Swapnil Kulkarni dd2e2ad8e2 Make variables in OVS container configurable
Change-Id: I8d216ca20c97428e3b27d48d0a5249282dcb8c18
Closes-Bug: #1468509
2015-07-27 07:47:39 +00:00

220 lines
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Executable File

# Integrating with Kolla
This guide describes how to integrate with Kolla. The main integration path is
via docker-compose using docker-compose YML files. Each container set has
a common YML and associated `openstack.env`. The `openstack.env` file
describes the command line environment to pass to the docker-compose yml files.
## Why integrate with Kolla?
Integrating with Kolla takes a hard part of managing an OpenStack system,
specifically managing the container images, and places the burden on a third
party project. We strive to do an excellent job of providing world-class
OpenStack containers at least as a reference architecture, and possibly as what
may be desirable to deploy into live production.
## Docker Command Line Arguments
Every container set YML file includes the necessary docker CLI operations
needed to launch the container in a tidy YML file. Instead of guessing which
set of command line operations are needed per container, the docker-compose
YML file can be used directly and will pass the appropriate command line
values to the container on container start.
The parameterized docker features used by kolla are:
* --pid=host
* --net=host
* -v host:container
* --privileged
These parameterized features are not exposed to the user. Instead they are
executed via docker-compose.
## Environment Variables
Rather then document which individual containers require specific configuration
variables, Kolla integration requires passing all configuration variables to
all containers. This allows a simple method of ensuring every type of node
(controller, storage, compute) receives the same configuration.
### Environment Variable KEY/VALUE pairs
DEBUG_LOGGING=<true|false> - Defaults to false. Enable/disable debug level logging for all OpenStack services.
VERBOSE_LOGGING=<true|false> - Defaults to true. Enable/disable verbose level logging for all OpenStack services.
NOVA_LOG_DIR=<none> - Defaults to none. The base directory used for relative Nova --log-file paths.
NEUTRON_LOG_DIR<none> - Defaults to none. The base directory used for relative Neutron --log-file paths.
NOVA_API_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Nova API log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NOVA_CONDUCTOR_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Nova Conductor log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NOVA_SCHEDULER_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Nova Scheduler log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NOVA_COMPUTE_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Nova Compute log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NEUTRON_SERVER_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Neutron Server log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NEUTRON_L3_AGENT_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Neutron L3 Agent log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NEUTRON_LINUXBRIDGE_AGENT_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Neutron Linux Bridge Agent log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NEUTRON_METADATA_AGENT_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Neutron Metadata Agent log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD=<steakfordinner> - The admin user password
ADMIN_TENANT_NAME=<admin> - tenant name
FLAT_INTERFACE=<eth1> - nova networking flat interface device name
DB_CLUSTER_BIND_ADDRESS=<subnet address/IP> - Defaults to Listening address for database.
DB_CLUSTER_INIT_DB=<true|false> - Defaults to false. Configures if Galera should be initialized.
DB_CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster-name>. Defaults to kollacluster. Galera cluster name.
DB_CLUSTER_NODES=<cluster-nodes>. Defaults to none. List of nodes in Galera cluster, separated by comma(IP address or hostname).
DB_CLUSTER_WSREP_METHOD=<rsync|mysqldump|xtremebackup|xtremebackup-v2> - Defaults to mysqldump. Galera replication method.
GLANCE_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - address where glance API is running>
GLANCE_DB_NAME=<glance> - DB name of glance service
GLANCE_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - <Glance DB password>
GLANCE_DB_USER=<glance> - User name of glance in the database
GLANCE_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<password> - Keystone DB password
GLANCE_KEYSTONE_USER=<keystone> - Glance Keystone User
GLANCE_REGISTRY_SERVICE_HOST=<glance IP> Glance registry service host
GNOCCHI_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password> - admin password for gnocchi user
GNOCCHI_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - address where gnocchi API is running
GNOCCHI_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<gnocchi> - Gnocchi keystone password
GNOCCHI_KEYSTONE_USER=<gnocchi> - Gnocchi Keystone User
GNOCCHI_SERVICE_PORT=<8041> - Port where gnocchi operates
GNOCCHI_STORAGE_BACKEND=<file> - Storage backend for gnocchi
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - IP Address of Keystone Host
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_SERVICE_PORT=<35357> - Port where Keystone admin endpoint operates.
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_TOKEN=<keystone-secret> - A token used to access Keystone
KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL=<http> - The keystone authentication protocol
KEYSTONE_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - The password used to access Keystone in the DB
KEYSTONE_PUBLIC_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP address where Keystone is running
KEYSTONE_PUBLIC_SERVICE_PORT=<5000> - Port which keystone uses for public service.
