Change-Id: Id04fe7a8f30ed0dae292933662036f4775e394a2 Partially-Implements: blueprint enable-congress-container
42 lines
1.7 KiB
42 lines
1.7 KiB
- name: Creating congress database
command: docker exec -t kolla_toolbox /usr/bin/ansible localhost
-m mysql_db
-a "login_host='{{ database_address }}'
login_port='{{ database_port }}'
login_user='{{ database_user }}'
login_password='{{ database_password }}'
name='{{ congress_database_name }}'"
register: database
changed_when: "{{ database.stdout.find('localhost | SUCCESS => ') != -1 and
(database.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed }}"
failed_when: database.stdout.split()[2] != 'SUCCESS'
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['congress-api'][0] }}"
- name: Reading json from variable
database_created: "{{ (database.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed }}"
- name: Creating congress database user and setting permissions
command: docker exec -t kolla_toolbox /usr/bin/ansible localhost
-m mysql_user
-a "login_host='{{ database_address }}'
login_port='{{ database_port }}'
login_user='{{ database_user }}'
login_password='{{ database_password }}'
name='{{ congress_database_name }}'
password='{{ congress_database_password }}'
priv='{{ congress_database_name }}.*:ALL'
register: database_user_create
changed_when: "{{ database_user_create.stdout.find('localhost | SUCCESS => ') != -1 and
(database_user_create.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed }}"
failed_when: database_user_create.stdout.split()[2] != 'SUCCESS'
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['congress-api'][0] }}"
- include: bootstrap_service.yml
when: database_created