale
organizationName        = OpenStack
organizationalUnitName  = Keystone
commonName              = Keystone Signing
emailAddress            =

Then generate a CRS with OpenSSL CLI. Do not encrypt the generated private key. Must use the -nodes option.

For example:

openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout signing_key.pem -keyform PEM -out signing_cert_req.pem -outform PEM -config cert_req.conf -nodes

If everything is successfully, you should end up with signing_cert_req.pem and signing_key.pem. Send signing_cert_req.pem to your CA to request a token signing certificate and make sure to ask the certificate to be in PEM format. Also, make sure your trusted CA certificate chain is also in PEM format.

Install External Signing Certificate

Assuming you have the following already:

  • signing_cert.pem - (Keystone token) signing certificate in PEM format
  • signing_key.pem - corresponding (non-encrypted) private key in PEM format
  • cacert.pem - trust CA certificate chain in PEM format

Copy the above to your certificate directory. For example:

mkdir -p /etc/keystone/ssl/certs
cp signing_cert.pem /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/
cp signing_key.pem /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/
cp cacert.pem /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/
chmod -R 700 /etc/keystone/ssl/certs

Make sure the certificate directory is root-protected.

If your certificate directory path is different from the default /etc/keystone/ssl/certs, make sure it is reflected in the [signing] section of the configuration file.

Service Catalog

Keystone provides two configuration options for your service catalog.

SQL-based Service Catalog (sql.Catalog)

A dynamic database-backed driver fully supporting persistent configuration via keystoneclient administration commands (e.g. keystone endpoint-create).

keystone.conf example:

driver = keystone.catalog.backends.sql.Catalog


A template_file does not need to be defined for the sql.Catalog driver.

To build your service catalog using this driver, see the built-in help:

$ keystone
$ keystone help service-create
$ keystone help endpoint-create

You can also refer to an example in Keystone (tools/

File-based Service Catalog (templated.TemplatedCatalog)

The templated catalog is an in-memory backend initialized from a read-only template_file. Choose this option only if you know that your service catalog will not change very much over time.


Attempting to manage your service catalog using keystoneclient commands (e.g. keystone endpoint-create) against this driver will result in HTTP 501 Not Implemented errors. This is the expected behavior. If you want to use these commands, you must instead use the SQL-based Service Catalog driver.

keystone.conf example:

driver = keystone.catalog.backends.templated.TemplatedCatalog
template_file = /opt/stack/keystone/etc/default_catalog.templates

The value of template_file is expected to be an absolute path to your service catalog configuration. An example template_file is included in Keystone, however you should create your own to reflect your deployment. If you are migrating from a legacy deployment, a tool is available to help with this task (see Migrating your Service Catalog from legacy versions of Keystone).

Another such example is available in devstack (files/default_catalog.templates).


Logging is configured externally to the rest of Keystone. Configure the path to your logging configuration file using the [DEFAULT] log_config option of keystone.conf. If you wish to route all your logging through syslog, set the [DEFAULT] use_syslog option.

A sample log_config file is included with the project at etc/logging.conf.sample. Like other OpenStack projects, Keystone uses the python logging module, which includes extensive configuration options for choosing the output levels and formats.


Keystone provides some basic request/response monitoring statistics out of the box.

Enable data collection by defining a stats_monitoring filter and including it at the beginning of any desired WSGI pipelines:

paste.filter_factory = keystone.contrib.stats:StatsMiddleware.factory

pipeline = stats_monitoring [...] public_service

Enable the reporting of collected data by defining a stats_reporting filter and including it near the end of your admin_api WSGI pipeline (After *_body middleware and before *_extension filters is recommended):

paste.filter_factory = keystone.contrib.stats:StatsExtension.factory

pipeline = [...] json_body stats_reporting ec2_extension [...] admin_service

Query the admin API for statistics using:

$ curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: ADMIN' http://localhost:35357/v2.0/OS-STATS/stats

Reset collected data using:

$ curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: ADMIN' -X DELETE http://localhost:35357/v2.0/OS-STATS/stats


Keystone may be configured to support 2-way SSL out-of-the-box. The x509 certificates used by Keystone must be obtained externally and configured for use with Keystone as described in this section. However, a set of sample certficates is provided in the examples/pki/certs and examples/pki/private directories with the Keystone distribution for testing. Here is the description of each of them and their purpose:

Types of certificates


Certificate Authority chain to validate against.


