
46 lines
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#jinja2: trim_blocks: False
{# Ansible restricts Jinja includes to the same directory or subdirectory of a
template. To support customised configuration outside of this path we use
the template lookup plugin. Jinja includes have a lower overhead, so we use
those where possible. #}
# Inputs
{%- for path in fluentd_input_files %}
# Included from {{ path }}:
{%- if path.startswith('/') %}
{{ lookup('template', path) }}
{%- else %}
{% include path %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
# Filters
{%- for path in fluentd_filter_files %}
# Included from {{ path }}:
{%- if path.startswith('/') %}
{{ lookup('template', path) }}
{%- else %}
{% include path %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
# Formats
{%- for path in fluentd_format_files %}
# Included from {{ path }}:
{%- if path.startswith('/') %}
{{ lookup('template', path) }}
{%- else %}
{% include path %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
# Outputs
{%- for path in fluentd_output_files %}
# Included from {{ path }}:
{%- if path.startswith('/') %}
{{ lookup('template', path) }}
{%- else %}
{% include path %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}