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What are services?

Keystone includes service registry and service catalog functionality which it uses to respond to client authentication requests with information useful to clients in locating the list of available services they can access.

The Service entity in Keystone represents an OpenStack service that is integrated with Keystone. The Service entity is also used as a reference from roles, endpoints, and endpoint templates.

Keystone also includes an authorization mechanism to allow a service to own its own roles and endpoints and prevent other services from changing or modifying them.

Who can create services?

Any user with the Admin or Service Admin roles in Keystone may create services.

How are services created?

Services can be created using keystone-manage or through the REST API using the OS-KSADM extension calls.

Using keystone-manage (see man/keystone-manage for details):

$ keystone-manage add service compute nova 'This is a sample compute service'

Using the REST API (see extensions dev guide for details):

$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{
            "OS-KSADM:service": {
                "name": "nova",
                "type": "compute",
                "description": "This is a sample compute service"
        }' -H "X-Auth-Token: 999888777666" http://localhost:35357/v2.0/OS-KSADM/services/

How is service ownership determined?

Currently, the way to assign ownership to a service is to provide the owner's user id in the keystone-manage add command:

$ keystone-manage add service nova compute 'This is a sample compute service' joeuser

This will assign ownership to the new service to joeuser.

When a service has an owner, then only that owner (or a global Admin) can create and manage roles that start with that service name (ex: "nova:admin") and manage endpoints and endpoint templates associated with that service.

Listing services

Using keystone-manage, the list of services and their owners can be listed:

$ keystone-manage service list

id  name    type     owner_id      description
1   compute nova     joeuser       This is a sample compute service

Using the REST API, call GET /v2.0/OS-KSADM/services