CI: Refactor VXLAN overlay setup

This makes it cleaner, allows reuse and outsourcing to zuul jobs
and enables us to create multiple of these overlay networks for
testing of more advanced scenarios.

Change-Id: Id557c81f68a7f34556854e7d6efc6eddfd2e7216
This commit is contained in:
Radosław Piliszek 2020-02-17 18:40:15 +01:00
parent 35c3f333e9
commit b356762b94
4 changed files with 137 additions and 109 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# Not all variables have sensible defaults, let's ensure these are set.
- name: Ensure mandatory variables are defined
- managed_interface_name is defined
- managed_network_prefix is defined
- managed_network_prefix_length is defined
- managed_network_address_family is defined
- name: Set managed interface facts
managed_interface_address: "{{ managed_network_prefix }}{{ groups['all'].index(inventory_hostname) + 1 }}"
- name: Add IPv4 address for managed network
become: true
managed_network_cidr: "{{ managed_interface_address }}/{{ managed_network_prefix_length }}"
# NOTE(yoctozepto): we have to compute and explicitly set the broadcast address,
# otherwise bifrost fails its pre-bootstrap sanity checks due to missing
# broadcast address as ansible picks up scope ('global') as the interface's
# broadcast address which fails checks logic
managed_network_broadcast_address: "{{ managed_network_cidr | ipaddr('broadcast') }}"
command: ip address add {{ managed_network_cidr }} broadcast {{ managed_network_broadcast_address }} dev {{ managed_interface_name }}
when: managed_network_address_family == 'ipv4'
# NOTE(yoctozepto): IPv6 has no broadcast address, let's not create confusion by setting it
- name: Add IPv6 address for managed network
become: true
command: ip address add {{ managed_interface_address }}/{{ managed_network_prefix_length }} dev {{ managed_interface_name }}
when: managed_network_address_family == 'ipv6'
- name: Accept traffic on the managed network (IN)
become: true
state: present
action: insert
chain: INPUT
ip_version: "{{ managed_network_address_family }}"
in_interface: "{{ managed_interface_name }}"
jump: ACCEPT
# NOTE(yoctozepto): the default policy is ACCEPT but it is nicer to get statistics
- name: Accept traffic on the managed network (OUT)
become: true
state: present
action: insert
chain: OUTPUT
ip_version: "{{ managed_network_address_family }}"
out_interface: "{{ managed_interface_name }}"
jump: ACCEPT
# NOTE(yoctozepto): IPv6 DAD may delay proper address assignment
# this task will wait until DAD is done and addresses are no longer tentative
# we assign addresses uniquely so DAD can only move it to preferred
# hence we only check whether it's no longer tentative
- name: Ensure IPv6 addresses on the managed interface are no longer tentative
become: true
command: ip -o address show tentative dev {{ managed_interface_name }}
register: tentative_addresses
until: tentative_addresses.stdout == ''
retries: 30
delay: 2
- managed_network_address_family == 'ipv6'
- name: Ping across the managed network
ping_command: "{{ 'ping' if managed_network_address_family == 'ipv4' else 'ping6' }}"
command: "{{ ping_command }} -c1 {{ hostvars[item].managed_interface_address }}"
with_inventory_hostnames: all

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# NOTE(yoctozepto): CI VXLAN overlay must use a different port than
# neutron-openvswitch-agent which defaults to 4789.
# Hence using port 4790 by default.
vxlan_dstport: 4790

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Not all variables have sensible defaults, let's ensure these are set.
- name: Ensure mandatory variables are defined
- vxlan_interface_name is defined
- vxlan_vni is defined
# We have had cases where the nodepool private IP address is not assigned,
# which causes hard to diagnose errors later on. Catch it early.
- name: Assert that the nodepool private IPv4 address is assigned
that: nodepool.private_ipv4 in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses
fail_msg: >-
The nodepool private IP address {{ nodepool.private_ipv4 }} is not assigned
- name: Set VXLAN interface facts
tunnel_local_address: "{{ nodepool.private_ipv4 }}"
- name: Create VXLAN interface
become: true
command: ip link add {{ vxlan_interface_name }} type vxlan id {{ vxlan_vni }} local {{ tunnel_local_address }} dstport {{ vxlan_dstport }}
- name: Set VXLAN interface MTU
become: true
# Find the parent interface
parent_interface: >-
{{ ansible_interfaces |
map('extract', ansible_facts) |
selectattr('ipv4.address', 'defined') |
selectattr('ipv4.address', 'equalto', tunnel_local_address) |
first }}
# Allow 50 bytes overhead for VXLAN headers.
mtu: "{{ parent_interface.mtu | int - 50 }}"
command: ip link set {{ vxlan_interface_name }} mtu {{ mtu }}
# emulate BUM by multiplicating traffic to unicast targets
- name: Add fdb entries for BUM traffic
become: true
dest_ip: "{{ hostvars[item].tunnel_local_address }}"
command: bridge fdb append 00:00:00:00:00:00 dev {{ vxlan_interface_name }} dst {{ dest_ip }}
with_inventory_hostnames: all
when: item != inventory_hostname
- name: Bring VXLAN interface up
become: true
command: ip link set {{ vxlan_interface_name }} up

