Zun has a new component "zun-cni-daemon" which should be deployed in every compute nodes. It is basically an implementation of CNI (Container Network Interface) that performs the neutron port binding. If users is using the capsule (pod) API, the recommended deployment option is using "cri" as capsule driver. This is basically to use a CRI runtime (i.e. CRI plugin for containerd) for supporting capsules (pods). A CRI runtime needs a CNI plugin which is what the "zun-cni-daemon" provides. The configuration is based on the Zun installation guide [1]. It consits of the following steps: * Configure the containerd daemon in the host. The "zun-compute" container will use grpc to communicate with this service. * Install the "zun-cni" binary at host. The containerd process will invoke this binary to call the CNI plugin. * Run a "zun-cni-daemon" container. The "zun-cni" binary will communicate with this container via HTTP. Relevant patches: Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zun/+spec/add-support-cri-runtime Install guide: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707948/ Devstack plugin: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705338/ Kolla image: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/708273/ [1] https://docs.openstack.org/zun/latest/install/index.html Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/721044/ Change-Id: I9c361a99b355af27907cf80f5c88d97191193495
131 lines
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131 lines
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set +o errexit
copy_logs() {
cp -rnL /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/* ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/
cp -rnL /etc/kolla/* ${LOG_DIR}/kolla_configs/
# Don't save the IPA images.
rm ${LOG_DIR}/kolla_configs/config/ironic/ironic-agent.{kernel,initramfs}
mkdir ${LOG_DIR}/system_configs/
cp -rL /etc/{hostname,hosts,host.conf,resolv.conf,nsswitch.conf,docker,systemd} ${LOG_DIR}/system_configs/
cp -rvnL /var/log/* ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/
if [[ -x "$(command -v journalctl)" ]]; then
journalctl --no-pager > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/syslog.txt
journalctl --no-pager -u docker.service > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker.log
journalctl --no-pager -u containerd.service > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/containerd.log
cp /var/log/upstart/docker.log ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker.log
cp -r /etc/sudoers.d ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/
cp /etc/sudoers ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/sudoers.txt
df -h > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/df.txt
free > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/free.txt
parted -l > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/parted-l.txt
mount > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/mount.txt
env > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/env.txt
(set -x
ip a
ip m
ip l
ip r
ip -6 r
ip neigh
ping -c 4 $(hostname)
ping6 -c 4 $(hostname)
ping6 -c 4 ${KOLLA_INTERNAL_VIP_ADDRESS}) &> ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ip.txt
(set -x
iptables -t raw -v -n -L
iptables -t mangle -v -n -L
iptables -t nat -v -n -L
iptables -t filter -v -n -L) &> ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/iptables.txt
(set -x
ip6tables -t raw -v -n -L
ip6tables -t mangle -v -n -L
ip6tables -t nat -v -n -L
ip6tables -t filter -v -n -L) &> ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ip6tables.txt
ss -nep > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ss.txt
ss -nep -l > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ss_l.txt
(set -x
getent ahostsv4 $(hostname)
getent ahostsv6 $(hostname)) &> ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/getent_ahostsvX.txt
sysctl -a &> ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/sysctl.txt
if [ `command -v dpkg` ]; then
dpkg -l > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/dpkg-l.txt
if [ `command -v rpm` ]; then
rpm -qa > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/rpm-qa.txt
# final memory usage and process list
ps -eo user,pid,ppid,lwp,%cpu,%mem,size,rss,cmd > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ps.txt
# docker related information
(docker info && docker images && docker ps -a && docker network ls && docker inspect $(docker ps -aq)) > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker-info.txt
# ceph-ansible related logs
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}/ceph
for container in $(docker ps --filter name=ceph-mon --format "{{.Names}}"); do
docker exec ${container} ceph --connect-timeout 5 -s > ${LOG_DIR}/ceph/ceph_s.txt
# NOTE(yoctozepto): osd df removed on purpose to avoid CI POST_FAILURE due to a possible hang:
# as of ceph mimic it hangs when MON is operational but MGR not
# its usefulness is mediocre and having POST_FAILUREs is bad
docker exec ${container} ceph --connect-timeout 5 osd tree > ${LOG_DIR}/ceph/ceph_osd_tree.txt
# bifrost related logs
if [[ $(docker ps --filter name=bifrost_deploy --format "{{.Names}}") ]]; then
for service in dnsmasq ironic-api ironic-conductor ironic-inspector mariadb nginx rabbitmq-server; do
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/$service
docker exec bifrost_deploy systemctl status $service > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/$service/systemd-status-$service.txt
docker exec bifrost_deploy journalctl -u mariadb > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/mariadb/mariadb.txt
docker exec bifrost_deploy journalctl -u rabbitmq-server > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/rabbitmq-server/rabbitmq.txt
# haproxy related logs
if [[ $(docker ps --filter name=haproxy --format "{{.Names}}") ]]; then
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/haproxy
docker exec haproxy bash -c 'echo show stat | socat stdio /var/lib/kolla/haproxy/haproxy.sock' > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/haproxy/stats.txt
# FIXME: remove
if [[ $(docker ps -a --filter name=ironic_inspector --format "{{.Names}}") ]]; then
mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/ironic-inspector
ls -lR /var/lib/docker/volumes/ironic_inspector_dhcp_hosts > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/ironic-inspector/var-lib-ls.txt
for container in $(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}"); do
docker logs --timestamps --tail all ${container} &> ${LOG_DIR}/docker_logs/${container}.txt
# Rename files to .txt; this is so that when displayed via
# logs.openstack.org clicking results in the browser shows the
# files, rather than trying to send it to another app or make you
# download it, etc.
# Rename all .log files to .txt files
for f in $(find ${LOG_DIR}/{system_logs,kolla,docker_logs} -name "*.log"); do
mv $f ${f/.log/.txt}
chmod -R 777 ${LOG_DIR}