Enable keystone authentication for Barbican

By default Barbican has not enabled the Keystone authentication:

pipeline = cors unauthenticated-context apiapp

According to the Barbican install guide[1] this pipeline should be:

pipeline = cors authtoken context apiapp

[1]: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/barbican/setup/keystone.html

Change-Id: I941515a98772a72762b20507e100e7872f3b4ab8
Closes-bug: #1625337
This commit is contained in:
liyingjun 2016-10-09 14:57:29 +08:00
parent cd0336658f
commit 626967c1a4
3 changed files with 74 additions and 0 deletions

@ -26,6 +26,14 @@
- "{{ node_custom_config }}/barbican-api/{{ inventory_hostname }}/barbican-api.ini"
dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/barbican-api/vassals/barbican-api.ini"
- name: Copying over barbican-api-paste.ini
- "{{ role_path }}/templates/barbican-api-paste.ini.j2"
- "{{ node_custom_config }}/barbican-api/barbican-api-paste.ini"
- "{{ node_custom_config }}/barbican-api/{{ inventory_hostname }}/barbican-api-paste.ini"
dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/barbican-api/barbican-api-paste.ini"
- name: Copying over barbican.conf

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/: barbican_version
/v1: barbican-api-keystone
# Use this pipeline for Barbican API - versions no authentication
pipeline = cors versionapp
# Use this pipeline for Barbican API - DEFAULT no authentication
pipeline = cors unauthenticated-context apiapp
#Use this pipeline to activate a repoze.profile middleware and HTTP port,
# to provide profiling information for the REST API processing.
pipeline = cors unauthenticated-context egg:Paste#cgitb egg:Paste#httpexceptions profile apiapp
#Use this pipeline for keystone auth
pipeline = cors authtoken context apiapp
#Use this pipeline for keystone auth with audit feature
pipeline = authtoken context audit apiapp
paste.app_factory = barbican.api.app:create_main_app
paste.app_factory = barbican.api.app:create_version_app
paste.filter_factory = barbican.api.middleware.simple:SimpleFilter.factory
paste.filter_factory = barbican.api.middleware.context:UnauthenticatedContextMiddleware.factory
paste.filter_factory = barbican.api.middleware.context:ContextMiddleware.factory
paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.audit:filter_factory
audit_map_file = /etc/barbican/api_audit_map.conf
paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
use = egg:repoze.profile
log_filename = myapp.profile
cachegrind_filename = cachegrind.out.myapp
discard_first_request = true
path = /__profile__
flush_at_shutdown = true
unwind = false
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
oslo_config_project = barbican

@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
"dest": "/etc/barbican/vassals/barbican-api.ini",
"owner": "barbican",
"perm": "0600"
"source": "{{ container_config_directory }}/barbican-api-paste.ini",
"dest": "/etc/barbican/barbican-api-paste.ini",
"owner": "barbican",
"perm": "0600"