Public certificate for Keystone server.


Public and private certificate for Keystone middleware/client.


Private key for the CA.


Private key for the Keystone server.

Note that you may choose whatever names you want for these certificates, or combine the public/private keys in the same file if you wish. These certificates are just provided as an example.


To enable SSL with client authentication, modify the etc/keystone.conf file accordingly under the [ssl] section. SSL configuration example using the included sample certificates:

enable = True
certfile = <path to keystone.pem>
keyfile = <path to keystonekey.pem>
ca_certs = <path to ca.pem>
cert_required = True
  • enable: True enables SSL. Defaults to False.
  • certfile: Path to Keystone public certificate file.
  • keyfile: Path to Keystone private certificate file. If the private key is included in the certfile, the keyfile maybe omitted.
  • ca_certs: Path to CA trust chain.
  • cert_required: Requires client certificate. Defaults to False.


Keystone provides a user CRUD filter that can be added to the public_api pipeline. This user crud filter allows users to use a HTTP PATCH to change their own password. To enable this extension you should define a user_crud_extension filter, insert it after the *_body middleware and before the public_service app in the public_api WSGI pipeline in keystone.conf e.g.:

paste.filter_factory = keystone.contrib.user_crud:CrudExtension.factory

pipeline = stats_monitoring url_normalize token_auth admin_token_auth xml_body json_body debug ec2_extension user_crud_extension public_service

Each user can then change their own password with a HTTP PATCH :

> curl -X PATCH http://localhost:5000/v2.0/OS-KSCRUD/users/<userid> -H "Content-type: application/json"  \
-H "X_Auth_Token: <authtokenid>" -d '{"user": {"password": "ABCD", "original_password": "DCBA"}}'

In addition to changing their password all of the users current tokens will be deleted (if the backend used is kvs or sql)

Sample Configuration Files

The etc/ folder distributed with Keystone contains example configuration files for each Server application.

  • etc/keystone.conf
  • etc/logging.conf.sample
  • etc/default_catalog.templates

Preparing your deployment

Step 1: Configure keystone.conf

Ensure that your keystone.conf is configured to use a SQL driver:

driver = keystone.identity.backends.sql.Identity

You may also want to configure your [sql] settings to better reflect your environment:

connection = sqlite:///keystone.db
idle_timeout = 200


It is important that the database that you specify be different from the one containing your existing install.

Step 2: Sync your new, empty database

You should now be ready to initialize your new database without error, using:

$ keystone-manage db_sync

To test this, you should now be able to start keystone-all and use the Keystone Client to list your tenants (which should successfully return an empty list from your new database):

$ keystone --token ADMIN --endpoint tenant-list
| id | name | enabled |


We're providing the default SERVICE_TOKEN and SERVICE_ENDPOINT values from keystone.conf to connect to the Keystone service. If you changed those values, or deployed Keystone to a different endpoint, you will need to change the provided command accordingly.

Migrating from legacy versions of Keystone

Migration support is provided for the following legacy Keystone versions:

  • diablo-5
  • stable/diablo
  • essex-2
  • essex-3


Before you can import your legacy data, you must first prepare your deployment.

Step 1: Ensure your deployment can access your legacy database

Your legacy keystone.conf contains a SQL configuration section called [keystone.backends.sqlalchemy] connection string which, by default, looks like:

sql_connection = sqlite:///keystone.db

This connection string needs to be accessible from your deployment (e.g. you may need to copy your SQLite *.db file to a new server, adjust the relative path as appropriate, or open a firewall for MySQL, etc).