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<mariadb root password> - defines the MariaDB root password
MARIADB_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where Mariadb is running
MARIADB_MAX_CONNECTIONS=<151> - The maximum number of connections to the MariaDB server
NETWORK_MANAGER=<nova|neutron> - Use Nova or Neutron networking
NOVA_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Nova API Service is hosted
METADATA_HOST=<IP> - The IP address of the Nova Metadata service
ENABLED_APIS=<ec2,osapi_compute,metadata> - Enabled Nova API services.
NOVA_DB_NAME=<nova> - The name of the nova entry in the database
NOVA_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - The password used to access nova
NOVA_DB_USER=<nova> - The name of the nova DB password
NOVA_EC2_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Nova EC2 API is hosted
arn't these two the same?
NOVA_EC2_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> _ The IP Address where the Nova EC2 service is hosted
NOVA_VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=<IP> The IP address for the VNC Proxy Client to use
NOVA_VNCSERVER_LISTEN_ADDRESS=<IP> The IP address for the VNC Server to use
NOVA_NOVNC_PROXY_PORT=<6080> The TCP port used by Nova NoVNC
NOVA_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<password> - The Nova keystone password
NOVA_KEYSTONE_USER=<nova> - The Nova keystone username
NEUTRON_DB_NAME=<neutron> - The name of the Neutron database
NEUTRON_DB_USER=<neutron> - The name used by Neutron to access the Neutron database
NEUTRON_DB_PASSWORD=<password> The password used by Neutron to access the Neutron database
NEUTRON_KEYSTONE_USER=<neutron> - The name used by Neutron to communicate with Keystone
NEUTRON_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<neutron> - The password used by Neutron to communicate with Keystone
NEUTRON_SERVER_SERVICE_HOST=<$HOST_IP> - The IP address/hostname used to commuicate with the Neutron API
NEUTRON_SHARED_SECRET=<sharedsecret> - The shared secret used between Neutron/Nova to secure metadata communication
NEUTRON_API_PASTE_CONFIG=</usr/share/neutron/api-paste.ini> - Location of Neutron's API paste config file
NEUTRON_VLAN_NETWORK_NAME=<physnet1> - List of physical_network names with which vlan networks can be created
NEUTRON_NETWORK_VLAN_RANGES=<1:1> - Colon seperated range of addresses
TYPE_DRIVERS=<flat,vxlan> - List of network type driver entrypoints to be loaded
TENANT_NETWORK_TYPES=<flat,vxlan> - List of network_types to allocate as tenant networks
MECHANISM_DRIVERS=<linuxbridge,l2population> - List of networking mechanism driver entrypoints to be loaded
NEUTRON_FLAT_NETWORK_NAME=<physnet1> - List of physical_network names with which flat networks can be created
NEUTRON_FLAT_NETWORK_INTERFACE=<eth1> - List of physical interface names that connect to physical_networks
HEAT_DB_NAME=<heat> - The heat DB name
HEAT_DB_PASSWORD=<kolla> - The heat db password
HEAT_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<heat> - The keystone password for the heat user
HEAT_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Heat API service is hosted
HEAT_API_CFN_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where Heat users will contact the heat-engine in search for meta data
HEAT_API_CFN_URL_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where Heat virtual machines will contact the heat-engine to signal wait conditions
HEAT_DOMAIN_PASS=<password> - The Heat domain password
INIT_CINDER_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Cinder db
INIT_DESIGNATE_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Designate db
INIT_GLANCE_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Glance db
INIT_HEAT_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Heat db
INIT_KEYSTONE_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Keystone db
INIT_NOVA_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Nova db
PUBLIC_INTERFACE=<eth1> - The nova public interface
PUBLIC_IP=<Host IP Address> - The IP Address of this host
RABBITMQ_PASS=<rabbit> - The rabbitmq password used to join AMQP
RABBITMQ_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Rabbit service is running
RABBITMQ_USER=<rabbit> - The RabbitMQ user name
RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_NODES=<rabbit-nodes> - Default to none. RabbitMQ cluster nodes list in format 'hostname1@IP1 hostname2@IP2' (without quotes)
RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_COOKIE=<rabbit-cookie> - Default to none. RabbitMQ cookie content. Alphabetical value here
RABBIT_PASSWORD=<password> - The RabbitMQ password
RABBIT_USERID=<rabbit> - The RabbitMQ user id on the host
MAGNUM_DB_NAME=<magnum> - The Magnum database name
MAGNUM_DB_USER=<magnum> - The Magnum database username
MAGNUM_DB_PASSWORD=<kolla> - The Magnum database password
MAGNUM_KEYSTONE_USER=<magnum> - The Magnum keystone username
MAGNUM_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<magnum> - The Magnum keystone password
