We were requiring docker 1.7 for a few reasons at one point. Those reasons are no longer valid and this change reflects that. Additionally, this adds some clarifications on the issues with Ubuntu and AUFS. Change-Id: I56ca1b08f0abecb6f7644bf63ca939f588ed3ee2
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Developer Environment
If you are developing Kolla on an existing OpenStack cloud that supports Heat, then follow the Heat template README. Otherwise, follow the instructions below to manually create your Kolla development environment.
Installing Dependencies
NB: Kolla will not run on Fedora 22 or later. Fedora 22 compresses kernel modules with the .xz compressed format. The guestfs system cannot read these images because a dependent package supermin in CentOS needs to be updated to add .xz compressed format support.
In order to run Kolla, it is mandatory to run a version of docker-compose
that includes pid: host support. Support was added in version 1.3.0 and is
specified in the requirements.txt. To install this and other potential future
git clone http://github.com/stackforge/kolla
cd kolla
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
In order to run Kolla, it is mandatory to run a version of docker
that is
1.6.0 or later. Docker 1.5.0 has a defect in --pid=host
support where the
libvirt container cannot be stopped and crashes nova-compute on start.
For most systems you can install the latest stable version of Docker with the following command: curl -sSL https://get.docker.io | bash
For Ubuntu based systems, do not use AUFS when starting Docker daemon unless you are running the Utopic (3.19) kernel. AUFS requires CONFIG_AUFS_XATTR=y set when building the kernel. On Ubuntu, versions prior to 3.19 did not set that flag. If you are unable to upgrade your kernel, you should use a different storage backend such as btrfs.
Next, install the OpenStack python clients if they are not installed:
sudo pip install -U python-openstackclient
Finally stop libvirt on the host machine. Only one copy of libvirt may be running at a time.
service libvirtd stop
The basic starting environment will be created using docker-compose
This environment will start up the OpenStack services listed in the
compose directory.
Starting Kolla
To start, setup your environment variables.
$ cd kolla
$ ./tools/genenv
The genenv
script will create a compose/openstack.env file
and an openrc file in your current directory. The openstack.env
file contains all of your initialized environment variables, which
you can edit for a different setup.
A mandatory step is customizing the FLAT_INTERFACE network interface
environment variable. The variable defaults to eth1. In some cases, the
second interface in a system may not be eth1, but a unique name. For
example with an Intel driver, the interface is enp1s0. The interface name
can be determined by executing the ifconfig tool. The second interface must
be a real interface, not a virtual interface. Make certain to store the
interface name in compose/openstack.env
Next, run the start command:
$ sudo ./tools/kolla-compose start
Finally, run the status command:
$ sudo ./tools/kolla-compose status
This will display information about all Kolla containers.
Debugging Kolla
All Docker commands should be run from the directory of the Docker binary,
by default this is /
The start
command to Kolla is responsible for starting the containers
using docker-compose -f <service-container> up -d
If you want to start a container set by hand use this template:
$ docker-compose -f glance-api-registry.yml up -d
You can determine a container's status by executing:
$ sudo ./docker ps -a
If any of the containers exited you can check the logs by executing:
$ sudo ./docker logs <container-id>
$ docker-compose logs <container-id>
If you want to start a individual service like glance-api
manually, use
this template. This is a good method to test and troubleshoot an individual
container. Note some containers require special options. Reference the
compose yml specification for more details:
$ sudo ./docker run --name glance-api -d \
--net=host \
--env-file=compose/openstack.env \