Step 2: Import your legacy data

Use the following command to import your old data using the value of sql_connection from step 3:

$ keystone-manage import_legacy <sql_connection>

You should now be able to run the same command you used to test your new database above, but now you'll see your legacy Keystone data:

$ keystone --token ADMIN --endpoint tenant-list
|                id                |      name      | enabled |
| 12edde26a6224199a66ece67b762a065 | project-y      | True    |
| 593715ed4359404999915ea7005a7da1 | ANOTHER:TENANT | True    |
| be57fed798b049bc9637d2be30bfa857 | coffee-tea     | True    |
| e3c382f4757a4385b502056431763cca | customer-x     | True    |

Migrating your Service Catalog from legacy versions of Keystone

While legacy Keystone deployments stored the service catalog in the database, the service catalog is stored in a flat template_file. An example service catalog template file may be found in etc/default_catalog.templates. You can change the path to your service catalog template in keystone.conf by changing the value of [catalog] template_file.

Import your legacy catalog and redirect the output to your template_file:

$ keystone-manage export_legacy_catalog <sql_connection> > <template_file>


After executing this command, you will need to restart the Keystone service to see your changes.

Migrating from Nova Auth

Migration of users, projects (aka tenants), roles and EC2 credentials is supported for the Essex and later releases of Nova. To migrate your auth data from Nova, use the following steps:


Before you can migrate from nova auth, you must first prepare your deployment.

Step 1: Export your data from Nova

Use the following command to export your data from Nova to a dump_file:

$ nova-manage export auth > /path/to/dump

It is important to redirect the output to a file so it can be imported in the next step.

Step 2: Import your data to Keystone

Import your Nova auth data from a dump_file created with nova-manage:

$ keystone-manage import_nova_auth <dump_file>


Users are added to Keystone with the user ID from Nova as the user name. Nova's projects are imported with the project ID as the tenant name. The password used to authenticate a user in Keystone will be the API key (also EC2 access key) used in Nova. Users also lose any administrative privileges they had in Nova. The necessary admin role must be explicitly re-assigned to each user.


Users in Nova's auth system have a single set of EC2 credentials that works with all projects (tenants) that user can access. In Keystone, these credentials are scoped to a single user/tenant pair. In order to use the same secret keys from Nova, you must prefix each corresponding access key with the ID of the project used in Nova. For example, if you had access to the 'Beta' project in your Nova installation with the access/secret keys 'ACCESS'/'SECRET', you should use 'Beta:ACCESS'/'SECRET' in Keystone. These credentials are active once your migration is complete.

Initializing Keystone

keystone-manage is designed to execute commands that cannot be administered through the normal REST API. At the moment, the following calls are supported:

  • db_sync: Sync the database schema.
  • import_legacy: Import data from a legacy (pre-Essex) database.
  • export_legacy_catalog: Export service catalog from a legacy (pre-Essex) database.
  • import_nova_auth: Load auth data from a dump created with nova-manage.
  • pki_setup: Initialize the certificates for PKI based tokens.

Invoking keystone-manage by itself will give you additional usage information.

The private key used for token signing can only be read by its owner. This prevents unauthorized users from spuriously signing tokens. keystone-manage pki_setup Should be run as the same system user that will be running the Keystone service to ensure proper ownership for the private key file and the associated certificates.

Adding Users, Tenants, and Roles with python-keystoneclient

User, tenants, and roles must be administered using admin credentials. There are two ways to configure python-keystoneclient to use admin credentials, using the either an existing token or password credentials.

Authenticating with a Token


If your Keystone deployment is brand new, you will need to use this authentication method, along with your [DEFAULT] admin_token.

To use Keystone with a token, set the following flags:

  • --endpoint SERVICE_ENDPOINT: allows you to specify the Keystone endpoint to communicate with. The default endpoint is http://localhost:35357/v2.0
  • --token SERVICE_TOKEN: your service token

To administer a Keystone endpoint, your token should be either belong to a user with the admin role, or, if you haven't created one yet, should be equal to the value defined by [DEFAULT] admin_token in your keystone.conf.