View File

@ -6,20 +6,22 @@
- bindep
- multi-node-firewall
- role: multi-node-vxlan-overlay
vxlan_interface_name: "{{ api_interface_name }}"
vxlan_vni: 10001
- role: multi-node-managed-addressing
managed_interface_name: "{{ api_interface_name }}"
managed_network_prefix: "{{ api_network_prefix }}"
managed_network_prefix_length: "{{ api_network_prefix_length }}"
managed_network_address_family: "{{ address_family }}"
# TODO(mnasiadka): Remove once infra merges virtualenv fixes
- name: Upgrade virtualenv package
command: python3 -m pip install -U virtualenv
become: True
# We have had cases where the nodepool private IP address is not assigned,
# which causes hard to diagnose errors later on. Catch it early.
- name: Assert that the nodepool private IPv4 address is assigned
that: nodepool.private_ipv4 in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses
fail_msg: >-
The nodepool private IP address {{ nodepool.private_ipv4 }} is not assigned
- name: Install dbus for debian system
apt: name=dbus
@ -48,107 +50,6 @@
name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
become: true
# NOTE(yoctozepto): start VXLAN interface config
- name: Set VXLAN interface facts
api_interface_address: "{{ api_network_prefix }}{{ groups['all'].index(inventory_hostname) + 1 }}"
api_interface_tunnel_vni: 10001
tunnel_local_address: "{{ nodepool.private_ipv4 }}"
# NOTE(yoctozepto): CI VXLAN must use a different port than neutron-openvswitch-agent
# which defaults to 4789 (the default is used in CI)
# hence using port 4790
- name: Create VXLAN interface
become: true
command: ip link add {{ api_interface_name }} type vxlan id {{ api_interface_tunnel_vni }} local {{ tunnel_local_address }} dstport 4790
- name: Set VXLAN interface MTU
become: true
# Find the parent interface
parent_interface: >-
{{ ansible_interfaces |
map('extract', ansible_facts) |
selectattr('ipv4.address', 'defined') |
selectattr('ipv4.address', 'equalto', tunnel_local_address) |
first }}
# Allow 50 bytes overhead for VXLAN headers.
mtu: "{{ parent_interface.mtu | int - 50 }}"
command: ip link set {{ api_interface_name }} mtu {{ mtu }}
# emulate BUM by multiplicating traffic to unicast targets
- name: Add fdb entries for BUM traffic
become: true
dest_ip: "{{ hostvars[item].tunnel_local_address }}"
command: bridge fdb append 00:00:00:00:00:00 dev {{ api_interface_name }} dst {{ dest_ip }}
with_inventory_hostnames: all
when: item != inventory_hostname
- name: Add IPv4 address for VXLAN network
become: true
api_network_cidr: "{{ api_interface_address }}/{{ api_network_prefix_length }}"
# NOTE(yoctozepto): we have to compute and explicitly set the broadcast address,
# otherwise bifrost fails its pre-bootstrap sanity checks due to missing
# broadcast address as ansible picks up scope ('global') as the interface's
# broadcast address which fails checks logic
api_network_broadcast_address: "{{ api_network_cidr | ipaddr('broadcast') }}"
command: ip address add {{ api_network_cidr }} broadcast {{ api_network_broadcast_address }} dev {{ api_interface_name }}
when: address_family == 'ipv4'
# NOTE(yoctozepto): IPv6 has no broadcast address, let's not create confusion by setting it
- name: Add IPv6 address for VXLAN network
become: true
command: ip address add {{ api_interface_address }}/{{ api_network_prefix_length }} dev {{ api_interface_name }}
when: address_family == 'ipv6'
- name: Accept traffic on the VXLAN network (IN)
become: true
state: present
action: insert
chain: INPUT
ip_version: "{{ address_family }}"
in_interface: "{{ api_interface_name }}"
jump: ACCEPT
# NOTE(yoctozepto): the default policy is ACCEPT but it is nicer to get statistics
- name: Accept traffic on the VXLAN network (OUT)
become: true
state: present
action: insert
chain: OUTPUT
ip_version: "{{ address_family }}"
out_interface: "{{ api_interface_name }}"
jump: ACCEPT
- name: Bring VXLAN interface up
become: true
command: ip link set {{ api_interface_name }} up
# NOTE(yoctozepto): IPv6 DAD may delay proper address assignment
# this task will wait until DAD is done and addresses are no longer tentative
# we assign addresses uniquely so DAD can only move it to preferred
# hence we only check whether it's no longer tentative
- name: Ensure IPv6 addresses on VXLAN are no longer tentative
become: true
command: ip -o address show tentative dev {{ api_interface_name }}
register: tentative_addresses
until: tentative_addresses.stdout == ''
retries: 30
delay: 2
- address_family == 'ipv6'
- name: Ping across VXLAN
ping_command: "{{ 'ping' if address_family == 'ipv4' else 'ping6' }}"
command: "{{ ping_command }} -c1 {{ hostvars[item].api_interface_address }}"
with_inventory_hostnames: all
# NOTE(yoctozepto): CentOS 7 image uses myhostname plugin for NSS
# which creates issues with IPv6-only deployment by providing
# an IPv4 address for the current hostname (affects rabbitmq)