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Welcome to Keystone, the OpenStack Identity Service!

Keystone is an OpenStack project that provides Identity, Token, Catalog and Policy services for use specifically by projects in the OpenStack family. It implements OpenStack's Identity API.

This document describes Keystone for contributors of the project, and assumes that you are already familiar with Keystone from an end-user perspective.

This documentation is generated by the Sphinx toolkit and lives in the source tree. Also see the community page for other ways to interact with the community.

In addition to creating OpenStack's Identity Service, the Keystone team also provides a WSGI middleware, as well as Python client library.

Getting Started

setup installing configuration configure_federation configuringservices extensions key_terms community

Man Pages

man/keystone-all man/keystone-manage

Developers Documentation

developing architecture middlewarearchitecture http-api api_curl_examples cli_examples apache-httpd external-auth event_notifications extension_development

Code Documentation


Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search