You can also set these variables in your environment so that they do not need to be passed as arguments each time:

$ export SERVICE_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:35357/v2.0

Authenticating with a Password

To administer a Keystone endpoint, the following user referenced below should be granted the admin role.

  • --os_username OS_USERNAME: Name of your user
  • --os_password OS_PASSWORD: Password for your user
  • --os_tenant_name OS_TENANT_NAME: Name of your tenant
  • --os_auth_url OS_AUTH_URL: URL of your Keystone auth server, e.g. http://localhost:35357/v2.0

You can also set these variables in your environment so that they do not need to be passed as arguments each time:

$ export OS_USERNAME=my_username
$ export OS_PASSWORD=my_password
$ export OS_TENANT_NAME=my_tenant

Example usage

keystone is set up to expect commands in the general form of keystone command argument, followed by flag-like keyword arguments to provide additional (often optional) information. For example, the command user-list and tenant-create can be invoked as follows:

# Using token auth env variables
export SERVICE_TOKEN=secrete_token
keystone user-list
keystone tenant-create --name=demo

# Using token auth flags
keystone --token=secrete --endpoint= user-list
keystone --token=secrete --endpoint= tenant-create --name=demo

# Using user + password + tenant_name env variables
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=secrete
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
keystone user-list
keystone tenant-create --name=demo

# Using user + password + tenant_name flags
keystone --os_username=admin --os_password=secrete --os_tenant_name=admin user-list
keystone --os_username=admin --os_password=secrete --os_tenant_name=admin tenant-create --name=demo


Tenants are the high level grouping within Keystone that represent groups of users. A tenant is the grouping that owns virtual machines within Nova, or containers within Swift. A tenant can have zero or more users, Users can be associated with more than one tenant, and each tenant - user pairing can have a role associated with it.


keyword arguments

  • name
  • description (optional, defaults to None)
  • enabled (optional, defaults to True)


$ keystone tenant-create --name=demo

creates a tenant named "demo".



  • tenant_id


$ keystone tenant-delete f2b7b39c860840dfa47d9ee4adffa0b3



keyword arguments

  • name
  • pass
  • email
  • tenant_id (optional, defaults to None)
  • enabled (optional, defaults to True)


$ keystone user-create
--name=admin \
--pass=secrete \
--tenant_id=2395953419144b67955ac4bab96b8fd2 \


keyword arguments

  • user_id


$ keystone user-delete f2b7b39c860840dfa47d9ee4adffa0b3


list users in the system, optionally by a specific tenant (identified by tenant_id)


  • tenant_id (optional, defaults to None)


$ keystone user-list



  • user_id

keyword arguments

  • name Desired new user name (Optional)
  • email Desired new email address (Optional)
  • enabled <true|false> Enable or disable user (Optional)


$ keystone user-update 03c84b51574841ba9a0d8db7882ac645



  • user_id
  • password


$ keystone user-password-update --pass foo 03c84b51574841ba9a0d8db7882ac645




  • name


$ keystone role-create --name=demo



  • role_id


$ keystone role-delete 19d1d3344873464d819c45f521ff9890



$ keystone role-list



  • role_id


$ keystone role-get 19d1d3344873464d819c45f521ff9890


keyword arguments

  • user <user-id>
  • role <role-id>
  • tenant_id <tenant-id>


$ keystone user-role-add  \
  --user=96a6ebba0d4c441887aceaeced892585  \
  --role=f8dd5a2e4dc64a41b96add562d9a764e  \


keyword arguments

  • user <user-id>
  • role <role-id>
  • tenant_id <tenant-id>


$ keystone user-role-remove  \
  --user=96a6ebba0d4c441887aceaeced892585  \
  --role=f8dd5a2e4dc64a41b96add562d9a764e  \



keyword arguments

  • name
  • type
  • description


$ keystone service-create \
--name=nova \
--type=compute \
--description="Nova Compute Service"



