linpeiwen 5659177026 keystone roles container name variable
keystone and keystone_fernet container name variable is fixed
in some places, but in the defaults directory, keystone
and keystone_fernet container_name variable is variable.
If the keystone and keystone_fernet container_name variable is
changed during deployment, it will not be assigned to keystone
and keystone_fernet, but a fixed 'keystone' and 'keystone_fernet' name.

Change-Id: Ifc8ac69e6abc4586f0e4fd820b9022aea9f76396
2020-03-26 23:38:34 -04:00

20 lines
622 B

- name: Waiting for Keystone SSH port to be UP
host: "{{ api_interface_address }}"
port: "{{ keystone_ssh_port }}"
connect_timeout: 1
register: check_keystone_ssh_port
until: check_keystone_ssh_port is success
retries: 10
delay: 5
- name: Run key distribution
become: true
command: docker exec -t "{{ keystone_services['keystone-fernet']['container_name'] }}" /usr/bin/
run_once: True
delegate_to: >-
{% if groups['keystone_fernet_running'] is defined -%}
{{ groups['keystone_fernet_running'][0] }}
{%- else -%}{{ groups['keystone'][0] }}{%- endif %}