MAGNUM_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The Magnum Host IP address
MAGNUM_API_SERVICE_PORT=<9511> - The Magnum port
DESIGNATE_DB_NAME=<designate> - The Designate database name
DESIGNATE_DB_PASSWORD=<designatedns> - The Designate database password
DESIGNATE_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<designate> - The keystone password for the designate user
DESIGNATE_BIND9_RNDC_KEY=<KEY> - The rndc/bind key to use for communication between pool_manager and bind9
DESIGNATE_MASTERNS=<IP> - The IP Address of the master (primary) DNS server (the backend)
DESIGNATE_BACKEND=<bind9> - The backend to use in Designate, currently only bind9 is supported
DESIGNATE_SLAVENS=<IP> - The IP Address of a slave nameserver under control of pool_manager
DESIGNATE_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address of the Designate API
DESIGNATE_API_SERVICE_PORT=<9001> - The port of the Designate API
DESIGNATE_MDNS_PORT=<5354> - The port of the Designate MiniDNS server acting as master server
DESIGNATE_DNS_PORT=<53> - The port of the Designate-backed DNS slaves that are used by the world
DESIGNATE_ALLOW_RECURSION=<true|false> - Configure a recursive nameserver
DESIGNATE_DEFAULT_POOL_NS_RECORD=<ns1.example.org.> - Name of server used to generate NS records
DESIGNATE_SINK_NOVA_DOMAIN_NAME=<nova.example.org.> - Name of domain used to create records from Nova notifications
DESIGNATE_SINK_NEUTRON_DOMAIN_NAME=<neutron.example.org.> - Name of domain used to create records from Neutron notifications
DESIGNATE_SINK_NOVA_FORMATS=<("%(octet0)s-%(octet1)s-%(octet2)s-%(octet3)s.%(domain)s" "%(hostname)s.%(domain)s")> - List of formats for records that will be created by Nova handler
DESIGNATE_SINK_NEUTRON_FORMATS=<("%(octet0)s-%(octet1)s-%(octet2)s-%(octet3)s.%(domain)s" "%(hostname)s.%(domain)s")> - List of formats for records that will be created by Neutron handler
CINDER_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Cinder service is running
CINDER_API_SERVICE_PORT=<8776> - Port where Cinder operates
CINDER_API_SERVICE_LISTEN=<IP> - The IP Address where the Cinder API listens
CINDER_KEYSTONE_USER=<cinder> - Cinder Keystone User
CINDER_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<password> - The Cinder Keystone password
CINDER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password> - The Cinder password
CINDER_DB_NAME=<cinder> - Cinder's DB name
CINDER_DB_USER=<cinder> - User name of Cinder in the database
CINDER_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - Cinder DB password
CINDER_BACKUP_DRIVER=<driver> - The backup driver for Cinder
CINDER_BACKUP_MANAGER=<manager> - The backup manager for Cinder
CINDER_BACKUP_API_CLASS=<api> - The cinder-backup api class
CINDER_BACKUP_NAME_TEMPLATE=<template> - The naming template for Cinder backups
ISCSI_HELPER=<lioadm> - The ISCSI user tool to use
ISCSI_IP_ADDRESS=<IP> - The IP Address to connect to ISCSI
CINDER_LVM_LO_VOLUME_SIZE=<size> - The size of the volume group (4G)
CINDER_VOLUME_GROUP=<cinder-volumes> - The name of the volume group
CINDER_VOLUME_BACKEND_NAME=<LVM_iSCSI57> - The backend name for a given driver implementation
CINDER_VOLUME_DRIVER=<cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMISCSIDriver> - The driver used for volume creation
CINDER_ENABLED_BACKEND=<lvm57> - A list of backend names to use
INIT_CINDER_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the cinder db
KEEPALIVED_HOST_PRIORITIES=<host1:100,host2:99> - Map of priorities per node. Priorities have to be unique.
CINDER_API_VERSION=<2> - The API version for Cinder
CEILOMETER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password> - The Ceilometer password
CEILOMETER_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where Ceilometer listens
CEILOMETER_DB_NAME=<ceilometer> - Ceilometer DB name
CEILOMETER_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - Ceilometer DB password
CEILOMETER_DB_USER=<ceilometer> - Ceilometer DB User
CEILOMETER_KEYSTONE_USER=<ceilometer> - Ceilometer Keystone user
OVS_DB_FILE=<file-path> - OVS DB file path
OVS_LOG_FILE=<file-path> - OVS Log file path
OVS_UNIXSOCK=<file-path> - OVS UNIX SOCK file location
[Minimum environment variable setup guide.](https://github.com/stackforge/kolla/blob/master/docs/minimal-environment-vars.md)
## Launching a container set
Pick out a simple container set and launch it as follows:
$ docker-compose -f compose/rabbitmq.yml up -d
The third party deployment engine should launch the appropriate containers for
the appropriate nodes. Note the `rabbitmq.yml` used in the example above
expects an `openstack.env` file present in the current working directory. This
file will be passed as environment data to the container and configure the
container appropriately.
# Conclusion
Integrating with Kolla is as sample as creating an `openstack.env` file, having
a deployment tool write the `openstack.env` file and .yml files to the nodes are
targeted for deployment, and running docker-compose as described in the above