  • service_id


$ keystone service-list



  • service_id


$ keystone service-get 08741d8ed88242ca88d1f61484a0fe3b



  • service_id


$ keystone service-delete 08741d8ed88242ca88d1f61484a0fe3b

Configuring the LDAP Identity Provider

As an alternative to the SQL Database backing store, Keystone can use a directory server to provide the Identity service. An example Schema for openstack would look like this:

dn: cn=openstack,cn=org
dc: openstack
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: openstack

dn: ou=Groups,cn=openstack,cn=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: groups

dn: ou=Users,cn=openstack,cn=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: users

dn: ou=Roles,cn=openstack,cn=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: roles

The corresponding entries in the Keystone configuration file are:

url = ldap://localhost
user = dc=Manager,dc=openstack,dc=org
password = badpassword
suffix = dc=openstack,dc=org
use_dumb_member = False
allow_subtree_delete = False

user_tree_dn = ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=com
user_objectclass = inetOrgPerson

tenant_tree_dn = ou=Groups,dc=openstack,dc=com
tenant_objectclass = groupOfNames

role_tree_dn = ou=Roles,dc=example,dc=com
role_objectclass = organizationalRole

The default object classes and attributes are intentionally simplistic. They reflect the common standard objects according to the LDAP RFCs. However, in a live deployment, the correct attributes can be overridden to support a preexisting, more complex schema. For example, in the user object, the objectClass posixAccount from RFC2307 is very common. If this is the underlying objectclass, then the uid field should probably be uidNumber and username field either uid or cn. To change these two fields, the corresponding entries in the Keystone configuration file are:

user_id_attribute = uidNumber
user_name_attribute = cn

There is a set of allowed actions per object type that you can modify depending on your specific deployment. For example, the users are managed by another tool and you have only read access, in such case the configuration is:

user_allow_create = False
user_allow_update = False
user_allow_delete = False

tenant_allow_create = True
tenant_allow_update = True
tenant_allow_delete = True

role_allow_create = True
role_allow_update = True
role_allow_delete = True

There are some configuration options for filtering users, tenants and roles, if the backend is providing too much output, in such case the configuration will look like:

user_filter = (memberof=CN=openstack-users,OU=workgroups,DC=openstack,DC=com)
tenant_filter =
role_filter =

In case that the directory server does not have an attribute enabled of type boolean for the user, there is several configuration parameters that can be used to extract the value from an integer attribute like in Active Directory:

user_enabled_attribute = userAccountControl
user_enabled_mask      = 2
user_enabled_default   = 512

In this case the attribute is an integer and the enabled attribute is listed in bit 1, so the if the mask configured user_enabled_mask is different from 0, it gets the value from the field user_enabled_attribute and it makes an ADD operation with the value indicated on user_enabled_mask and if the value matches the mask then the account is disabled.

It also saves the value without mask to the user identity in the attribute enabled_nomask. This is needed in order to set it back in case that we need to change it to enable/disable a user because it contains more information than the status like password expiration. Last setting user_enabled_mask is needed in order to create a default value on the integer attribute (512 = NORMAL ACCOUNT on AD)

In case of Active Directory the classes and attributes could not match the specified classes in the LDAP module so you can configure them like:

user_objectclass         = person
user_id_attribute        = cn
user_name_attribute      = cn
user_mail_attribute      = mail
user_enabled_attribute   = userAccountControl
user_enabled_mask        = 2
user_enabled_default     = 512
user_attribute_ignore    = tenant_id,tenants
tenant_objectclass       = groupOfNames
tenant_id_attribute      = cn
tenant_member_attribute  = member
tenant_name_attribute    = ou
tenant_desc_attribute    = description
tenant_enabled_attribute = extensionName
tenant_attribute_ignore  =
role_objectclass         = organizationalRole
role_id_attribute        = cn
role_name_attribute      = ou
role_member_attribute    = roleOccupant
role_attribute_ignore    =